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Re-ordering C++ template functions -

I have a fixed template function in C ++, which, on a given condition, a template function in another class Makes a call. The problem is that to apply the second class, the full definition of first class is required because it creates a second class and stores it and manages it in the same fashion. The problem is that naturally, they fall as a class, and thus there is some tight interop, except that I want two classes for threading reasons. One kind, master for all threads, one child per thread, system. Any advice on how this can be implemented? Comment @ Comment: I have a problem which is slightly like this: class master {public: hair * createChild () {new child return); } Template & lt; Typename T & gt; T * Receive support (return); }}; Class child {Master * Master; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; T * GetSomething (int arg) {if (Rg) returns master-> GetSomething & lt; T & gt; (Arg); And return of return; }}; This is not a clear real implemen...

php - Radio button how to? -

What I want to do is that when you vote Y or N (two different radio buttons) and then " Vote "column (in database) = Y or N (which you have picked), if nothing else the error resonates. I know how to do this half way, I have never worked with the radio boots before, so I need you Yes: ; Input type = "radio" value = "y" id = "vote" name = "vote" & gt; & Lt; / Input & gt; & Lt; Br> No: & lt; Input type = "radio" value = "n" id = "vote n" name = "vote" & gt; & Lt; / Input & gt; I gave value N and Y, not identical ID, but same name I think it has the right, but what should I do with the PHP part of what I want to do? I mean I'll call for "vote"? ($ _GET ["vote"]) I do not think so. Here's where IM stuck Based on whether or not you use the GET or Post method almost again, you have to change the variable name properly. ...

php - Turn all titles in wordpress powered site into "Capitalized" case -

So I have a question or some tip on how to convert all the titles into the Capital Case on the WordPress-powered website. / P> I have something like this now: AAAAA BBBBB CCCCC I want it to be like this: Aaaaa BBbbb Ccccc I tried googling and searching here, but those tasks are unsuccessful so that any help is greatly appreciated! Update: I need to update the header inside the database. just to be clear. :) There is no function in MySQL for this, but you can create one like this: drop function, if appropriate; Set global log_bin_trust_function_creators = TRUE; DELIMITER | Make the function proper (SR VARCHAR (128)) Return VARCHAR (128) Deparral CRR (1); DECLARE's VARCHAR (128); DECLARE I INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE BOOL INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE punct CHAR (17) DEFAULT '() [] {},.-_! @ :: / '; SET s = LCASE (str); When I & lt; LENGTH (ARR) start from the beginning = substring (S, I, 1); If substitution (c, wing) & gt; 0 then set boole = 1; LEEEEE...

How to give alternating table rows different background colors using PHP -

I have a table of data that is dynamically generated on the content stored in a mysql database. How does this look like my code: & lt; Table range = "1" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Name & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Details & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Url & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ query = mysql_query ("Select * categories"); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ query)) {$ catName = $ line ['name']; $ CatDes = $ line ['description']; $ CatUrl = $ line ['url']; Echo "& lt; tr class = '' & gt;"; Echo "& lt; td> $ catName ;"; Echo "& lt; td> $ catDes & lt; / td & gt;"; Echo "& lt; td> $ catUrl & lt; / td & gt;"; Echo "& lt; / tr & gt;"; }? & Gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; If the table was stationary, now I will gi...

serial port does not exist in current context: c# -

यहां कोड है: सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; System.ComponentModel का उपयोग कर; System.Data का उपयोग कर; System.Drawing का उपयोग कर; System.Linq का उपयोग कर; System.Text का उपयोग कर; System.Windows.Forms का उपयोग कर; System.Threading का उपयोग कर; नामस्थान WindowsFormsApplication1 {सार्वजनिक आंशिक श्रेणी के फॉर्म 1: फ़ॉर्म {सार्वजनिक फॉर्म 1 () {InitializeComponent (); } सार्वजनिक वर्ग थ्रेडवर्क {निजी स्थिर Serialport serialPort1; सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य DoWork () {serialPort1.Open (); serialPort1.Write ( "एटी + CMGF = 1 \ r \ n"); //Thread.Sleep(500); serialPort1.Write ( "एटी + CNMI = 2,2 \ r \ n"); //Thread.Sleep(500); serialPort1.Write ( "एटी + CSCA = \" + +४७९०००२१०० \ "\ r \ n"); //Thread.Sleep(500); SerialPort1.डेटा पुनर्प्राप्त + = सीरियल पोर्ट 1_DataReceived_1; }} निजी शून्य फॉर्म 1_लोड (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, इवेंटएरग्स ई) {थ्रेडस्टार्ट मायट्रेड डिलीगेट = नया थ्रेडस्टार्ट (थ्रेडवर्क। डूवर्क); धागा myThread = नया...

iphone - NSNotification center may not respond to -object? -

I am trying to make an easy use of the NS Annotation Center within my iPhone application, but I think there is something in it This case is wrong. I was under the impression that it is possible to retrieve an object with a special message, or at least one reference to the object, but I get a warning using the following example code, "NSNotification center-object can not be answered" - (zero) addNewBookmark: (NSNotificationCenter *) Notification {Bookmark * newBookMark = (Bookmark *) [Notification Object]; // Some items with the bookmark object} In fact, when I compile and run the code, basically nothing that I try to do with the contents of the object is actually - (IBAction) save: sending message with sender {// related object [[NSNetification Centers Defender Center] PostNotificationName: @ "addNewBookmark" object: bookmark]; } And the bookmark object is a dictionary, I tried to use the "user input" logic and passed the bookmark object ...

c# - Right click to select a row in a Datagridview and show a menu to delete it -

I have some columns in the DataGridView, and there are data in my rows. I see some solutions here, but I do not combine them can! One way to right-click on one line, it will select the entire row and show a menu with the option to delete the row when this option will be deleted. I made some efforts, but no one is working and it looks dirty. What should I do? I finally solved it: P> Using the code given below helped me to do this work. this.MyDataGridView.MouseDown + = New System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler (This. MyDataGridView_MouseDown); This.DeleteRow.Click + = New System.EventHandler (this.DeleteRow_Click); Here's a cool part Private Zero MyDataGridView_MouseDown (Object Sender, MouseEventArgs e) {if (e.button == MouseButtons.Right) {var Hti = MyDataGridViewTest (eX, eY); MyDataGridView.ClearSelection (); MyDataGridView.Rows [hti.RowIndex]. Selected = true; }} Private Zero DeleteRow_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Int32 rowTo...