utf 8 - utf8 codification problem C#, writing a tex file, and compiling with pdflatex -
I have the next code written in C #. It is making a text file using UTF-8 ... The problem is that it appears that the actual valid UT-8 is not a file, because when I use PDFtex, it does not recognize letters with letters to write a real UTF-8 file One way to know? When I use TexmakerX to create a utf8 file with the same latex code, pdfletics does not complain, so the problem should be in generation.
StreamWriter writer = new streamwiter ("hello.tex", false, encoding.UTF8); "+" \ \ "\" \ N "+" \ \ "\" \ n "+" \ \ "\" {\ n "+" + "\ N" + "\ n" + "\ n" + "\ maketitle" + "\ n" + @ "\ section {canción}" + "\ n" + @ "canción" + "\ n" + @ "\ end { Document} "); Writer.Close ();
This may be a problem with unicode byte-order mark (BOM) . You can see it using a custom:
using (stream author authors = new streamer ("Hello. Tech", wrong, new UTF 8 encoding (true, true) }) {}
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