The use of insert in ada? -
Can someone tell me how to insert in the Aida language? I tried the net but I just could not figure it out. If someone could provide me with an example then this would be a great help.
In advance thank you Mady
I have ever written
Never before done (often have to do anything but with a simple Put_Line
) it knocked together:
with Ada. Trusting Fixed; With ADA Test_io; Use Ada.Text_IO; The process is included Base: Stable String: = (1. 8 = & gt; '') & amp; "Aaaaaa" & amp; (1 = 8 => ''); Start Put_Line (ASCII.HT and '|' and Base & amp; ';'); 1 for J. .. 24 Loop S declares: string: = base; Ada.Strings.Fixed.Insert (S, first => J, New_Item => ccc) starts; Pat_line (integer 'image' and 'ASCII. HT and' '' & 'and' '' '); End; End loop; Inserting the end;
and output is
| Aaiae | 1 | CCC AHAIA | 2 | CCAC AAAAAA | 3 | CCAC AAAAAA | 4 | CCAC AAAAAA | 5 | CCAC AAAAAA | 6 | CCAC AAAAAA | 7 | CCAC AAAAAA | 8 | CCAC AAAAAA | 9 | CACAAAA | 10 | AKAQAA | 11 | Auxacaya | 12 | Ayacakacua | 13. Ayacakacaya | 14 | Aaaakakaya | 15 | Aacakaca | 16 | Aaaakaka | 17 | Aaaci | 18 | Ahaya CA.C. 19 | Ahaya CA.C. 20 | Ahaya CA.C. 21 | Ahaya CA.C. 22 | Ahaya CA.C. ADA has been enhanced to. STRINGS.LENGTH_ERROR: a-strfix.adb: 358
Which I hope gives general taste.
Ada95AARM A.4.3 at (3) says about the concepts behind it
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