WPF layout calls MeasureOverride repeatedly in increments of 2? -
I have participated in a case where I have a custom panel (received from the panel) and I call it a A ListView in ItemsPanel.
When I change the shape of that container, when I minimize it, then the major override function of my panel is called once, but if I change it bigger (let's move from 100 to 300 ), It calls for two o'clock in the pay scale of 2 and so 102, 104, etc. for each value between 100 and 300, to MajorOverAiride and OrangeRired.
The strange thing is that the container immediately resizes (its size is 300 instant).
It does not make any difference to me, returning from this major override - it just does this.
I think I can do it in a very small application and I can post it here, but I am unable to reproduce it like this yet.
Can anyone know what can be the reason for this?
By dynamically setting the miniwon's property of my panel, I am able to achieve this behavior As it changed with the size of the container it prevented the unnecessary call from the nozzle override. I am still somewhat uncertain why this is happening.
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