Before opening a ticket with Microsoft support, I thought I would try the community! I is an application for development, for which we are using data capture changes in SQL 2008 R2 (developer version, currently). For some special complex questions, we want to wrap the question in the stored procedures, to expose the common parameter, to avoid complexity in the client (general argument) ... In any case, What we have identified is that the following statement, as a standalone query, will run in approximately 3-5 seconds regardless of the boundary conditions, while the same statement, as a stored procedure To produce Inam jumps to 1.5 minutes. In addition, the running SP version switches the user identity several times during execution ... Besides, during the execution of SP, CPU Usage Spike Any thoughts? Question: Binary @fromlsn declaration (10), binary (10), @NodeID varchar (6) set @NodeID = '123456' @tolsn, @ fromlsn = 0x000017E60000010001, @tolsn = sys.fn_cdc_g...