c - program "is not up to date" execution error in wedit lcc-win32 -
I am trying to compile a simple Hello World program in C with LCC-win32 / wedit, and I Unlocked with little Windows C programming
#include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (zero) {printf ("hellow \ n"); Return 0; }
When I compile the program then the console output is:
Badit Output Window Build: Tuesday 15 June 09:13:17 2010 c: \ lcc \ lib \ lcccrt0.obj .text: '@ 16 _RtlUnwind' c undefined reference: \ LCC \ lib \ lcccrt0.obj .text: '_signal' c undefined reference: \ LCC \ lib \ lcccrt0.obj .text: undefined reference '_raise' c: \ LCC \ lib \ lcccrt0.obj .text: 'for undefined terms _exit' asctoq.obj .text: 'for undefined terms _strnicmp' defaulttrap.obj .text : '__imp___iob' defaulttrap is the undefined reference. Obj Ktext: undefined reference '_fwrite' defaulttrap.obj .text are: undefined reference '_itoa' defaulttrap.obj .text are "undefined @ 16 _MessageBoxA 'defaulttrap reference: undefined reference' _strcat 'defaulttrap.obj .text to do. Obj Ktext: undefined reference to '_abort' powlasm.obj .text are: undefined reference to '_pow' qfloat.obj .text are: undefined reference to '_memset' qfloat.obj .text: '_strchr' qfloat.obj undefined reference. Text: Are '_memmove' strlc undefined reference Pykobj Ktext: undefined reference '_memcpy' xprintf.obj .text for: undefined reference to '_localeconv' xprintf.obj .text are: "to undefined terms _strtol 'xprintf .obj .text: '_wcslen' xprintf undefined reference. Obj Ktext: undefined reference to '_wctomb' xprintf.obj .text: '_fputc' looking compile + link-undefined time reference: 0.1 seconds, return code: 60
When I Try to execute the program in Weedet, I get a dialog box that says "hello .exe is not up to date" rebuild? "If I click Yes, then nothing happens. If I do not click, a dos window says," C: \ LCC Projects \ lcc2 \ hello.exe "code 1 - Execution time 0.001 sec
Press any key to continue ...
It continues even as long as I do not compile / rebuild any.
Any thoughts?
Linker to simultaneously link to the C runtime library Windows kernel32.lib and user32.lib import libraries. To install the latter two, Windows SDK is required.
The compiler you are using is very vague. How to configure it correctly Linker could link those libraries. If you can not remove it yourself or find anyone familiar with this IDE, then I would like to download the free Microsoft Visual Studio Express C ++ version. With lot of those gritty details with those project templates, which is a lot of templates compiler and linker settings in the past you want Win32 Console application template.
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