After what point a JavaScript library is considered as a FrameWork? -
I'm confused with the definitions.
Can you please define the minimal "instability" of the JavaScript library so that it can be considered as a software framework?
The difference between a framework and a library is very strange In my opinion, generally, software frameworks are largely and usually "take up" your application (because they provide the basis, or "framework" for your application). On the other hand, a library provides a collection of tasks that you can choose and choose.
There is nothing to isolate the structure from some libraries in Wikipedia:
- Inversion of control - in a framework, unlike libraries or general user applications , The flow of control of the total program is not from the collar, but the framework.
- Default behavior - One framework default behavior This default behavior should really be some useful behavior, not an option.
- Extensibility - A typical framework can be created by providing the user with generally selective overrides or specific code.
- Non-Convertible Frame Code - Normally the framework code is not allowed to modify, the user can expand the framework, but can not modify its code.
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