
Showing posts from August, 2014

matlab - How to unblend two images from a blend image -

I have added 2 images with this code to IMAGA1 and IMG2 which is doing okay. I want to know Find out how the original two images get img1 and img2 The code for the mix is ​​ img1 = imread ('C: \ MATLAB7 \ Picture5.jpg'); Img2 = imread ('C: \ MATLAB7 \ Picture6.jpg'); For I = 1: size for Jammu = 1 (img1,1): size for k = 1 (img1,2): size (img1,3) output (i, j, k) = (img1 (i, J, k)) + img2 (i, j, k)) / 2; End and Emasho (Output, [0 255]); If you had an original image and mixed image, you can recover the second image If you have only mixed image then there are endless numbers of img1 and img2 which can be added to create two images. So you can not recover them. For future matlab programming, note that you do not need those lips in matlab which you have written, this is similar to the code you provided: img1 = imread ('C: \ MATLAB7 \ Picture5.jpg'); Img2 = imread ('C: \ MATLAB7 \ Picture6.jpg'); Output = (IMG1 + IMG2) ./2; Imshow (outp...

numpy - displaying a colored 2d array in matplotlib in Python -

I want to plot 2-D matrix from numpy as a color matrix in Matplotlib. I have 9-B-9 array: my_array = diag (wal (9)) # conspiracy gangster pcolor (my_array) I To have a certain color, want to set the first three elements of the diagonal, the next three have a different color, and the last three different colors I want to specify the color by the hex code string, such as "#FF8C00" how can I do this Am I Also, how can I set the color of 0-valuable elements for pcolor? To put the elements in different colors, give them different values: Imported listed matplotlib.colors from Articles, Noon Serial = Listed columns (['# E0E0E0', '# FF8C00', '# 8c00FF', '# 00FF8C']) Panic (my_array , Cmap = cmap, norm = noNorm ()) ideal = any () logic matrix avoids any scaling of values, so that in the list The first Color, 1 second, etc.

.net - How do I specify a wildcard (for ANY character) in a c# regex statement? -

The web page is trying to use a wildcard in C # to get information from the source, but I do not know how to use it in the form. Wildcard Characters I did not try to do anything! Wildcards need to be allowed only for numbers, but as the page is generated the same every time, I can also allow any characters. > Regex statement in use: Regex guestbookWidgetIDregex = new Regex ("GuestbookWidget ('INSERT wildcard here', '(* *.)', 500);", If someone can understand what I am doing, then it will be highly appreciated! Post text "itemprop =" text " > Wildc The word is . . To match the arbitrary number in any number, use . * (which means zero or more . ) or . + (Which means one or more . ) Note that you need to avoid your brackets \\ ( and \\) . (Or \ ( and \) one @ " " in the string)

linux - How do I find the current virtual terminal -

I am working on a problem in Ubuntu 10.04, where after the resume, the mouse cursor is missing goes. This can be "Fixed" by running chvt 1; However, the X console is not always vt # 7, so code> 7 7 is wrong in those cases . What I would like to do is, find the current VT in the fix-up script and make sure that I will revert back to that VT. / P> How can I get the current VT? (TTI (1) only reports "no TTI") check that 'fgconsole' is what Does it need Seems to work for me (e.g., return 7 and I'm currently in x)

How to track my dynamic IP address,is there an API available or other tools? -

Does anyone know a device or better API to track my dynamic IP address? Thanks a lot for your help. Yours, gender If you use managed APIs, then you To monitor the IP address change, you can use the NotifyIpInterfaceChange (see) or NotifyAddrChange (see) API for a local computer.

java - Formula to draw pyramid of circles -

I am trying to create a pyramid of circles in my game, looking for this type: But I can not print it properly. I'm constantly growing really weird, but nothing close to this. Can anyone give me some tips on the appropriate formula? My window is 600x600, the base of the pyramid is 8. field = new field [base * (base / 2) +4]; Int line_count = base; Int line_tmp = line_count; (For ([i] = new field (0, (150+ (line_tmp * 5)) for (int i = 0; i & lt; field lamps; i ++) {for (int j = line_tmp; j & Lt;), (600 + line_tmp * 5));} linemount -; line_tmp = linemount; I see that there are errors: Wrong array size formula. y expression in line_tmp (which looks like your counter counter). having two variables, line_count and line_temp that are always equal Instead of counting by line, your external loop calculation by node. Usually meaningless variable names and magical numbers are scattered about. // I use java.util.ArrayList because its add method...

C# problem with ADO -

When I use the following code, I get this error: "Enter the statement in the OleDbexception syntax error plz help me! {// new user name system.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder cb; cb = new system. Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder ( Da); DataRow DRow = cPD_DatabaseDataSet.Tables ["users_table"]. NewRow (); dRow [0] = this.textBox_add_user.Text; dRow [1] = this.textBox_password.Text; cPD_DatabaseDataSet.Tables ["users_table"] Rows Add (DRow); // add new record cb.GetUpdateCommand (); cb.GetInsertCommand (); // access file da.Update (cPD_DatabaseDataSet, "users_table"); // Save new recode; Clear textboxes.Textbox_add_user.Text = ""; This.textBox_password.Text = ""; This.textBox_re_password.Text = "";}; hold (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException exp) {// Connection Close this.con.Close (); MessageBox.Show (exp.ToString ());} ` If you can get a string that represents the inserted statement, then it may be sued, it is q...

http - Is there an up to date list of all common content types returned from web servers? -

Intent, text / html, audio / mpeg, etc? Can I safely assume that text based text will actually be ??? When is the content type in the header when the server returns the document? No, you can not value that. There are types of 'application / XML' (which is actually similar to 'text / XML', so I do not know why they came with that one).

Closure Library with ASP.NET -

Google's closure library looks like it has great features, but I'm just thinking that ASP.NET sites Someone has any experience of using both at once and what parts are there a good or bad experience? EDIT: To clarify, I'm not asking about closor library and closing compiler or closor templates. For example, if I use the calendar control from the closor library, it seems that posting text to decorate text boxes can be converted into datetime after posting. While other ASP.N.T. A select asset will be exposed to controls, for example, in some cases where this incomplete unification is troubling, and in some cases, where the library provides control facilities which are compelling enough, it can be any quirks Is worth dealing with. Closer library platform is an agnostic, it is useful with ASP.NET because it is with any other platform . Closer templates (the second member of the Closer Tools family) is a server-side component that is limited to Java, however, it doe...

How to load single user control on selection of a tab in -

I have provided 15 tabs and 15 user controls for each tab, all of which are being loaded at once, the ID Is delaying the process. I want to load a user control on tab selection in tab container. Instead of adding all the controls, declare on the page programmatically, on tabbed event . See this link: Or here is the short version .. Change the Register declaration at the top of the page, in context: & Lt;% @ reference control = "MyUserControl.ascx"% & gt; In the event of a change in your tab, load uc from the file: Add control to the page: Placeholder1 (Add Controls (UK) - binding between EntityFramework Objects and WebForm Controls -

With ASP.NET 4, is there any way we can tie web-form controls into entity structure objects? & lt; Asp: textbox id = "username" runat = "server" boundout = "user name" binding source = "..." & gt; & Lt; / Asp: textbox & gt; Then just in MVC I form.UpdateModel (userObj), form.DisplayModel (userObj) Any ideas? Yes, you can use a DetailsView control with TrueGenerateColumn to display objects in line , But it does not use any features to set control display names and to accommodate any other features such as MVC ... Or, the column is incorrect and explicit in order to autoogenerate Force the properties of the object to be bound; This control can force any object type. HTH

javascript - Map works, but throws a popup error at load complainig about wrong api key -

I think a lot of people have this problem, but no answer I found here or stackoverflow problem: Map Super fine works! But throws an error to load "This map requires a different API key ... Sign Up ..." has already signed up to, already went to get a key. A man on some platform said that in this case the map is being loaded twice, once with the wrong key, the second one with the right one. URL: (This will redirect / projects, but I think it has been tested without re Ridayreshn an issue) / Div> you have a head: & lt; Script src = "http: //" Type = "Text / JavaScript" & gt; ; & Lt; / Script & gt; You have in the middle of the document: & lt; Script src = 'http: // File = API; V = 2 and Amp = key = ABQIAAAAzeIDjGwdGYsF8CGZpljIvRQjXPkxaZ7...

c - scanf("%d", char*) - char-as-int format string? -

चार- as- संख्या के लिए प्रारूप स्ट्रिंग मॉडरफायर क्या है? मैं एक चार स्रोत [] = "x32" का प्रयोग कर एसएसएनएफ़ का इस्तेमाल करते हुए एक अहस्ताक्षरित चार प्रकार की चर में संख्या 255 (वास्तव में बहुत कम) से अधिक नहीं होती है। चार विभाजक; अहस्ताक्षरित चार तत्व; Int len; Len = sscanf (स्रोत, "% c% d", और विभाजक, और amp;); // मान्य करें और आगे बढ़ें ... मुझे उम्मीद की चेतावनी मिल रही है: sscanf के तर्क 4 प्रकार * चार *, int * की उम्मीद है। जैसा कि मैंने समझ लिया चश्मा, चारों के लिए कोई संशोधक नहीं है (जैसे कम के लिए% sd, या 64-bit लंबे के लिए% lld) क्या यह खतरनाक है? (वेरफ़्लो (रोल-ओवर) चर को ओवरफ्लो जाएगा या क्या उसे आवंटित स्थान के बाहर लिखा जाएगा?) क्या एक अस्थायी चर वैरिएबल आवंटित करने से हासिल करने का एक शानदार तरीका है? ... या क्या आप पूरी तरह अलग तरीके से सुझाव देंगे? आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं Glibc के तहत % hhd , एमएसवीसी पूर्ण रूप से भंडार को एक चर में समर्थन नहीं करता है (समर्थित रूपांतरणों के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए MSDN देखें)

c++ - static initialization confusion -

I am getting very confused in some concepts in C ++: for pre: I have followed two files // file1.cpp class test {static int s; Public: test () {s ++;}}; Static test t; Int test :: s = 5; //file2.cpp # include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Class test {static int s; Public: test () {s ++;} static int mill () {returns s; }}; Static test t; Int main () {cout & lt; & Lt; Test :: get () & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Now my question is this: 1. 1. How to successfully complete two files even if they have different definitions of different classes? 2. Are the stable members of the two classes because I get the output as 7. Please tell this concept of statics. They link because the linker knows almost nothing about the C ++ language though, if If you do this, you have broken a definition rule, and your program's behavior will be undefined. Writing invalid code is not a good way to learn C ++ Also, you start to have a lot of questions about the stab...

wcf - Dynamic URL for Service Reference in visual Studio 2010 -

I am writing a Silverlight 3 app, this service is a service to connect to a SharePoint site using Stockpoint lists Uses the reference. Web service Now I want to install my server on different servers, and I want my app to use the server's YB service on which it is installed (without me Specify). In VS 2005, we used to specify "dynamic" for webservice, how can I do this in Visual Studio 2010 (service reference)? There is no "dynamic" property for service reference. Thanks, You can use the class to complete it Because you can specify the last point during the factory construction.

persistant message queues -

I have many services on different machines and a mess-checking system is consistent with my problem. Reliability - Messages sent are always distributed, even if one end goes down - this is a significant concern, although it should be fast and appropriately bandwidth-efficient. So what line should I use? is a solution that covers all your requirements, it also has bindings for many languages ​​(java , C, python, ...). RabbitMQ servers are also available for both * nickes and Windows environments.

versioning - How are updates to the .net framework handled in azure? -

If someone hosts something in Azure and comes with a new KB and requires a net framework to update , How is it handled in Azer? Do they automatically update it for you or give you the option of staying in the old version? I am more interested in how the versioning is handled instead of uptime. Do they give you the latest version of a given version number? As such, the up-to-date version of 3.5, etc. Since the release of June 2010, version 1.2, the OS upgrade is automatic, but you can use automatic upgrade from the portal You can choose the option. You can choose a specific OS version from version 1.0 until the current guest OS release. Supports NET 4 and IntelliTrace.

msbuild - TFS 2010 - Deploy to Multiple Servers After Build -

I have configured TFS 2010 to build one and used MSBuild logic, this is a server without any issue Has deployed for. / p: DeployOnBuild = true / p: configuration = development / p: DeployTarget = MSDeployPublish / p: MSDeployPublishMethod = RemoteAgent / p: MsDeployServiceUrl = http: // to & lt; Insert & gt; / Msdeployagentservice / p: user name = & lt; Insert & gt; / P: Password = & lt; Insert & gt; However, now I am at that point where I want to deploy on many machines after a build. I'm not sure if someone was not in the system to do this, or should I implement a process to start a batch file that makes this deployment a sync after? I was hoping to keep things clean and tidy. For example, I can have two construct definitions, one for each server, but it sounds silly. I was just hoping to fail to produce the swoop without optimizing out too many in both one server. TFS 2010 You can customize your building process by using the Build Building Pra...

.net - Automating Internet Explorer w/o ActiveX -

I'm automating some tests against web applications using Python and COM. My script sends a click to the browser and verifies the results to emulate user behavior. I am trying to figure out that .net to get out of Python will be of great benefit to me. I am very much interested in C # as development language. I have tried some existing tools like WatiN but use in the target web site The ActiveX controllers made do not play well with them I believe this is because the ActiveX controller is written incorrectly, but I have no control over it. Does NET mean interactive with MSI, which is not active X or COM? I'm afraid that when you join ActiveX, you've been screwed. I did some automation with powers through com, and WatiN with C # (who said that I can not test the functional system through MSVS unit tests: P), but I always have problems with ActiveX Were there I also tried some other tests like that QuickTestPro, but still ActiveX was a pain. The problem was that in...

tsql - SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services: How to count rows that are not null? Any hints for calculating totals? -

Using Reporting Services in SQL Server 2005: Is there a way to count only those records? That which is not zero; Is "COUNTA" similar in Excel? I think that this will be a very easy process, but whatever I have tried, it has worked. For example, I've tried to use the following expression for "full", which is a column I'm trying to count: = count (IIF (Fields! Completed.Value = "END")) However , This "wrong number logic" error will be the value of "end" or "zero" will be zero. If needed , I can try to work it in my SQL query, but the query is already incredibly complex. In addition to this, I get very little documentation about how to calculate the total report, and how to total from the groups. Will there be any recommendations to use as a reference? Update: On next inspection , expression = SUM (IIF (IsNothing (Fields! Completed.Value), 0, 1)) Does the actual number of records actually return I have mista...

iphone - UITableView cell text is cut off -

I have a problem cutting the strings from the UITableview cell, whose letters have more than 12 characters, why can they have any idea? I have not created a custom cell at all. Can not I find any solution to this problem via Google problem any ideas? You should be able to set the label properties using adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth The content of the tax label. This will essentially reduce font size to fit everyone in a line.

Followed the official android documentations but still could not use SQLite in app -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग DBHelper SQLiteOpenHelper {सार्वजनिक DBHelper (संदर्भ संदर्भ) विस्तारित करता है {html> मेरा DBHelper वर्ग सुपर (संदर्भ, "SIMPLE_DB", अशक्त, 1); } @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक व्हाइड ऑन क्रिएट (SQLiteDatabase db) {db.execSQL ("टैबलेट सिंपल (" + "आईडी प्राथमिक कुंजी" + "डीईएससी टेक्स्ट) बनाएँ";);; } @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक वर्ड ऑनअपग्रेड (SQLiteDatabase डीबी, इंट पुरानावर्सन, इंट न्यूवर्सन) {}} गतिविधि वर्ग सार्वजनिक वर्ग सरलडेटाबेस गतिविधि को बढ़ाता है {/ * * गतिविधि पहली बार होने पर बुलाया गया। * / @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक शून्य पर क्रेट (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {सुपर। कॉन्टेट (सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट); setContentView (R.layout.main); डीबीएचल्पर डीबीएचलपर = नया डीबीएचलपर (यह); SQLiteDatabase डीबी = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase (); Db.execSQL ("सरलतम मानों में शामिल करें (शून्य, 'परीक्षण');"); कर्सर कर्सर = db.rawQuery ("सिलेक्ट * से SIMPLE_TABLE", रिक्त); टेक्स्टव्यू टेक्स्ट = (टेक्स्टव्यू) ढूंढें वीवीबीआईआ...

java - Creating user generated reports -

I need to make custom reports to users. I do not know the technical skills like users. We do not currently have a custom database report If the design is originally done on a GUI, the application will have to generate an SQL to create the appropriate framework. Has anyone done this before? I know there are reporting solutions available but for reporting we already have database databases. We already have a section where users can view reports displayed in HTML. For example, if the user selects the "UserID" and "Accounts" field from the GUI, how do I know that my SQL is joining the user and account table? I think I am looking for some ideas to help solve this problem. Thank you. The question you raised has a very wide and open end which does not have a simple answer . You have the complexity of the report and the GUI interface will determine what you have to do. I had to write a reporting system from scratch for a project and it was an 8 month 3 person dev...

sql server 2005 - Variables to input in file name for Reporting Services subscriptions -

Is there a list that lists all the variables, for the membership of the report from within SQL Server Management Studio Can I use in filenames? I currently use @timestamp in my file names, but would like to use other options or even remove parts of time stamp (for example, only date Use, not time). Unfortunately @timestamp is the only available variable format @stestamp There are various functions, but nothing is simple, here is a thread which does not describe one (but only one) solution: If that link goes away, then The recommendations were: To resolve this issue, I suggest using data-driven subscriptions Data-Driven Subscriptions provide a way to use dynamic subscription data that is obtained from the external data source at runtime. A data-driven subscription can also use static text and default values ​​that you specify when the subscription is defined. We can use data-driven subscriptions to do the following: Distribute a report to an unstable list of customers....

java - ant debugging in eclipse -

I want to know about the debugging capabilities of ANT from Eclipse. In fact, I have an ANT Bild script written by a colleague and I want to move through every goal to see what the names of different functions are. You can do this in Eclipse with these steps: Make sure to open your build file in the ANT editor (right click build file -> with Open -> ant editor). Double click on the left margin of your build file where you want the breakpoint. Open Anti Vis (window -> View Show -> Ant) If the build file is not in the view, you can simply add it. Click on an ant target that you want to play and debug -> Ent Build Open the debug perspective and stop this process at your breakpoint where you It can move through Sometimes it is necessary to define the logic at the time of debugging. It can be set by selecting: As the debug -> Creating ants and then selecting the argument is required. And then the values ​​can be entered as: = property va...

embedded - Controlling read and write access width to memory mapped registers in C -

I am using the 32-bit memory map register to manipulate and x86 based core. My hardware behaves correctly if the CPU reads 32-bit extensions and writes this register. Register is aligned to a 32-bit address and it is not eligible to be addressable on byte granularity. What can I do to guarantee that my C (or C99) compiler only reads 32-bit extensions and writes in all cases? For example, if I work with such a read-modify-write: volatile uint32_t * p_reg = 0xCAFE0000; * P_reg | = 0x01; I do not want the compiler to be clever about this fact that only bytes down and generates 8-bit detailed read / write. Since the machine code is often more dense for 8-bit operations on x86, I am afraid of unwanted optimization. Disabling optimization in general is not an option. ----- Edit ------- An interesting and very relevant paper: Your concerns are covered by the variable qualifier. 6.7.3 / 6 "type qualifiers say": An object that can be modified by unknown wa...

How to delete child table records during the update of parent table using Hibernate -

I have a connection with several parent table A and hair table B, C. Let's say I have the data, in the original key 1, there are 3 rows in the child's table B in the original table 1 and 4 rows in the child's table. Now if I want to delete the rows in the table during a child update to the parent table (which means that now, I want to update the table with only one line in each row and Remove other rows in them), how to handle this scenario in hibernation? Update First of all, sorry that my question was unclear. Here are more details of this. I have a parent's table policy . "Policy" ( "POLICY_OID" numbers enable zero CREATE TABLE "DEV2" (38,0) to "CREATED_DATE" TIMESTAMP (0) not able NULL, "EFFECTIVE_DATE" TIMESTAMP (0), "UPDATED_DATE" TIMESTAMP (0), "status" VARCHAR2 (32 bytes), interrupt enable "PK128" primary key ( "POLICY_OID") barrier "REFPOLICY_CLASS29...

How to drag and scroll in a div with jQuery -

I have been looking around for some time, but there is no way to combine these elements: I want with 1 line of an element with a 100% width. I need to scroll through this div, like: then a secret overflow and so on But now when I leave mouse click, Want to easily, so it will be like a type of sweep. So when I pull the screen from left to right and release the mouse, it will move forward for 1 second and the linear will slow down. Hmm, am I understanding? Does anyone know any script or some tips that keep me back on track? don answerscosol a drag and scroll library I wrote that: GitHub: GitHub Hosted Demos: Demo and Blog Post: It is different from other libraries, this 1) It understands that if you want to select text instead of scrolling, note it (note that it is not possible to select text in it), and 2) it is not needed, or almost not, configuration. When you release the mouse, the euclassol closes (in the reply given above, like the dragcrollable).

select - Read specific line from text file, according to Checked Listbox selection number -

I want to create an application that reads a specific line from a text file and it will be displayed in a text box. The list of lines will be selected according to the number of box selection which I will do. address it: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load (ByVal this System.Object, ByVal handle as e System.EventArgs) MyBase.Load End sub Private sub Button1_Click (ByVal as the System.Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs) handles Button1.Click to dim i i = 0 Me.CheckedListBox1.CheckedIndices.Count as integer - 1 Me.CheckedListBox1.SetItemChecked (Me.CheckedListBox1.CheckedIndices (0), false) Next I end sub Private sub Button2_Click (ByVal) handles Button2.Click so CheckedListBox1 in as the System.Object, ByVal e System.EventArgs. CheckedItems.Count & lt; & Gt; 0 then dim reader new System.IO.StreamReader (CurDir () & amp; "\" & amp; "as READ.txt") = as Dim x string As Integer Dim s "" x = 0 To CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count...

php - MySQL Limiting a query to one consistent value -

मेरी वर्तमान क्वेरी इस तरह एक तालिका लौटाई: + ------- ----- + value1 | .... मान 1 | .... मान 2 | .... मान 3 | .... + ------------ + मुझे चाहिए: + ------- ----- + value1 | .... मान 1 | .... + ------------ + मैं केवल पहले मूल्य के साथ सभी पंक्तियां प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। आम तौर पर मैं एक WHERE क्लॉज करूँगा अगर मुझे वह मूल्य पता था, और मैं एक सीमा का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता क्योंकि प्रत्येक मान में एक अलग पंक्तियाँ हैं। अभी मेरी क्वेरी दिखती है: SELECT u। *, N.Something, w * FROM ... AS u, ... AS n, ... ASW WHERE = और w.val = n.val और यूएडीएससी की तरह '% VERIABLE% अनुरोध प्राप्त करें' यह बहुत अच्छा काम करता है, सिवाय मेरे पास बहुत सी पंक्तियां हैं और PHP का प्रयोग इस खंड को कोड पोर्टेबिलिटी करने और ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा नहीं है। निश्चित नहीं है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि आप इसे इसके साथ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं: चुनें u। *, N.Something, w * FROM ... के रूप में यू JOIN ... के रूप में एन.यू.आईडी = एन.आईडी जोड़ें ... w.val = n.val पर w के रूप में जोड़ें (SELE...

syntax - C++: Unknown pointer size when forward declaring (error C2036) -

In the header file, I have further declared two members of a namespace: Namespot Fu {struct odd typifif std :: vector & lt; Odp & gt; ODPVEC; }; Square bar {public: FU :: ODPWEC falcon; // C2036}; Error generated by compiler: Error C2036: 'Foo :: Odp *': Unknown size I feel that this is an issue whose announcement is forwarded to ODP . How do I get it? Announce ODP The compiler does not know what type of Std :: vector & lt; Odp & gt; , because ODP has not been announced yet, give the compiler a complete announcement for that class.

cocoa touch - How to use UIWebView to get scrolling text? -

In my iPhone application I need a scrolling text. I had text that was displayed and scrolled up and down But I did not get the customized text. I mean that all the text is of the same font should I have some different font size text. I am using UITextView but UITextView does not support customized text in it. How can I do scrolling text that has different font sizes I have read to use UIWebView for it. But, I did not understand how to use it. There is no edit of any URL in the text. (This requires just static text to read). How can I do this? Thank you. UIWebView is a UI class that shows HTML pages. You will need to create an HTML page, optionally. It will have to decorate it with some CSS, and load it into UIWebView.

xcode - Java not working on MacOS X Leopard -

I'm running leopard, xcode 3.1.3. When I type "java" on the command line, I get this: dyld: The entered library could not be loaded: /usr/lib/libSaturnFE.dylib trace / bpt net What did I do? I had some settings with Saturn some time ago, but I did not know that it was about to screw my machine. I'm sure that when I first installed the xcode, it was working. I think I could install a different Java SDK compared to what Xcode came with? I can not find an upgrade path for Xcode for which I do not need to upgrade Snow Leopard. I do not feel like upgrading Snow Leopard just because I do not have a good disk backup. Edit: At least if someone can tell me in a resource or a Mac forum, I can ask this question that it will be really helpful. I understood that I had forgotten that I left it in my .profile: export DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES = / usr / lib / libSaturnFE.dylib export DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE = 1 The first two variables were generating a runtime ...

Question about inserting/updating rows with SQL Server (ASP.NET MVC) -

I have a very large table with several lines, each row has statistics for each user for a few days and obviously I do not have any data for the future, so I use it to update the data which updated data SET visit = @wALL WHERE ... many terms ... And date = @ today but if the row does not exist? I have to use INSERT statistics (...) VALUES (visit = @ walk, ..., date = @ today) I How can I check whether the row exists or not? Is there any way different from doing COUNT (*)? If I fill the table with empty cells, then it takes thousands of rows to pick up megabytes and store the data. If you are using SQL Server 2008 and above, In the 2008 edition, the code should check the code.

.NET without use of DLL's -

I have issued a problem with security, will not allow the use of DLL in a bank project. Before any other, this kind of problem has to be faced, before the type of structure to allow the use of external structures and Need? If they have the project to be structured (pure 3.5 +) Thanks, KJ Do you think that no external DLL is used can go? .NET is basically a series of DLL (BCL) + runtime. However, I can imagine that this bank wants to be able to inspect its application code without inspecting any external assembly using the NIT reflector. In this scenario, using ILMRJG will not be a trick, because it is not removing the security problem. It will hide those external assemblies inside your application assemblies and make it difficult to inspect everything. I think that you have to use only one option as a small external structure as possible and if you use them, then check the bank with the NAT reflector. Show more about which configuration you use. Honestly, I think it ...

visual studio 2010 - javascript indentation in vs2010 -

Hello everyone I was wondering how I could change the indentation setting of vs0010 so that instead of doing it: Function Test () {} It will: Function testing () {} Its annoying me! Thanks In Visual Studio 2010, go: Tools> Options Expand the Text Editor node and select JScript . (Aka javascript). Under formatting, tick the "Place open brace on the new line for function" checkbox.

linux - Kernel panic - Creating own AMI (Amazon Machine Image) -

I created my AMI and registered it on Amazon EC2. But when AMI startup I get the following error: Kernel Terror - Not Synchronized: VFS: Unable to Mount Root FS at Unknown Block (8,1) proc / proc procaults 0 0 / dev / sda1 / ext3 relatime, errors = remount-ro 0 1 Image created with the following command Was ec2-bundle-image -i image.raw -r i386-c cert-xxx Pem -k pk-xxx.pem - user 123456 Full AMI startup log: Linux version 2.6.16-xenU (Builder @xenbat Amazonsa) (GCC version RAN 4.0.1 20050727 (Red Hat 4.0.1-5)) # 1 SMP Mon 28 May 03:41:49 SAST 2007 BIOS- Provided Physical RAM Maps: Xen: 0000000000000000 - 000000006a400000 (Usable) 980MB HIGHMEM Available . 727 MB Loweem is available. NX (Disabled Executed) Security: Active IRQ Lock Detection disabled 1 Zonlists Kernel Command Line: Root = / dev / sda1 ro 4 Enable and Restore Fast FPU ... Enabled Unmasked SIMD FPU Exception Support Enabled To do the ... CPU # 0 PID hash table starting entries: 4096 (order 12, 65536 ...

iphone - how to make a sprite goes behind another sprite -

I am using CCSprite to recreate the background image of my app (it's like moving background ). However, I am also using CCSprite to attract my heroes and enemies. In some cases the enemy goes behind the image of my background. My understanding is that if you do: [add- bind: sprite1]; [Adding Child: Phantom 2]; Then if they pierce each other in the window, then Sprite 2 will be behind. However, is there any way to unveil Sprat 1 in order to penetrate Sprat 2? I tried to see but the cocos2d does not seem to be the method that I see ... I have not used cocos 2d ... normally if you want to take sprite1 at the top of sprite2 [self replaceChild: sprite2 withSprite: sprite1] Similarly if you want to take sprite2 at the top of sprite1 [place of self between: sprite1 withSprite: sprite2] You need to change the place of change, method ... common tuwe But if addChild method adds an array element, you have an array, you can use Bdlenobjektaindaks method. - IIS URL Rewrite rule - Default document for subdirectories -

I would like to create a URL rewrite rule that will set the default document for my virtual folders. like. This way some time ago - & gt; - & gt; - & gt; Directories, HR, D is not actually present on the web server, they are used only in the site used for home languange The module for which the module rewrites the path with the query parameter. The quick solution defines the rule of every one, something like this: & Lt; Add key = "/ hr" value = "/ hour / index.aspx" /> & Lt; Add key = "/ de" value = "/ de / index.aspx" /> & Lt; / RewriteMap & gt; & Lt; / RewriteMaps & gt; & Lt; Rules & gt; But I would really like the solution that will not require changes in web.config and will add the rewrite rule for every grief used on the particular ...

ruby on rails - An affordable way to use multiple Delayed::Job queues -

I have a railway app that requires the process of multiple background jobs together: 5- Anytime anywhere from 6 to 50-60 at one time, my app is running in Heroku, which charges $ .05 / hour per employee, whether the employee is using a CPU or memory. It costs me a bottle every month ... $ 1200 / mo What is a host that will allow me to do what is doing to make me affordable? The way to go to my own server was I was paying $ 300 / month for a machine I can run 40 workers easily, the negative side has to learn about server administration, but it is not very bad. - icon as an image -

Is it possible to use the visible file as an image in the view basics as an image? F.E. btnIcon1 = my.resources.ICO1 / P> btnIcon2 = my.resources.ICO2 The most basic method to do this: myButton.Image = Me.Icon. ToBitmap You can also use it: myButton .image = My.Resources.myIcon.ToBitmap Both of these methods have to remove and use 32x32 icons from .x files.

oracle10g - Using Oracle Sequence in SQL Loader? -

I used the SEQUENCE keyword in the SQL Loader control file to generate the primary key I am But for a particular scenario, I would like to use in the Oracle sequence control file. Nothing has been mentioned about it that the SQL loader supports it? I do not think so, but you insert the sequence on the trigger until it is a direct path load.

C++ link error for boost::filesystem -

वैश्विक कमांडर (commands.cpp) को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अनिर्धारित संदर्भ :: सिस्टम :: get_system_category () इस त्रुटि को कैसे हल करें? आपको पुस्तकालय से भी लिंक करना होगा बूस्ट के बाद के रिलीज में बूस्ट। फिलीसिस्टम की निर्भरता है।

How does VS 2005 provide history across all TFS Team Projects when tf.exe cannot? -

In Visual Studio 2005, in the TFS Source Control Explorer, this is a top-level node for TFS server, each team project For a child node right-click on a server project node or node for a team project that gives a context menu that has a view history item, selecting it will give you the previous 200 or so changes The History window shown appears, Either the selected team has been selected for the project, or in all team projects. This history in all team projects I'm thinking about this command line tf.exe history command (as I understand I'm basically the same functionality provided by the VS TFS source control plug-in. P> My workspace, and the Foo , bar , and Baz Pass C: \ is Team Projects, I can C: \ & gt; TF History Foo / recursive / stopafter: 200 To achieve the previous 200 changes, Affected Team Project Foo ; Or from within a team project folder c: \ bar> TF history *. * / Recursive / stop: 200 which does the same th...

java - String Object. Clarification needed -

मेरे पास मेरे प्रोग्राम में निम्नलिखित पंक्ति है: jobSetupErrors.append ("abc "); उपरोक्त मामले में जहां नौकरीसेटअपर्स एक स्ट्रिंगबइल्डर () हैं, जो मैं देख रहा हूं वह है: नई स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया गया है और मान "एबीसी" उस स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट का मान मौजूदा स्ट्रिंगबिलल्डर ऑब्जेक्ट को सौंपा गया है अगर यह सही है, और मैं 1 और लाइन जोड़ता हूं ... jobSetupErrors.append ( "abc"); ( "abc"); उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में हम स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट अलग से 2 बार बना रहे हैं? यदि ऐसा है, तो क्या ऐसा कुछ करना उचित होगा यह? स्ट्रिंग ए = "एबीसी"; jobSetupErrors.append (क); (क); क्या यह एक बेहतर तरीका है? कृपया सलाह दें पता लगाने में मदद करने के लिए, मैं निम्नलिखित की तरह एक वर्ग लिखा था: कक्षा परीक्षण {स्ट्रिंग ए = "एबीसी"; स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर बफर = नया स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर (); सार्वजनिक शून्य सामान्य () {बफर.एपेंड ("एबीसी"); बफर.एपेंड ("एबीसी"); } सार्वजनिक शून्य चालाक () {बफर.एपेंड...

Resolving a Forward Declaration Issue Involving a State Machine in C++ -

I recently returned to C ++ development after a break, and about the implementation of the state design pattern Have a question. I am using Wahali Pattern, according to Goff's book. My problem is that the state machine is based on the hardware used only as part of some embedded system - hence the design is fixed and can not be changed, it can not be changed to two states (special There is a circular dependency between), and I am trying to solve it. There is a simplified code here (note that I tried to solve it using the headers in general but still had problems - I have left them in this code snippet): #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; Memory & gt; using namespace std; Reference to class {public: friend class state; Context () {} private: state * m_state; }; Class state {public: state () {} virtual zero trigger1 () = 0; Virtual Zero Trigger 2 () = 0; }; Class LLT: Public State {Public: LLT ()}} Zero Trigger 1 () {New DH (); } Zero trigger 2 () {n...

What are the Rails best practices for javascript templates in restful/resourceful controllers? -

सबसे पहले, 2 सामान्य (बुनियादी) दृष्टिकोण: # कुछ फ़्यूज़ कंट्रोलर विधि response_to से लौट रहा है Do | format | # 1. एक जेसन प्रस्तुतीकरण प्रारूप को प्रस्तुत करना। जेसन {रेंडर: जेसन = & gt; @ फ़ू} # 2. एक आरजेएस टेम्पलेट रेंडर करें, update.js.erb format.js का कहना है {render} end # update.js.erb $ ('# foo')। Html ("& lt;% = escape_javascript (रेंडर करें ( @foo))%);) यह स्पष्ट रूप से सरल मामला हैं लेकिन मैं यह बताना चाहता हूं कि मैं किस बारे में बात कर रहा हूँ मेरा मानना ​​है कि ये भी आरआर 3 में डिफ़ॉल्ट प्रत्युत्तर द्वारा अपेक्षित मामलों (या तो कार्रवाई नामित डिफ़ॉल्ट टेम्पलेट या संसाधन पर _ # {format} को कॉल कर रहे हैं।) मुद्दे 1 के साथ, आपके पास टेम्प्लेट के बारे में कोई चिंता नहीं होने के साथ दृश्य पक्ष में कुल लचीलेपन है, लेकिन आपको सीधे जावास्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से डोम को हेरफेर करना होगा आप सहायकों, आंशिक, आदि तक पहुंच खो देते हैं। 2 के साथ, आपके पास अपने निपटान में आंशिक और सहायकों हैं, लेकिन आप एक टेम्पलेट (कम से कम डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से) से बंधे है...

python - Django: how to create sites dynamically? -

I need to create an application for the company where I can create the site dynamically, for example, The administrator interface (Django's admin sufficient) is required where I can set up a new site and add some settings to it. Every site should have a domain (domain can be manually added to Apache cone, but if DJGongo can handle it too well). Every site should be independent of others, I mean, I should not be able to see the data content of other sites, but I can share the same application / model. I have seen Django's blog framework, but I'm not sure it is possible to implement this way. Should I use the sites framework or create a new app that can handle the site better? What do you think? After the server can not what the Django site settings will do, but according to the site domain name you It is necessary that you are using a server like Apache, NGNX etc.

android - Access message inbox without Content UrI (content//:sms) -

I want to access messages stored in the inbox through my Android project. I have tried the method of creating URI for SMS (Content: // SMS / Inbox) and then it is quaruing for different parameters. But I can not find any documents to read the inbox SMS in the standard Android Developer Docs. It was mentioned on various websites that this content has been removed from the standard SDK. The app can not support the higher version of Android. So, how can I make an application for reading SMS from Inbox which is reliable in the Forward version of Android. Please help !! This works well in my landmark Public listing & lt; String & gt; GetSMS () {Uri MMSMURUUU = Yuri.Presse ("Content: // SMS / Inbox"); & Lt; String & gt; Message = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); Cursor cursor = null; {Cursor = mContentResolver.query (mSmsQueryUri, null, null, null, null); If (cursor == empty) {log. ("Cursor is zero"): "+ MsmsQueryUri"; ...

python - How to exclude results with get_object_or_404? -

In Django, you can create a SQL like not equal . An example might be. Model.objects.exclude (condition = 'deleted') Now it works great and the exclusion is very flexible. Since I am a bit lazy, I want to get that functionality when using the get_object_or_404 , but I have not found any way to do this, because you have get_object_or_404 . What do I have to do, something like this: model = get_object_or_404 (pk = id, status__exclude = 'deleted') But unfortunately this does not work because there is no excluded query filter or similar. The best I've come up with so far is doing something like this: object = get_object_or_404 (pk = id) if object.status == 'deleted': return HttpResponseNotfound ('text ') By doing something, actually defeats the point of using get_object_or_404 , because it is no longer easy one-liner. Alternatively, I can do this: object = get_object_or_404 (pk = id, status__in = ['list', 'of...

iphone - Calculate the contentsize of scrollview -

I see table view as a detailed view of cell, there are several views on detailed views like labels, buttons, etc. I am making it through the builder. What I am building through the interface builder is stable I am putting everything at the height of 480. On my expanded view, a label is dynamic text that can extend to any length. The problem is that I need to set the content size of ScrollView for which I want its height Try to use ScrollAllows Contact Size. It worked for me and I had the same problem with control using dynamic content. // Calculate Scroll View Size Float Size Offcontent = 0; Int i; (I = 0; i & lt; [myScrollView.subviews count]; i ++) {UIView * view = [myScrollView.subviews ObjectAntIndex: i]; SizeOfContent + = view.frame.size.height; } // Set the size of the content for the scroll view myScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake (myScrollView.frame.size.width, sizeOfContent); To do this, I do this in the controller in a method called viewWillAppear which...

python - How can I update only certain fields in a Django model form? -

I have a model form that I use to update a model. TurtleForm (models.Model): name = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 50, empty = false) Description = models.TextField (empty = true) class TurtleForm (forms.ModelForm): Class meta model = turtle Sometimes I do not need to update the entire model, but only one field has to be updated. So when I post only information is available for details when I never save that model, because it thinks that the name is being blanked out, while my intention is that the name does not change and just use it from the model To be done. turtle_form = TurtleForm (request .post, example = object) if turtle_form.is_valid (): () is there any way to do this The way? Thanks! Use only the specified field: class first model forms ModelForm): Square Meta: Model = TheModel fields = ('title', def deftitle) (see itself .... View Different model models for a model in different scenes, when you want different features, so ...

Allow users to enter a variable length list of items in form -

I need to enter a variable length list of objects to my users that looks like a grid view (or a series) Standard text boxes are vertical). Each item can be a few letters or a few hundred letters long, and I just want them to enter a "sentence", and then tab in the next line, and always go down the list to create another blank one Are there. I do not want to save any data in my SQL Server DB unless it lists the full list and then click on the "Save All" button. When they press the "Save All" button, they will be given a preview screen where the data will be presented as a standard HTML command list. If they are confirmed / saved, then each row of the grid will be saved as a separate line in my SQL Server database (remember the order with an order). What would be the best way to use ASP.Net (or Jquery / Javascript) UI controls in this situation? (I.e. just for the data entry part - the rest I had). It looks as if you are looking for somethin...

Resharper intellisense confusion -

Today I have something strange in my copy of Razor 5. I have a class that looks like this: Public class fu {public string username {get; Private set; } Public Fu (String Username) {User Name = Username}; } Public Zero Times () {DuWorks (user name); } Public Zero DoWork (String Username) {}} When I start typing Dvask (We get the following from Intelligence: Notice that this constructor is pulling the argument, and it ends with a colon: userName: What's going on here? Edit: Reid answered as below, this is a new C # 4 feature that is called. This is the purpose that you specify the name of an argument Instead, it's its position in a parameter list instead, so you do not have to remember the status of an argument in the logic to use it (though it is meaningless with intellisense to a large extent). Logic makes it easy to use. Thanks Read. it Referrer, for which intellisense support has been provided. Added support for them in C # 4. Now you can find a d...

Useful Qt Plugins -

I am a new tad for qt and so far i have actually added only qwt; But I was wondering, what are some other useful QT plugins? Is there any list anywhere? Thanks in advance. You can try and

django - why save_model method doesn't work in admin.StackedInline? -

I have a similar problem as the problem of the first solution, this time does not seem to work in addition to the solution : First I used to save the user to override save_model. Now I need to do this for comments, it does not work anymore. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks a lot! Jason not saved in the inlineadmin's save_form You must see save_formsets in ModelAdmin, which is related to inline: class MyAdmin (admin.ModelAdmin): inlines = [MyInlineAdmin, ..... ] Def save_formset (auto, request, form, format, change): () if not change: in formset.forms for f: obj = f.instance obj.user = request.user ()

Twitter Follow Link -

How do I create a link that will automatically follow a certain Twitter user if they are logged in or send them Are Twitter to enter if they are not? I came to know how to do it before month or 2, but it can not be found again, I think it is something like a link or a form post such as[user] / follow. I have seen the API, but I need to authenticate the user on my own site, and I do not want to deal with it, I just want to prove them directly on Twitter and not worry about it. Please. The way I found it was nice and simple and I want to find it again. Use Twitter New. For example:

c# - Membership provider stopped working on using Membership Provider in ASP.Net MVC -

मेरे पास एक उत्पादन एएसपी.Net MVC अनुप्रयोग है जो सदस्यता सेवा का उपयोग कर रहा है। यह आज तक ठीक काम किया है, आज तक सर्वर पर कुछ भी बदल नहीं गया है, लेकिन मुझे अब यह त्रुटि है: सिस्टम। कॉन्फ़िगरेशन। प्रदाता। प्रदाता अवधारणा: 'सिस्टम। वेब। सिक्योरिटी। सिक्वेल एम्मारशिप प्रोवाइडर' की स्कीमा संस्करण के साथ संगत डेटाबेस स्कीमा की आवश्यकता है '1'। हालांकि, वर्तमान डेटाबेस स्कीमा इस संस्करण के साथ संगत नहीं है। आपको या तो aspnet_regsql.exe (फ्रेमवर्क स्थापना निर्देशिका में उपलब्ध) के साथ एक संगत स्कीमा स्थापित करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है, या प्रदाता को एक नए संस्करण में नवीनीकृत कर सकते हैं। मैंने asp_schemaversions तालिका की जाँच की, और यह ठीक लग रहा है। कृपया किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी। UPDATE मैंने समस्या को सर्वर रीबूट करके तय किया है बल्कि, मुझे कहना चाहिए कि मैंने इस लक्षण को तय किया है। मैं यह जानना चाहूंगा कि किसी और को इस समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है, इससे पहले कि सर्वर हर बार जब तक फसलों को रिबूट करता है, उचित उचित नहीं लगता।

import - Difference between a changeset and a patch? -

What is a change and a patch? I was using HG today and I saw import order mention that it is used to import "the ordered set of patch." What is the patch? Changes usually refer to internal representation. Thus, hg unbundle , which processes the mercurial-specific files, "implements one or more changegroup files." A change group is just a group of changes. Patches are plain text in standard formats (like produced). Note that the command can be used to process these plain text files (separate from the modification control).

indexing - MySQL indexes - what are the best practices? -

I've been using indexes on my MySQL database for a while, but never learned about them Generally I have put an index on any of the areas that I can search or select by using the WHERE section, but sometimes it does not look like it is black and white. What is the example / dilemmas: If there are six columns in a table and all of them are searchable, then I want all the indices Or any of them? What are the negative performance effects of indexing? If I have a VARCHAR 2500 column that is being searched from parts of my site, should I index it? You should spend some time reading indexing, a lot about it written Is important, and it is important to understand what is happening. , and the index places an order on the rows of the table. For simplicity, imagineing a table is just a large CSV file. When a line is inserted, it is inserted at the end , so the "natural" order of the table is in the order in which the rows were inserted. Imagine tha...

geocoding - Suggest a public API for nearby amenities? -

I am looking for an API to find the nearest facility (school, community center etc.) through latitude / longitude. Thank you This project has a raw format feature. Here is information about the map. Here's the page. Good luck.

ASP.NET Exception Handling in background threads -

When I do threadpools QUUAEAVACHITIME, I do not want to do exceptions to kill my entire process, so I do something like this: Threadpool. QUUUserWarKitim (Rep. {Try {Functional ventotocell ()}} Hold {handle exception ();}}); Is this a recommended pattern? It seems that there should be a simple way to do this. It is in an app, if it is relevant. You must catch exceptions in the callback to avoid calling in the calling thread (as per your example ) This is the recommended pattern if it is an application, you can use it in Application_Error method in global.assx / Html>.

abstract class - C++ destructor problem with boost::scoped_ptr -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड के बारे में एक सवाल है: #include & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; boost / scoped_ptr.hpp & gt; कक्षा इंटरफ़ेस {}; वर्ग ए: सार्वजनिक इंटरफेस {सार्वजनिक: ए () {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "ए ()" & lt; & lt; std :: endl; } आभासी ~ ए () {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "~ ए ()" & lt; & lt; std :: endl; }}; इंटरफ़ेस * get_a () {ए * ए = नया ए; वापसी; } Int main () {{std :: cout & lt; & lt; "1" & lt; & lt; std :: endl; को बढ़ावा देने :: scoped_ptr & LT; इंटरफेस & gt; एक्स (get_a ()); Std :: cout & lt; & lt; "2" & lt; & lt; std :: endl; } Std :: cout & lt; & lt; "3" & lt; & lt; std :: endl; } यह निम्न आउटपुट बनाता है: 1 ए () 2 3 जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, यह ए के नाशक को नहीं बुलाता है। एकमात्र तरीका जिसे मैं बुलाया जा रहा है के नाशक को प्राप्त करने के लिए देख रहा हूं, इस तरह इंटरफ़ेस वर्ग के लिए एक नाशक जोड़ना है:...

python - Google finance quotes search box -

A web service is trying to implement, which should have the same job as the quote mark When the user's name is a stock name or company name, the correct stock name is suggested while typing. My service will use historical information from Google Finance, so a proper quote name is required from Google! Nobody knows how can I get this quote list through Google Finance API? Better with Python Or can any suggest some suggestions? Many thanks Google Finance API document. To access it from Python,

With Rails 3 routes, how do you only allow a requests from -

I am writing an app where many routes should reach from the local host. It seems that this is possible with the new routing system. Here are examples of setting an IP address blacklist for binding routes based on IP address and for your routes, but I am interested in whitelisting with only one IP address is. It would be nice if something like this works: get "/ posts" = & gt; "Post #Show",: Barriers = & gt; {: Ip = & gt; ''} But that did not happen. Am I missing the right syntax right now? You can do this "/ post" = & Gt; Receive "Post #Show",: Obstacles = & gt; {: Ip = & gt; /} or Obstacles (= ip = & gt; Get "/ posts" = & Gt; "Post # Show" and

ruby - Where goes signal sent to process which called system? -

बहुत सरल रूबी स्क्रिप्ट को देखते हुए: child = fork do system 'sleep 10000' अंत में 5.टाइम्स करते हैं 1 सोता है "# {बच्चे} को मार डालो" प्रक्रिया। किल ("क्यूआईटी", बाल) एंड क्विट सिग्नल बस खो गया है वह कहाँ गया? डिफ़ॉल्ट हेन्डलर वाला कोई चीज़ जो इसे अनदेखा करता है? उस फोर्क द्वारा बनाए गए सभी प्रक्रियाओं को सिग्नल कैसे भेजा जाए? क्या यह संभव है कि सभी बाल प्रक्रियाओं के लिए खोज न करें? समस्या यह है कि सिस्टम कॉल अब एक अन्य बाल प्रक्रिया को एक सबशेल्ड में दिए गए कमांड को चलाता है, इसलिए आपके उदाहरण में वास्तव में तीन प्रक्रियाएं चल रही हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त, रूबी कर्नेल # सिस्टम कमांड को मानक सी फ़ंक्शन के माध्यम से कार्यान्वित किया जाता है, जो कि फोर्क और exec कॉल को नई प्रक्रिया बनाने और (पर सबसे सिस्टम) SIGINT और SIGQUIT को अनदेखा करता है, और ब्लॉक SIGCHLD। यदि आप बस नींद (10000) के बजाय सिस्टम ("sleep 10000") तो आपको उम्मीद है कि काम करना चाहिए। आप इसे संभालकर संभाल करने के लिए बच्चे में SIGQUIT जाल कर सकते हैं: chi...

java - Need to use Unit testing famework for testing J2EE Components like Servlets , Filters and JPA -

I need to create unit tests for the J2EE components like Servlets, Filters and JPA code Will automatically say and Can you give some suggestions? Thank you, Glory You can use a database test or In addition to this, you can use the "After Text" itemprop = "text"> for servlets for a fun structure Can be used

Selenium waitForPopup with dynamic windowId? -

How can I wait for a popup window when using the selenium if its ID is generated dynamically? For example: ("link = mylink"); Selenium.waitForPopUp ("popup072815372337691199"); Obviously I can not hardcode the window id in my source code any signals? It would be best to clearly name a consistent or fully predictive window, although possible Not that you can try to use the getAllWindowNames command to wait up to the number of windows increments. If the name of the window is some prediction (like a compatible prefix) you can find the full name of the new window before using waitForPopup or selectwindow .

How to suppress Cut, Copy and Paste Operations in TextBox in WPF? -

I want to suppress the cut, copy and paste operations in the text box. I do not want any of these functions from the user's default context menu in the text box or in the text box. Please tell me how can I restrict these tasks? You can do this very easily using command managers. PreviewAexecuted root event. In your XAML, you will enter the following on your textbox element. It will be applicable to CTL + V, etc. along with context menus or any button that you have mapped with those commands, so this is very effective. & lt; Text Box Commandmanager PreviewCanxText = "HandLexExtact" / & gt; Then in your code-behind, add a handlineconexcept method, which disables the command. Private Zero HandXXsecute (Object Sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) {if (e.command == Application Commands.Cut || E.Command == Application Commands.Copy || E.Command == Application Commands.paste) {E.CanXicute = False; E.Handled = True; }}

c# - Databinding to Classmember of Classmember -

I need some help about WPF and Databinding. Let's say I have Class A, Class B with one member. Classbie has a member again, perhaps an int: classbie {public ent member member of b. Set; }} Class A {Private Classbie _ The B; Public Class Membership {Get {return _theB;} set {_theB = value; // something needs to be done ...}}} When I have a databaying in XAMML: Where the datacontax of the textbox is an object of class A. As you can see, I have to do some computations in the member Offa Setter in class. But with the above database, this setter has never been called because it is connected to Classbie's member. So, how can I inform that the member of the facade (when I write something in the text box)? Is there any best practice? (Code is not checked in Visual Studio, so there may be some syntax errors). Thank you, Walter The best way to handle this might be to INOptifyPropertyChanged B Will happen. When a new example of A to B is found, then hook it to th...

php - How to raise CComponent event in Yii -

I call graphs like went provided they assume component pages (Yahoo Finance). The Component View template contains a bunch of AHHRF, which I want to switch between periods in the graph. I have created events and event handlers in the component. I have two questions: How to increase the occurrence on graph component through those a_hrefs (should they have a graph part?) > How to rebuild the graph without losing the curent page? The reference (section, filter - specified as $ _GET values) My graph component will look like this: Yii :: import ('zii. Widgets? .CPortlet '); Class Graph Seismeral {Private $ _ Duration; / * **************************************** * component properties * ** ************************************** * / public function getPeriod () {$ this- return & Gt; _period; } Public Function Set Period ($ Period) {$ this- & gt; _period = $ period; } /* **************************************** * * Normal * ...