handler - applescript click every element via gui scripting -

I want to redo through every element on an iTunes window and try to click on each element.

I would also like to write a text file that I clicked.

The code I have written is not working. In particular, I get an error The process "iTunes" click_an_element is not able to understand the message.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you! !

  application "iTunes" tell explaining how to activate the application "System Events" process "iTunes" tell "window iTunes set elements to the entire contents of" (I elements of length 1 repeat with) elements click_an_element I items (elephant) Show_what_you_clicked (elephant) end repeat end tell tell end elephant set ------- ------------ operators click_an_element the ( An_element) Tell the application to activate "iTunes" to show the application " The development system development process "tell" texte "application tell tell" iTunes "process to activate" "try an_element end Click end to tell the end finally tell click_an_element show_what_you_clicked tell the application (thing_to_type)" TextEdit DIT "thing_to_type key code 36 end keystroke tell end end  

thinks it's beyond your wildest dreams that click_an_element an iTunes is Function is

You need to add "My" to that call

Please: Because I had some time during lunch, a small click with this was because the small button was flashing then the other items had to stop using it.

  application "iTunes" tell "system Events" application tell telling process to enable "iTunes iTunes" end tell (length of elements) repeat with i from 1 I elements --my click_an_element (elephant) My show_what_you_clicked ( Description of Girtha) End of repeat end items, set the elephant to "set the elements to get the entire contents of the window" ------- Handler ------------ Click_An_Alement (A_Lment) try to tell tell "iTune" program events process "iTunes" to tell "application, click on the" Attileshn "button, to try to eliminate an_element end end, let end_in_element, the show_what_you_clicked (thing_to_type) Explain that "text edit" Thing_to_type Show the key code 36 end tell show_what_you_clicked  


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