
Showing posts from July, 2010

IIS6 configuration for WCF/Silverlight -

I am trying to simplify Sinnar to run a WCF service to return active directory information to a user. () Silverlight 4 & amp; .net 4 However, while trying to install it in IIS, I am being driven mad. Currently I have the solution to work in VS, but when I try to run the service in ISS, a debug window tries to open the window ... (and I can not get rid of it, about the WCF call Is complaining). & lt; Original HttpBinding & gt; & Lt; Binding name = "winAuthBasicHttpBinding" & gt; & Lt; Safety Mode = "Transport Credential Only" & gt; & Lt; Transportation Customer Credential Type = "NTLM" /> & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / BasicHttpBinding & gt; My next step is to install Server2008 on a test machine and try IIS7 ... because all the different walkthroughs have got me working and not working in IIS6. Image: All of this worked fine with my 2008 server, When I set up ano...

html - site looks completely different on IE, Firefox, and Chrome; why? -

I am css for a website, I send HTML and CSS to a person, he puts it in is. The problem is that the transfer was not good for my code and it requires some fixing. The problem is that when I see it in Chrome or Firefox or IE8, I get three different readings. I'm trying to fix a drop-down menu to spend a good time that should be hovering over a link. A person working with ASP.Net worked in IE, worked in a little Firefox, and was completely broken in Chrome (I have not tested Safari or opera.) Just to see it in Firefox And the Chrome was the same struggle. The HTML source is showing me two completely different pages. Do anyone have experience with this? I do not know anything from ASP.Net, and it seems as if a man is modifying his layout with a YSIVIG (I think the tables used in random places, which I did not put there). To cope, what is my best choice? Is it okay, or am I on my head? Many times WYSIWYG does not generate program code resulted in reliable, consistent ...

python - How to print string in this way -

For each string, I need to print every 6 letters. For example: example_string = "This is an example string okay ????" Myfunction (example_string) "This is I # an A # xample # strin # g. OK # ????" What is the most effective way to do this? (0, lane (example_string), 6)] ([example_string [a: a + 6]) / Pre> It runs very fast, too. On my machine, five microsounds per 100-character string: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import time and gt; & Gt; & Gt; Join ([A: A + 6] for Timat Timer ("'#'. (0, Lane, 6)])," s = 'x' * 100 "() 4.9556539058685303

javascript - jQuery-ajax call: async property is not working? -

Some conditions are given, I have to be forced to put page settings (JavaScript-value) in session and it Should be corrected before leaving the page (I can not use cookies, because "Page settings" can be quite large and local storage is not yet an option;)) So in this way I tried to do it though, it seems that when I call the page directly, the "asynchronous" call is done, even though the async-attribute (I do not get the settings of the previous call, But before that the situation is not obtained): $ jq (document) .ready (function () {$ jq (window). Unload (main .__ setSessionValues);}); Var main = {page settings: {}, __setSessionValues: function __setSessionValues ​​() {$ jQ.ajax ({type: "POST", async: false, url: "", data : {Page settings: Object.toJSON (Main.pageSettings)}}); }}; Do anyone know what the problem might be? Preloaded ", ...) instead of you can try to unload , drag things as soon ...

c++ - Difference between Enum and Define Statements -

What is the difference between a defined statement in C / C ++ and an enum statement (and any differences when using it Either C or C ++)? For example, when using enum {BUFFER = 1234}; more define # buffer 1234 enum defines a syntax element. , sees first compiler code, and therefore does not have a language element of C. Generally, these are preferred because they are type-safe and more easily searchable. To define, it is hard work and can be complicated behavior, for example a piece of code can redefine any other code by #define . It can be difficult to track.

iphone - "stringWithContentsOfURL" returns empty data -

I am working with web services these days, and with all the XML files that I am parsing is OK , But why does the last one famous method "stringWithContentsOfURL" give empty data? Most likely your URL references a non-existent file, or the contents of the file Can not be encoded as NSSTING.

ruby on rails - Let a question always :include its author, how? -

क्लास प्रश्न & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस is_to: लेखक अंत वर्ग लेखक & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस has_many: questions end जब मुझे कुछ प्रश्न मिलते हैं, तो मुझे आमतौर पर एक ही समय में उनके लेखकों को प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता होती है, इसलिए मैं इसका उपयोग करता हूं: प्रश्न। निकालें (: सभी,: शामिल = & gt;: लेखकों) लेकिन मैं "सभी शामिल हैं" हिस्सा नहीं लिखता। मुझे आशा है कि मैं "शामिल" को केवल एक बार कहीं परिभाषित कर सकता हूं, और जब मुझे प्रश्न मिल जाए, तो लेखक स्वत: लोड हो जाएगा। क्या ऐसा करने का कोई तरीका है? आप default_scope का उपयोग कर सकते हैं विवरण के लिए यहां देखें:

android - EditText items in a scrolling list lose their changes when scrolled off the screen -

I have a long scrolling list of editable text items created by a SimpleCursorAdapter and is ready with values ​​from the SQLite database. I make it in this form: cursor = db.rawQuery ("SELECT _id, benchmark, localvate, globalware FRM" + dbTableName + "Criteria by order ", Blank); StartManagingCursor (cursor); MAdapter = New SimpleCursorAdapter (this, R. layout.video_edit_itmat_itm, cursor, new string [] {"criterion", "localweeter", "global weight"}, new entry [, ,}); This.setListAdapter (mAdapter); Scrolling list Many emulators are screen tall, the items display exactly - scrolling through them shows that everyone has the right value from the database. I can make editing changes in any editing technique and accept new text and display it in the box. / P> But ... if I scroll through the list enough to move edited items from the screen, when I scroll back to...

How to check for server side update in iPhone application Web service request -

I have a listing app for the iPhone app, which always calls a web service on my php server and returns data And it displays on the iPhone screen. Now, the thing to consider in this scenario is that my iPhone app is requesting on the server every time and brings data. But now I need to be as if I want to replace the following set of tasks: -> Every time my application is launched in the iPhone , Then it should check the new data on the server. -> And if the server answers "truth" then only my iPhone application will be requested to get the data. -> In the case of "false", my iPhone app will already display data cached in local phone memory. Now to apply this scenario to server side (which contains php, mysql), I am planning with the following solution: Table: TB LNewerData ID newDataFlag == ============ True Triggers: tgrUpdateNewData Trigger Up TblNewerData -> newDataFlag and every time my iPhone app will request the tblNewerD...

Removing the navigation menu from the node menu settings in Drupal -

How can the "Navigation" menu (and others) be removed from the menu settings on the node editing form? I suspect that it can somehow get the module_form_later using hook, but it is not sure how to implement it, the motivation is to overcome the confusion of our users when the menu drop down in addition to the standard primary link menu The purpose of this is to restrict the menus who want to post content to them. This question is related to the part that I am not yet able to solve. There are two modules that you probably want, I have never tried to harass them and .

java - Starting new transaction in Spring bean -

हमारे पास है: @ ट्रान्सैक्जिलिकल (प्रचार = प्रचार.रेक्वार्ड) सार्वजनिक वर्ग मायक्लॉस कार्यान्वयन MyInterface {... MyInterface में एक ही विधि है: go () । जब हम () कार्यान्वित करते हैं तो हम एक नया लेन-देन शुरू करते हैं जो विधि पूरा होने पर / रोलबैक करते हैं - यह ठीक है। अब हम कहते हैं () हम एक निजी विधि कहते हैं ऐसा लगता है कि स्प्रिंग "REQUIRES_NEW एनोटेशन पर ध्यान नहीं देता" और एक नया लेन-देन प्रारंभ नहीं करता है। मेरा मानना ​​है कि यह इसलिए है क्योंकि स्प्रिंग एओपी इंटरफ़ेस स्तर पर चल रही है (MyInterface) और MyClass विधियों के लिए किसी भी कॉल को रोकना नहीं है। क्या यह सही है? क्या (लेनदेन) के भीतर एक नया लेन-देन शुरू करने का कोई तरीका है? अद्यतन तो इंटरफ़ेस के संदर्भ के आधार पर, वर्ग नहीं: @ एटोवायर माय इंफर्फेस इंफॉर्म; impl.go (); वें से ई स्प्रिंग संदर्भ 2.5: प्रॉक्सी का उपयोग करते समय, @ ट्रांसेसैक्शन एनोटेशन केवल सार्वजनिक दृश्यता के तरीकों पर लागू किया जाना चाहिए यदि आप संरक्षित, निजी या पैकेज-दृश्य तरीकों को @ ट्रांसेसैक्शन...

How to specify character encoding for Ant Task parameters in Java -

I am writing an ANT function in Java I In my build.xml I specify the parameter I must be read from my Java class, which should be read from my Java class. When I use special characters such as German characters (O, Ü) in these parameters, problems arise. They appear in my Java function - Impressions (from within the system.out.print from eclipse). All my files are encoded as UTF-8. And this is the declaration of my build.xml: For the description of the work writing: I do it according to (especially 5 nested elements) I have nested elements in my work such as: & lt; Parameter name = "test" value = "ÖÄÜtest" /> and a Java method: public zero addConfiguredParameter (parameter prop) {System.out.println (prop.getValue ()); // print = test} to read parameter values. Save UTF-8 as XML to your editor Check that characters are correctly encoded using hex editors Parsing of UTF-16 strings XML from UTF-8 by AMT There is little chanc...

google app engine - Datastore Category vs. String: what is the difference? -

By viewing the category it appears that it is basically a string I see in view of any advantage of using the range on the string I'm unsuccessful. What is the difference, and why should I use the category instead of the string? If you call entity.to_xml () , then a The range will come back as one. Beyond that, it's just a string.

templates - Is there any way to easy migrate a CSS to a joomla style classes CSS? -

I am trying to integrate a CSS file that my designer gave me in a new template in Joomla 1.5. But the HTML content Joomla generated is different from the original CSS that the designer thought. Yes, it uses divs and squares and IDs, but I'm not sure what is the best way to migrate and apply it. Did Joomla be used instead of default layout, tables, divs, or and lt; P & gt; Is there any way to generate spans? Or to specify some additional classes? I have noticed that there is a slightly different layout in the template that comes with Joomla's default installation, but the same class using one of the divs is using the tables. When I create my new template, it will & lt; Jdoc: include type = "component" /> Is generated by the default tables in My main concern is this part. The rest can also be non-dynamic, but hard, I tried to make the menu dynamic when I saw a module that you can specify a style, but it does not really include: & lt; ...

java - Is there any point in using a volatile long? -

I sometimes use a volatile example variable in cases where I have There are two threads / writing and this does not want to take a lock upwards (or potential deadlock risk); For example, a timer thread is updating an IND from time to time which appears on a square as a gator: Public class Mychelles {Private volatile id id; Public MyClass () {Scheduled ExxporterService execService = Executor. NewScheduledThreadPool (1); ExecService.scheduleAtFixedRate (new runnab) (run public zero () {++ id;}}, 0L, 30L, time unit SECONDS); } Public int getId () {return ID; }} My question: Given that JLS only guarantees that the 32-bit reading will be atom, whether by any volatile long time ever Is there any point? (I.e. 64-bit). Alert : Please do not reply by saying that is more than is synchronized is a case pre-optimization Of; I know well how to use when / when is synchronized but there are cases where shaky is better, for example, for use in single-threaded applications For ...

javascript - Custom link on embedded youtube video -

I look forward to directing url to channel webpage instead of video URL. I have read the API and I did not find any way to achieve this. I tried to attach an embedded video in one and I added this code: $ ('# youtube'). Click (function () {document.write (' .com / user / 0plus1'); return back;}); And surprisingly it will not work. How can I do this if it is possible? The document will not do anything written. If you want to redirect, you should write $ ('# youtube'). (Function () (window.location.href = ''; // or you can use window. Location (' / User / trasportareoggi '); return false;});

c# - Two List Boxes side by side and stretchable -

I have two list boxes as shown below, from the side. They are both anchors on top, bottom, left and right. When I spread the window, the left list box grows to one right. However I want to differentiate between them and want to expand both listboxes equally. Use one more one-list box on each side. Set that complete the dock to split container The split container should be sufficient for your needs, but you can still use a table layout panel for a more complex layout.

javascript - Jquery select first letter? -

I'm just trying to get jquery to identify the first letter of a paragraph. How do I do this? For example, I have many paragraphs on the page. Only the articles that start with a special letter would like to be hidden "current" and everyone else, I know very well how to add and hide the class, but I do not get jquery to recognize the first letter can. Second, is it possible to drag the 'first letter' variable in the Url string? For example, Page 1 - is a list of letters that the user clicks on the 'B' and the URL and page 2 The variable that raises (B) and applies it to junkie, shows only those paragraphs Try: jQuery ('p'). Substr (0,1) .toUpperCase () == 'B') {jQuery (this) .addClass ('someclass'}}}) You can use PHP to clean up the variable and print in JS: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var characters = '& lt ;? Php echo (strlen ($ _ GET ['letter']) == 1...

c# - Login to a Remote Service (ruby based) from iPhone -

OK, my problem is in short, I've built a web service from Ruby on Rails. Using restful_authentication, but I'm also building an iPhone application to access my web service, but I can not understand it. I was thinking that anyone could help me to get a place to start. Are you asking the iphone side or rail side? For the rail, I think that you should use the basic authentication features of the privileges so that you can take the password of the user and authorize your request, or follow this article: An API key def login_from_api_key self.current_user = User.find_by_api_key (params [: api_key]) until params [: api_key] .empty? End defer_user @current_user || = (Login_from_session || login_from_api_key || login_from_basic_auth || login_from_cookie) Unless @current_user == wrong end iPhone side is simple if you use api_key; Simply add it to your html headers and you will love to go.

drupal - Creating "ON/OFF News Links" functionality for a block created with View Module -

I'm a drum newbie, which needs some advice ... I have a news story The list is on the block's homepage, with visual modules. Listening all these added news titles and links is cool till now. Now I have to add an on / off option in the admin side for the homepage news block. When the setting is on, it will work as it is. When it stops, only the title will not be linked to the news details page. So, now where should I add it to the ON / OFF option? I have only added / edited / deleted pages for every news, there is no general news page to add such an option. Should I make an admin page with such an on / off option? Apart from this, I think that I need to create a DB table to keep it on / off position. And control this value on the home page block, if it is 1 or 0, and displaying the link according to the DB value: / It looks a very long way Create a DB table Add php code to update db for admin options Get db value in homepage block to display link e.t.c . Do...

c# - error message The URI does not identify an external Java class -

I'm new to XSL, and thus new to using scripts within XSL. I have taken example code (using C #) and converted it to my own use .. but it does not work. Edit: This code works in Visual Studio. The error is only generated in oxygen .. I still want to get rid of the error in oxygen, so any insights Is appreciated! Code> & lt; Xsl: stylesheet version = "1.0" xmlns: xsl = "" xmlns: msaxl = "vase: schema-microsoft-com: xslt" out-result-prefixes = "MSXL" xmlns: tok = "Color: CS-script" & gt; ... ... ... & lt; / Xsl: Templates & gt; & Lt; Xsl: variable name = "temp" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "Token: getlist ('AAA BBB CCC', '')" /> & Lt; / XSL: variable & gt; & Lt; Msxsl: script language = "c #" applied-prefix = "torque" & gt; & Lt ;! [Cdata [public string [] getlist (str...

How can I call aspx content page methods from usercontrol? ASP.NET, C# -

How do I call aspx content page methods from user control? The easiest solution is to have an interface that includes those methods that can be called user control. And then direct the interface to the control from the page, such as: public interface ISOMViewViewz (zero method 1); Bull Meth 2 (); } Public class MyContentPage: Page, ISomeService {Null Method 1 () {...} bool Method2 () {...} Overload Download (...) {TheUserControl.SetService (as ISomeService); }} Public class MyUserControl: UserControl {Public Zero SetService (ISomeService Service) {_service = service; } Private Zero some other method () {_service.Method1 (); }} To implement the interface required for another variation, user control page is required. This sets the SetService () method unnecessary: ​​ Public class MyUserControl: UserControl {Private Zero SomeOtherMethod () {// Page should apply to ISomeService, otherwise it throws an exception (form of page In ISomeService). Method1 (); }} mvc 2 - Can I register a custom model binder somewhere other than Global.asax? -

Only a specific controller method or its entire controller will be easy to limit the scope of the custom model binder. Written a sentence that contained an alternate location for custom model binder registration but had never thought that: You either Date time by registering in all Global.assx Can you create these registrations in a small circle of controller system? If so, then there is a reason to avoid doing so outside of the Global. Axax MVCA application (eg, performance reasons)? As I closed the tabs, which I had opened for the question that I I did not reach before leaving, I got it. You can assign ModelBinderAttribute to your model: Although it was not enough what I was looking for, it was a Regarding registering for controller or controller The method is more specific. Update Thanks for Levi's remarks, pointing out a better solution. If you are consuming the item directly with a custom model binder in an MVC method, you can do to decorate the param...

jquery - javascript - document.activeElement -

itemprop = "text"> I have some inputTextbox and I am using document.activeElement to handle the values ​​of the changes in the documents that are "change () "The function of the input box element. The problem is that when I change the value of one of the input boxes and then click on any other input box ... the function will get the document. The API will not be an Element of the new inputbox and the job ... How can the "know" the function that the one who had changed was the last one? change of an element () in the handler, the keyword will reference the element that was changed now. $ ('#foo'). Change (function () {alert (; // "foo"});

Android Application Icon Change -

Is it possible to change the Android application icon on the runway? I have read and can not answer all I use on Android 1.6 Is there any way? Two possible answers: 1) T. As stated in this: You can not appear in the signed and sealed APK except software upgrade and change resources. 2) Use the widget approach as mentioned. Check:

winapi - tried to update hudson via dashboard and now it doesn't work (windows) -

I now get the following in the output log: I really want that I did not try to update this version. What is the problem. Can anyone diagnose this issue? Hudson was trying to go from 1.341 to the latest 1.361? Now I see when I go to Hudson URL: Please wait while restarting Hudson ... Your browser When the Hudson is ready, it will automatically be reloaded. and then in the log file: is running from: C: \ hudson \ hudson.war [Winstone 2010 / 06/14 23:33 : 54] - File Extraction from the Hudson Home Directory: C: \ Hudson [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:33:56] - Error during an HTTP listeners init or shutdown Unrecognized Windows Socket Error: 0: JVM_Bind at at at (native resident method) (unknown source) (unknown source). ServerSocket (Unknown source) java.lang.Thread on (HttpListener.java116) at winstone.HttpListener.getServ...

how to read strings using c# -

How can I read the string value Quote: No: 32586 / Client: ABCDEF I want to read the values ​​of stars in any order Ensure what you want to do, but it can be lower than your given string string input =" quote: no: 32586 / Client: No: ABCDEF / Total M Camel: 32 / processed: "No; Var query = input from pair input Split ('/') item = pair. Select the sample (':') new {parts = objects [0], value = objects [1]}; // In the list and index by var list = query.ToList (); // or in key dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; Dictionary = query.ToDictionary (item => item part, item => item value);

multithreading - Is multi-threading a property of a language (like java) or a property of OS? -

Is a property of language (like Java) or os property multi-threading? Neither is it the property of the underlying hardware; OS and languages ​​use the facility provided by hardware to us Helps in Wiki can help:

maven multi web module -

I have multi module web application (M1, M2, M3, Final) I module "last" a web Module and M1, M2 and M3 depend on. "M1, M2 and M3" are web modules. I need modules M1, M2, M3 resources and JSPs should copy the "final" module's goal. Need your help. What you are looking for is called and documented. Please read the posted link first.

xcode - 3.1.3 and 3.2 different behaviour -

मैं एक कस्टम सेल का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ तालिका व्यू के साथ एक UITextField - (UITableViewCell * ) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView *) तालिका दृश्य सेलफ़ोरोअटइंडपैथ: (एनएसआईएसएक्सपैथ *) इंडेक्सपेथ {स्थैतिक एनएसएसटीइंग * सेलआईडेंटिफायर = "सेल"; UITableViewCell * सेल = [तालिकादृश्य] dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; यदि (सेल == नीला) {सेल = [[[यूआईटीबलव्यूजेल alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier: सेलआईडेंटिफायर] autorelease]; UITextField * txtField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 0, 280, 24)]; TxtField.placeholder = @ "& lt; पाठ दर्ज करें & gt;"; TxtField.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentLeft; TxtField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways; TxtField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone; TxtField.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo; [Cell.contentView addSubview: txtField]; [TxtField रिलीज़]; } } यह ठीक काम करता है और UITextField सेल को कवर करता है। जब मैं ...

iphone - Text not being highlighted on search in UIWebView using javascript -

I have successfully implemented a JS code to highlight the searched text. But this is my PDF I do not think you can access the internal details of PDF files which are displayed by UIWebView. Converting from PDF to HTML is getting me the solution:

java - How to query for Double with Spring JDBC template query -

How to ask a question for double with Spring JDBC Temple? For example: get public double-orderscoser () {jdbctemplate.queryFor ???} ("Choose average (scores) from exam"); } There are queryForInt and queryForLong, but there is no query I have not tested it, but the last parameter can work with Double.class . public double getAverageScore () {return jdbctemplate.queryForObject ("Choose average (score)", double class); }

Embeded video displayed over html -

The site I am developing is a menu with a drop down, which is always on the top and scrolls the content. Some content is embedded from various sources, which appear on top navigation. For YouTube, we find solutions by adding additional parameters: & lt; Param name = "wmode" value = "opaque" /> which resolves this problem, but is this a normal solution or not? It seems that adding the attribute in embedded tags and this parameter helps :). Therefore, I need to add the following changes to fix the problem: & paramount = "wmode" value = "opaque" /> & lt; Embed wmode = "opaque" ... />

Extracting comment url from wordpress function -

I am developing some AJAX scripts and using WordPress and I have a question: is there any way to remove a URL Is there a way to have WordPress functions anyway? The function that I am using in the loop looks like this: & lt ;? Php comments_popup_link ('Discuss & amp; # 187;', '1 Comment & # 187;', '% Comments & amp; # 187;'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php edit_post_link ('edit', '|', ''); ? & Gt; And its HTML output looks like this: & lt; A href = " response" title = "comment on sadfasfregw" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "dsq-postid-17546" & gt; View comments & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; One class = "post-edit-link" href = "" title = "edit post" & gt; edit lt ; / A & gt;...

Iphone: How to move the tableview down to the navigation view? -

I have a window project, which has the tabbar controller, the navigation bar. And clicking on the first tab bar object shows a Tableview, I have added a small rectangular view (width: 320; height: 35) in addition to the navigation bar so that there is some control there. It is associated with the top navigation bar but after attaching a rectangular view under the navigation bar, the first line of the table is not visible, because this rectangle is happening under the scene, how do I start with rectangular view I take down the entire tableview for which I attach under the navigation bar. I tried to table the table in the xib file, but when I run the app So, then it is not reflected. Thank you. I solved it by reducing the content-> inset value.

multithreading - Multiprocessing vs Threading Python -

I am trying to understand the benefits of over. I know that multiprocessing gets around the global interpreter lock, but what are the other benefits, and what threading can not do this threading uses module thread, using multiprocessing module processes The difference is that the threads move in the same memory place, whereas the processes have different memory, Sharing objects between processes with Krn is a bit tricky. Since yarns use the same memory, to take precautions or to write two threads at the same time on the same memory. The Global Interpreter Lock is for this. The spelling process is a bit slow threads. Once they are running, there is no difference.

winforms - To set a background image in .Net form -

मैं एक छवि को अपने .net फॉर्म पृष्ठभूमि में BackgroundImage संपत्ति का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है । कृपया मुझे इसके साथ जल्द ही मदद करें। मी। बैकग्राउंड इमेज = नया सिस्टम। ड्रॉइंग। बिटमैप ("C: \ users \ user326613 \ Pups.bmp")

directx - How to compute bounding box/sphere across multiple meshes (C#) -

I load several mesions from .x files in various Aries variables. Now I want to calculate the bound area (which is being displayed) Please guide me how it can be achieved. Can VertexBuffers be attached in a variable and that borderline page can be calculated using it? (If yes, then how are they, buffer is added) Otherwise what would you suggest !? Thankx It's surprisingly easy to do this: First of all, The average of all your corners gives you the position of the center. It has been done in C ++ (sorry my C # is very wild but it should give you an idea): D3DXVECTOR3 avgPos; Const rcpNum = 1.0f / (float) numVerts; // divide it here, as the partition is more aggressive than the polygon int count = 0; Whereas (calculation & amp; lt; numVerts) {// instead of adding everything and then dividing by the number (which can be overflow / /) I am dividing the number as I go along with the result is. AvgPos.x + = vert [count] .pos.x * rcpNum; AvgPos.y + = vert [count] .pos.y...

flex3 - ComboBox in Flex -

I have a Cambodia with multiple selection. When I click on the add button, which is the selection of data in Cambodia, then those data needs to be displayed in the second combo box. Please check the code and none of you can help me on this. / P> & lt; Mx: hbox & gt; & Lt; Mx: label width = "140" text = "{resourceManager.getString ('resource', 'settings_configuration_database_select_object_instance')}" /> & Lt; Mx: list id = "obj_instance" enabled = "true" permission majority choice = "right" width = "164" height = "70" /> & Lt; Mx: spacer width = "20" /> & Lt; Mx: button label = "& gt; & gt;" /> & Lt; Mx: list id = "selected_instance" enabled = "true" permission majority choice = "right" width = "164" height = "70" /> & Lt; / Mx: hbox & gt; Thanks, Sun Wha...

testing - Selecting a date value from a dynamically generated listbox -

I have a list list whose values ​​are dynamically generated. The I list contains months and years and when Appears to appear & lt; Select name = "arr_dtm_mon_year" tabindex = "150" square = "input" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "NOV ​​09" & gt; November 09, & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "DEC 09" & gt; December 09 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Jan 10" & gt; January 10 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "fbi 10" & gt; February 10 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "March 10" & gt; March 10 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "apr 10" & gt; April 10 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "May 10" & gt; May 10 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt...

Can can I call a function in the same Erlang Parameterised module? -

I want to I have a parameter module into Erlang which I call a parameter module to function functions B A. How can I do this? From the paper: Each task of an abstract module, The variable is always bound to the current module instance so you can just write in a function B: this: A ().

python - Django model class and custom property -

Howdy - There was a strange problem for me today: I have a model class in Django Added a custom asset that should not be saved in the database and therefore is not shown in the model structure: class category (models.model): groups = model.mindomoneyfield (group) Title: Now, when I am under Shell or writing a test and I do the following: c1 = class.objects () C1 . Title ['de'] = 'German title' print c1.title ['de'] # print "German title" c2 = category.bags.create () print c2.title ['de'] # print "German title" & Lt; - WTF? It seems that 'title' is of global type if I change the title to a simple string that does the expected work, should he do something? I also tried to set the title as a property: title = property (_title) but even if that was not working then How can I solve this? Thank you in advance! Edit: According to the request, the base problem is intended to make you better available to...

algorithm - Random Pairings that don't Repeat -

This small project / problem came out of the left field for me, hoping someone can help me here. I have some rough ideas but I am sure (or at least I hope) a simple, quite efficient solution exists. Thanks in advance ... the phony code is okay. I usually work in .net / C # if any solution is highlighted on your solution. Given: The pool of people who will be found on regular basis. I need to make pairs that are not available before. The pool of individuals will gradually change over time. For the purpose of coupling, (A & B) and (B & A) constitute the same pair, the history of the previous pair has maintained. For the purpose of the problem, assume any number of individuals, each meeting (collection of pairs) and the person will be added only once. Is there an algorithm that will allow us to make these pairs? Ideally, by sorting the joints in a random order, doing something better and then checking against the history of the previous couple is something better. In g...

view - Android drawing cache -

Please describe how the drawing cache works in Android I'm implementing the custom view subclass I want my drawing To be cached by the system. In the visual constructor, I call setDrawingCacheEnabled (true); Then in Draw (Canvas C), I do: Bitmap CAC = mix-drinking (); If (cac! = Null) {c.drawBitmap (cac, 0, 0, new paint); Return; } However getDrawingCache () blank for me my draw () no to set drawing cache is not enabled Is not () , nor getDrawingCache () not from Please, what am I doing? There is a hard limit on drawing the cache size, is available through ViewConfiguration class. My view is bigger than acceptable for caching. FYI, the source of the visual class are available for some (not all) Android versions through SDK Manager.

pattern matching - User oriented regex library for java -

I am looking for a library that can match the "easy" pattern, a pattern that is through the GUI For users, it should define any four and similar matches like simple mailing syntax. In other words, I want to do globing like the sun, without the reliability of the file system, but applied without argument. Thoughts? Pattern matching, which extends "included", is always difficult for users. Some users can understand that there is an easy access to "*" for arbitrary data and "?" In fact for an arbitrary character. This is similar to SQL "Likes", and I really want to expose users to "Likes", which they would love to also like.

c# - vshost.exe file in Release folder? -

Why is an appname.vshost.exe file ready for the release version of my application? I can add that I am using an external DLL library and some unsafe code. What's even more interesting is that my application started from the release folder does not work properly (it works fine when launched from the debug folder). It can be understood whether or not you need more information - do not hesitate to ask. , maybe the link below - maybe what would you do next if you actually did it for your project Want to get rid of the output. However, it should not do any harm to leave on your machine; So just do not apply it ...

Mysql ninja tricks -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: हाय, आपका माइस्केल निंजा ट्रिक्स क्या हैं? क्या विशेषताएं अतिरिक्त विशेष हैं? मैं ORDER BY FIELD से शुरू कर रहा हूं, जिससे आप किसी विशेष क्रम में सॉर्ट कर सकते हैं, जैसे: ग्राहक से ORDER द्वारा FIELD (customer.priority, 1, 2, 3, 0) से यूआरएल का चयन करें इस तरह की विशेषताएं mysql दस्तावेज़ीकरण में खोजना कठिन है। इसे लाओ! क्वेरी निष्पादन योजना को प्रोफाइल करने के लिए EXPLAIN का उपयोग करें

bash - How to pass a variable to an awk print parameter -

I am trying to remove nth + 1 and nth + 3 Column from a file. It does the same effort, which is a useful pseudo code: i in {1..100}; ($ I + 3)} $$$$, $$$ 1, \ $ ($ i + 1), $$$ 12, All_Runs.csv & gt; Run- $ i.csv which does not clearly work (but it seemed reasonable to expect). How can I do this? You can avoid running by using awk to quote some hair and avoid: / P> Awk -F "," 'BEGIN {i = j = 1} {i ++; J + = 3; Printf "% 3d,% 12.3f,% 12.3f \ n", $ 1, $ i, $ j & gt; Run- $ i.csv} 'All_Runs.csv or using the awk's variable-passing feature: i in {1..100} } In ; Do awk -f "," -v i = $ i '{i ++; J = i + 2; Printf "% 3d,% 12.3f,% 12.3f \ n", $ 1, $ i, $ j} 'All_Rence CSU & gt; $ I.csv runs; Done (both untested)

NoMethod error from scala loop -

I have a pair of loops on the nested array and object in the scales def populateBoard (Data: Array [Array [four]] {Board. Size (Data (0). (Y & lt; -0 to data.length-1) {val line = data (length) for X (l) - 0 to row.length-1) {Board.putObjectAt (x, y, GamePieceFactory.createInstance (line (x), x, y))}} Which unit works fine in testing, but when I If I run the application, I get the following exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: (I) Lscala / Range; At net.ceilingfish.pacman.App $ .PopulateBoard (App.scala: 37) line is for line 37 (y & lt; - 0 to data.length- 1) . Very weird The unit test runs Scala 2.6.1 and the command line is 2.7.7. Are there some backward inconsistent changes between these two versions? UPDATE I switched unit tests to version 2.7.7 and they run on fine working. Even odder. Scala is usually not binary compatible between versions. Specifically, this means that if you compile for 2.6.1 and then try to run for 2....

log4net one file per run -

Every time I run it, I need my application to create a log file. My preferred format will be App.log.yyyy -mM-dd_HH-MM-SS . If this is not possible, then I want to decide for App.log.yyyy-MM-dd.counter This is my current appender configuration: & lt; Appender name = "file" type = "log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender" & gt; & Lt; File value = "App.log" /> & Lt; Rolling style value = "date" /> & Lt; DatePattern value = ".yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss" /> & Lt; StaticLogFileName value = "wrong" /> & Lt; Locking model type = "log4net.Appender.FileAppender + MinimalLock" /> & Lt; / Appender & gt; But it creates several random files based on date and time. I think every time the application should be created, only one log file should be created, The adender is not required (though my solution will also apply to rolling file appenders): & lt; Appender N...

Objective-C Array/List Question -

What is the best practice, even in general programming, when you have undefined, potentially infinite, you need The quantity of objects is not defined in an array but in the range. Can you define an endless array in Objective-C that you can keep things moving forward, like other lanaguages ​​have a list item. Thanks for any help. Well, your question reflects purpose-c, but if you are using cocoa frameworks If so, use NSMutableArray class to use it: [NSMutableArray array]; [Array addObject: anObject]; Check out your Docs here:

ruby on rails - Strange routing -

How can I set up my rail app to respond to such URLs: The third person should link to my site administrator and show the site with this title. All three models (product, category, site) have one method to-seo, the above URL (after the slash) I know that this is not quietly, but Please do not abuse here, whether this is a wrong view or not, this is not a question. The question is how to complete this weird routing? I know that we capture all the routes, but how can I use different controllers on various URLs to capture all the rails? Or do you have a better idea? I would like to avoid redirecting other URLs. The best way is to add another layer, and to run such routes: Because it can be done with: Map. Product_seo "prodcuts /: Products",: Controller = & gt; : Product, Action = & gt; : Show then change to # products in @ product = product.paint (parameter [: id]) to: @ Product = product.find_b_name (param [: product...

uinavigationcontroller - iPhone - view not loading -

I'm pushing a UITableViewController on a navigation controller. Displays the title (set in the viewDidLoad), but not the table. called numberOfSectionsInTableView . But tableview: numberOfRowsInSection: is not called. I'm passing in 1, so it should find the number of rows. - (NSInteger) numberOfSectionsInTableView: (UITableView *) tableView {return 1; } I am setting the view as follows: SelectUserViewController * nextController = [[SelectUserViewController alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewStyleGrouped]; NextController.managedObjectContext = managedObjectContext; OrangeQCAppDelegate * Rep = [[UIApplication shared application] representative]; [Delegate.navigationController pushViewController: nextController Animated: Yes]; Then, the viewDidLoad method is called. And my class is set as follows: @ User interface: User control: UITableViewController & lt; UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource & gt; {...} What else should I look like? Update...

java - How to extend Eclipse's compare context menu? -

I want to create a plugin that displays additional information about the results of comparison of Eclipse, for example, in Eclipse Clicking on a difference will bring additional meta-information in my new approach to see who made changes, when it was made, related changes, etc. I've got everything I'm thinking of using the context menu from the Comparison Editor. I was able to implement a context menu for the text editor. I used the heir action from target id = "#text editorcontactact and IViewActionDelegate but any comparison editor is not the same as normal text editor. Do I need target ID? Is this possible? Or if someone is better Share the idea, context from context menu. I could add additional order (handler) to compare Popup menu id popup: Yoga

erlang - lists:keyfind problems -

I can not get lists for my life: I want to work as expected in Erlang Keys. I have the following accomplished tests: should_find_key_test () - & gt; NewList = List: Keystore ("key", 1, [], {"key", "value"}), value = list of cases: wrong - ("key", 1, newlive) false - & gt; did not get; {_key, _value} - & gt; _value end,? DebugVal (value) Whenever I run this test, I get the following error message: Indesthest: should_find_key_test (module 'indestruct'). . Failure :: Error: Adds keyfind / 3 to keyfind ("key", 1, [{"key", "value"}] in the function lists: Should_find_key_test / 0 Can anyone see what I'm doing? Is it saying that the list: Keyfind does not exist anymore? Lists: Keyfind / 3 was started in FTP / R13A. I suspect that you are using the old version .. Before R13A you will use lists: the searcher / 3 is found in the same tulle, but the returned data is made slightly ...

c# - The uncatchable exception -

फ़ॉलोअप: मैं एक कस्टम बाध्यकारी इंजन लिख रहा हूं; डेटा कनॉन्टेक्स्ट लक्ष्य तत्व पर सेट होने से पहले मेरे कनवर्टर को बुलाया जा रहा है यह और खुद में यह एक बड़ा सौदा नहीं है क्योंकि डेटाकॉन्टेक्स को अंततः एक मान प्राप्त होने पर इसे अपडेट किया जाएगा। हालांकि मैं पकड़ने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं मेरे मूल्य कनवर्टर में अपवाद: प्रयास करें {वापसी ((MethodInfo) _member)। आग्रह (पैरामीटर, रिक्त); } पकड़ {वापसी नल; } कुछ कारणों से डीबगर अभी भी इस बिंदु पर बंद हो रहा है। (यह बैक अप है जहां कैच ब्लॉक है - वास्तविक अपवाद _एमएमबीआई पद्धति के भीतर होता है। अजीब भाग है कैच ब्लॉक अभी तक ग्रिड है लेकिन ब्रेकपॉइंट कभी नहीं पहुंचा है।) अब मैं सोच रहा हूं कि यह हो सकता है क्योंकि अपवाद दूसरे एक विधानसभा में हो रहा है जहां से इसे पकड़ा जा रहा है (मैं इसे पुन: प्रयोज्य कक्षा पुस्तकालय में पैकेज करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं, और आवेदन विधानसभा में एक विधि के लिए ऊपर दिए गए अंकों के लिए)। अगर मैं चला डीबगर के बिना मेरा छोटा परीक्षण ऐप यह ठीक काम करता है, हालांकि मेरा आवेदन थोड़ा और अधिक म...

How to write lazy functions which are chainable, in python? -

I want to write functions like lazy and chainable. What would be the best way to do that I know that in a way, yield must be done instead of return . I want to know that the way the sqlalchemy function is idle to bring data from DB according to the method of getting lazy. generator ( work with output change returns As can be seen as "lazy" (and can be seen as itertools.chain ), and any other earrer can also chain what if you mean it "Checkable"). But if "cautious" (and lazy) means you want to call fee (). Fie () Fo (). Fum () and all "hard work" is only in the fum (which comes close to SQLLM), then the generator will not help - but instead you will get the "Promise" design pattern Is needed, where each function / method (actually excluding one work) gives an object that records all the conditions, parameters, and obstacles on the operation, and the use of a D-functioning function will ultimately Doing work Is th...

javascript - Choosing between YUI Charts or Google Visualization API -

I'm stuck with something I'm using in my project. I was left with two (but open for other suggestions) For YUI chart: PRO: - Very strong and configurable: - Flash 9> use Does not support exports to the inaccessible image - which can potentially be up to the users without flash version (& lt; 10 only for flash versions) Professionals for Google Visualization API: - Small file size book Schools - stable image can be exported to chart (different API via calls) Vipaksh- limited configuration options So there, please help me to decide. The YUI chart has an edge over the configuration option but Google Visualization API increases the access point because it uses SVG to provide grapsh instead of the flash. For hand-trash users by corporate IT prohibition, they can not just upgrade their flash version and the page will not work. Thank you! I select Google's API because only a JavaScript interpreter or Internet access is needed. Low dependency, there are s...

iphone - Text Editor like Pages iPad App -

I want to implement a functionality which is called Page App..E.E. Meets in Flipping text around images, image zooming etc. I am struggling with this part of my application, but no success has been found so far. Thanx in advance. Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> seems like a fun app to develop. Some points: With quick batting, I would say that making your own control for temporary items. I would suggest dealing with a small project, or maybe some small medium sized projects. Try to create some apps with WinForms or WPF Also in Excel See: FO Immediately after the bat, I would say make your own control.

imagemagick - Rails Paperclip Plugin - Style Options for Resizing -

Therefore, I want to convert the images to a certain width, but the proportional height. I've been trying a wide range of operators: 380x242 # 380x242> 380! X242 380x242 & lt; Any of them have no desired effect, any help? I want to fill it in 380 width or resize it, then shrink the upper shape with the same factor as it wanted to shrink the image or to resize the image to 380 wide. Try using 380x this should change the width to 380px And keep the original aspect ratio. For all the available options to resize the images here:

Setting up a non-emacs Common Lisp Dev Env for web application development? -

I am trying to install a common Lisp dev for web application development on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64-bit box I'm not getting a decent guidance that is targeted at Nobbs. I am in a box closest to Peter Sebail's Lisp, but I hate AXC with passion and it seems that older versions of SBCL and CLISP (which are my favorite CL implementations) are. I do not want to use any commercial implementation. I'm looking for a simple setup to write some very basic CRioad apps, possibly to include some frameworks such as Huncintot, WebLock, CL-WO, CL-SQL, Sequelite or Mojo and some datestores from the NOSQL family like the sofa. Assume .. Suppose I go with SBCL or CLISS on Linux, the best tool for managing packages and libraries. Is received? ASDF? I am looking for simplicity and stability and I do not expect to use one tonne lbs ... There is an Eclipse plugin for Common Lisp, which is called Kasp.

c# - How to bind "OnDataBound" event of "DropDownList" in declarative syntax to a static method in some other class? -

How to bind the "OnDatabound" event of "dropdownlists" to a static method in another category in the delicate syntax? example and asp: dropdown list runat = "server" id = "d1" ordattack = "some other classifications this page. Static method" & gt; & Amp; Asp: dropdown list & gt; This will give an error, "There are no other definitions for this page in some other class. Is this possible or it should be done behind the code only This is not possible. Event handler must be declared behind the code.

animation - How to rotate particular image among multiple images drawn to canvas in android? -

I need to rotate an image around the center of an axis between several images that rotate an image, Are ready for canvas. I am loading images in the canvas below. canvas.drawBitmap (mMachineBackground, 0, 0, null); Canvas davarabitmap (mmchinator, 0, 0, empty); Instead of rotating the entire canvas, instead I want to rotate the other bitmap around the center of my axis (which includes the first bitmap). Thanks in advance. /p> You can move around the center axis: Matrix metrics = New matrix (); // step image matrix .Settranslate (getXPos () - (imageWidth / 2), getYPos () - (imageHyight / 2)); // To rotate the image, getXPos, getYPos X & amp; Image matrix. PostRotate (angleInDegrees, getXPos () - imageWidth / 2, getYPos () - imageHyight / 2 y core;); // rotatedBMP is the image you are drawing, canvas.drawBitmap (rotatedBMP, matrix, paint);

c# - How to bind to a collection within a collection in WPF -

I am still in the initial stages of learning WPF and I have decided that easy to get contact browser app basic I am using an object from another application to add complexity to catch up with the principles. So far I have successfully banned a list box control in a collection and is able to display contact names. In the middle of the screen I have a stackpanel with a custom controller that displays more details of the contact It all works wonderfully well that in addition to the fact that the object model for contact hides in the collection of phone answering field fields. Am I bound object collection? Here are some of my XML, the first main contact window: & lt; DocPanel width = "auto" height = "auto" margin = "8 8 8 8" & gt; & Lt; Border height = "56" horizontal alignment = "statch" vertical alignment = "top" borderline = "1" cornerradia = "8" dock panel Doc = "top" back...

mongodb - PHP + MongoHQ : MongoCursorException -

I am trying to use mongodb with PHP, I have created a MongoHQ example, but for some reasons From when I try to insert some or some other operation from my PHP server, I get the following error: Fatal error: Unauthorized exception with 'MongoCursorException' message 'unauthorized DB [database] lock type: -1 'in C: \ program files \ EasyPHP5.3.0 \ www \ application \ rule Controller \ Stat.ctrl.php: 56 Stack Trace: # 0C: \ Program Files \ EasyPHP5.3.0 \ www \ Application Controller \ Stat.ctrl.php (56): Mongoccus-> Rewind () # 1C: \ Program Files \ EasyPHP5.3.0 \ www \ index.php (105): State - & gt; Index () # 2 {main} Throwed in C: \ Program Files \ EasyPHP5.3.0 \ www \ Application \ Controller \ Stat.ctrl.php on line 56 Anyone Do you know where it is coming from? This is the php code I am using: $ username = 'test'; $ Password = 'test'; {$ Link = New Mongo (" thousand7022 / datab -u & lt;" Username. ...

osx - How can I compile libpoppler-qt with Nokia's Qt SDK -

In the morning! I have libpoppler and libpoppler-qt4 (QT API / binding) available on Nokia's Mac SDK website. I have tried too many configured switches but it does not work any signals? OK, solution found: I have to use cmake: tar xvzf poppler-0.14.0.tar.gz cd poppler-0.14.0 mkdir build cd build cmake .. libiconv For problem, I've just edited CMakefileLists to link to MacPort instead of MacPaul For .txt.

Hibernate criteria -

After I got a list from the criteria in Hibernate, I want to add a condition to that list Can I do this I did not understand once you get the list of institutions So you can do whatever you like. What does it really mean to add a bet? And if you want to restrict the result set by adding for some condition, then you can do this in benchmarking or query.

qt - How to edit multiline text in cell of QTableWidget? -

How to manually edit in cell in Excel: # Alt + Enter -> line break (true break, not bus line) Symbol of brake on the same line) Enter -> Exit editing mode? Edit: Text in a cell in visual mode: Line 1 - Line 2 The same text in editing mode: Line 1 line 2 In addition, I can not write a new line in the cell, I can insert it by copying it. One easy solution is to replenish the subclass of the quoteable visit and key press avant function. You need to change the behavior in the cases you want and call the parents of the people you do not want to handle. Take a look at QWidget Doctor's main press event (QKeyEvent *) method documentation.

javascript - What's the difference between FireBug's console.log() and console.debug()? -

अंतर को स्पष्ट करने के लिए एक बहुत ही सरल कोड। var x = [0, 3 , 1, 2]; Console.debug ('debug', x); Console.log ('लॉग', एक्स); // ऊपर एक ही परिणाम x.splice प्रदर्शित (1, 2); // नीचे एक अलग परिणाम कंसोल। Debug ('डीबग', एक्स) की तरह प्रदर्शन; Console.log ('लॉग', एक्स); जावास्क्रिप्ट वैल्यू बिल्कुल वैसा ही है, लेकिन console.log () इसे splice () method । इस वजह से मैंने कुछ घंटों तक खो दिया था क्योंकि मैंने सोचा कि बाली मेरी हालत को बहुआयामी या कुछ और बनाने के लिए मजाक उड़ा रही है। मैं जानना चाहता हूं कि यह ऐसा काम क्यों करता है। क्या कोई जानता है? :) यदि आप दस्तावेज़ीकरण देख रहे हैं, तो: कंसोल चार अलग-अलग प्रकार के संदेश जानता है, जो नीचे वर्णित हैं [...] विभिन्न कमांड के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए कंसोल एपीआई भी देखें। उस पर एक नज़र पृष्ठ पर console.log : यदि ऑब्जेक्ट लॉग होते हैं, तो उन्हें स्थिर पाठ के रूप में नहीं लिखा जाएगा, लेकिन इंटरैक्टिव हाइपरलिंक के रूप में ऑब्जेक्ट का निरीक्षण करने के लिए क्लिक किया जा सकता है फाय...

software design - Implement a finite state automaton in OOP -

I think of implementing a program with a finite state automaton in an OOP language such as Java or C ++ I am here. Regarding good software design, do you think the best way to implement it with a handleable amount of available states? Is it good to apply your class to each state? If so, how to bridge between two states? Thanks for any comments! Is it just for your programming muscle to flex or actual project etc? In both cases it depends on the state machine for you: - It is to manage tasks in some kind of workflow - this application is to determine the flow state - this is for business rule engine etc. In case of a project, I would recommend that, depending on your targeted usage, you search for libraries in that domain. For example, there are many other libraries for Java workflow / business flow, as well as many tons of rules in the engine (Drools comes under the scope of bat, though it is a complex beehor)

iphone - How to organize delegate files -

कोको-टच विकास में ... प्रतिनिधि वर्गों के लिए AppDelegate का उपयोग करें अलग प्रतिनिधि वर्ग बनाएं और प्रत्येक वर्ग के लिए नए .h / .m में खोजें प्रतिनिधि का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता दृश्य नियंत्रक वर्गों का उपयोग करें (जब भी ऐसा होता है) इस कार्य के द्वारा प्रबंधित सभी कक्षाओं के लिए नियंत्रक आप क्या सुझाएंगे? ठीक है यह निर्भर करता है। प्रतिनिधि प्रोटोकॉल के लिए पूरी अवधारणा मौजूद है ताकि आप बहुत अधिक लचीलेपन कर सकें। कभी-कभी आप बस डिफ़ॉल्ट मार्ग लेते हैं, लेकिन कभी-कभी आपको बहुत से विभिन्न प्रतिनिधि वर्ग (1) एप डेलिगेट - एप प्रतिनिधि केवल UIApplicationDelegateProtocol विधियों या प्रतिनिधि प्रतिनिधियों के वास्तविक गुणों के प्रतिनिधियों के लिए उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए। दूसरे शब्दों में, यदि ऐप प्रतिनिधि किसी उदाहरण के साथ सीधे तौर पर काम नहीं करता है एप्लिकेशन ऑब्जेक्ट, फिर ऐप प्रतिनिधि को उदाहरण के प्रतिनिधि के रूप में सेवा करनी चाहिए। ऐप प्रतिनिधि में एक्स्ट्राजियस तरीके पेश करने से ऐप को गड़बड़ाना होगा और इसे डीबग करना और बनाए रखना मुश्किल होगा। (2) पूरी तरह से अलग प्...