c# - Memory leak in WPF app due to DelegateCommand -

I just wrote the desktop app in WPF and used the C # MVVM pattern. In this app I used representative command implementation to wrap ICommands properties highlighted in my model view. The problem is that these delegations prevent my model view and view from being garbled after the closure of the Delayed Comand View. So, until I finish the whole application, this difference remains. I give a profile to the application. I think that it is about the delegation that how can I survive this situation to maintain the model in memory and it is in the nature of the MVVM pattern, or is it about my implantation of the pattern ? Thank you.

Edit: This is the small but full part of how I implement the MVVM pattern

First of all: CommandDelegte class

  Category delegate group: ICommand {personal action & lt; Object & gt; Executed; Private Prickett & lt; Object & gt; CanExcute; Public Representative Representative (Action & lt; Object & gt; Execute, Execute & Object; can) Examinations {If Execute (== Zero) {Minimum Execution of New Logic ("Execute") ; } This.execute = Executed; This.canExcute = canExecute; } Public Bull CanExecute (object parameter) {if (this.canExcute! = Null) {return canExcute (parameter); } Back true; } Public Event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged {addManager.RequerySuggested + = value; } Remove {CommandManager.RequerySuggested - = Value; }} Execute Public Zero (object parameter) {this.execute (parameter); }}  

Second: ModelView class

  public class ViewModel: DependencyObject, INotifyPropertyChanged {Private DelegateCommand printCommand; Public icemond print command {get {if (printCommand == null} {printCommand = new DelegateCommand (print, CanExecutePrint); } Return print; }} Zero print (object obj) {Console.WriteLine ("print command"); } Bool CanExecutePrint (object obj) {return true; } Private Event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; Private Zero OnProeprtyChanged (string propertyName) {If (PropertyChanged! = Null) {PropertyChanged (New, PropertyChangedEventArgs (propertyName)); }}}  

Third: Back Window Code

  Public MainWindow () {InitializeComponent (); Base.DataContext = New ViewModel (); }  

Forward: My XML

  & lt; Window x: orbit = "wpfApplication1.MainWindow" xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/enfx/ 2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns: x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/ Xaml "title =" main window "height =" 350 "width =" 525 "& gt; & Lt; Window.InputBindings & gt; & Lt; Keyboard key = "P" modifiers = "control" command = "{binding path = print command}" /> & Lt; /Window.InputBindings> & Lt; StackPanel & gt; & Lt; Button content = "print - Ctrl + P" width = "75" height = "75" command = "{binding path = print command}" /> & Lt; / StackPanel & gt;  

In your case, what is the context in it << In execute and canExecute properties in Deluxe Commands in ViewModel ViewModel are examples of methods of reference.

  • ViewModel in delegate - its PrintCommand property.

  • In this view there is any number in the context of ViewModel .

  • CommandManager has a RequerySuggested event in the context of its DelegateCommand .

  • This final reference is a special case: commandmanager its WeakReference is used by its RequerySuggested In the event, therefore, despite the fact that delayed command registers for that event, it can still be garbage

    Seeing all this, you will not have problems needed. If the scene is resolved, then ViewModel and DelegateCommand should be accessible.

    You say that you have certified the application and delegation is placed in the context of ViewModel . I think that the logical next question should be: What is the context of representative ? It should not be commandmenager . Do you have anything else in your application that refers to your orders?


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