
Showing posts from May, 2010

c# - sending AT COMMANDS -

Does anyone know where I can get the official list of all the commands? I want to speak to my computer from my cell phone. I need everything in command and I will hook it up either to .NET or VBA or something else. btw I have a Motorola phone

lisp - Check if current Emacs buffer contains a string -

I have a buffer open in emacs. I need a task that will return t The current buffer has a string, otherwise it returns zero . (defun buffer-included - substrings (string) ...) It is careful to change where you are, or damage any match data. (defun buffer-containing-substring (string) (save-trip (save-match-data (goto-four (point-min)) (search-defined string zero t))) )

.net - What's the proper approach for writing multi-path "story" flows? -

I wonder if you can help me. I am writing a game (2D) which for players to take several routes, some of which branch / merge - probably even loop too. I am telling each section an ishorailement - and I am thinking that the way in which these elements are easily converged / configured to link better than that. Also, graphical I'm going to be an engine / factory assembly that will load the appropriate StoryElement on the basis of various configurable options. I start with each storyElement a as the next element () Istora Element property and a complete () event Had planned to deliver. When the vent is fire, the engine reads the NextElement property to find the next storyElement . The downside is that if I ever want to graph all the routes through the game, I am unable to do this - I would like to do everything for every StoryElement Could not set goals. I have considered some other solutions but they all feel a bit - as if I need an additional layer of inta...

visual studio 2010 - How am I supposed to deploy an ASP.NET 4 MVC website? -

What is the recommended way to deploy a website created with ASP.NET 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010? I have always added a web setup project to my solution, and it has also been used to create MSI for small applications. But when I create Web Setup Project in VS-2010, it works but some of the stuff is still broken: 1. I started the ISIS 6 compatibility on a Win 2008 R2 box So that he could get to run MSI. 2. MSI includes web.config, web.debug.config, and web.release.config. I thought VS Web. Confidential changes should have been kept in mind. - Matte I recommend that you see using which Compile all your files and configuration settings in a zip file that can be imported into IIS 7. Scott Hanselman has a fantastic presentation that shows.

Can Google App Engine ever support SSL with custom domains (i.e. with Google Apps)? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मुझे पता है कि जीएई अभी तक इसका समर्थन नहीं करता है, लेकिन क्या ऐसा कोई कारण नहीं है जो किया जा सकता है? अगर वे समर्थन जोड़ सकते हैं, तो मुझे लगता था कि वे इस पर काम कर रहे हैं। क्या उन्होंने सार्वजनिक रूप से इस बारे में कुछ भी कहा है? ऐप इंजिन ने अब लॉन्च किया है। आप या तो एसएनआई या वीआईपी आधारित एसएसएल से चुन सकते हैं। वाइल्डकार्ड और बहु ​​डोमेन प्रमाण पत्र समर्थित हैं जो आपको एकाधिक प्रमाणपत्र और डोमेन में अपने प्रमाणपत्र का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देते हैं।

hibernate - Atomikos rollback doesn't clear JPA persistence context? -

I have a Spring / JPA / Hibernate application and I pass it on to my junior integration tests against H2 and MySQL I am trying to Currently I am using Atomicos for transaction pooling and C3P for connection pooling. Despite one of my best efforts, one of my DAO integration tests has failed with org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException. In the unsuccessful test, let me create an object with the "new" operator, set the id on it and continue the call on it. @Test @transpublic public save_UserTestDataNewObject_RecordSetOneLarger () {int Expected number number = 4; User newUser = createNewUser (); Dao.persist (NEWUSER); & Lt; Users & gt; AllUsers = dao.findAll (0, 1000); AssertEquals (expected digits, allUsers.size ()); } In the last testmethod, I create the same thing (createNewUser () is a helpful method that creates an object with the same ID). I am convinced that there is a reason to create and maintain a second object with the same ID, but each exam method i...

c++ - Overloading + to add two pointers -

I have a string class and I want to overload to add two string * pointers: Something does not work like this: string * operator + (string * s1, string * s2); What is the way to avoid going through the context? Consider this example: string * s1 = new string ("hello"); String * s2 = new string ("world"); String * s3 = s1 + s2; I have an additional requirement for this type of work. Please suggest. You can not do that you can not overload the operator for the underlying types. In any case, why use the indicator? Avoid as much dynamic allocation as possible! string s1 ("hello"); String S2 ("World"); String s3 = s1 + s2; It is much better, and does not leak. You can now overload: string operator + (const string and s1, const string and s2); How do you wish it is definitely a waste of time, because std :: string exists :)

runtime - What exactly is a "run-time"? -

My company is not always a problem with the software because "run-time" or unavailable I have heard that people say a lot (You need 32-bit run time, Microsoft run-time, etc.). What exactly is being referred? DLL files? Something different? Can anyone clarify? Run-time is basically the time on which your code is running (as opposed to ) In the context you are seeing it, it means that from time to time library, those libraries need to be loaded to execute your program. Due to the statically linked code it is dynamically linked stuff (DLL or shared objects) (it is only in the executable file). An excellent example is Microsoft's C run-time or dependent on Net Libraries but they do not ship with their product. This means that your executable will run on any machine, in which those libraries already exist (as if they are installed with Visual Studio), but not necessarily every computer you want to turn on your code. I answered a question about the difference...

python - How to return a value when destroying/cleaning-up an object instance -

When I started a class in Python, I can assume it. I then call method in class which does everything. Here's a snippet: class TestClass (): def __init __ (self): self.counter = 0 def doSomething (self): self.counter = self.counter + 1 print 'Hiya "If __name__ ==" __main__ ": obj = TestClass () (something) Objkdo (something) Objkdo some () Print obj.counter as you You can see, every time I call doSomething method, it prints some text and gives an internal variable ie salary of salary. When I start the class, I set the Counter Variable to 0. When I delete the object, I want to return the internal counter variable. What would be a good way to do this? I wanted to know any other ways in addition to different stuff like: variable obj.counter like to reach directly . Creating a method like getcounter . Thank you. Acting on object destruction is typically frowned upon. Python provides a __ del __ function, but in some cases it can n...

java - How to achieve conditional resource import in a Spring XML context? -

What would I want to achieve "ability to move" (i.e., based on the property defined in a configuration file) & lt; Import condition = "" resource = "some-context.xml" /> Where the asset is being resolved (for boolean) and when the correct reference is imported, otherwise it is not. I have some research yet: Write a custom namespace handler (and related class), so that I registered my own custom element in my own namespace Can do For example: & lt; Myns: import condition = "" resource = "some-reference.xml" /> The problem with this approach is that I do not want to repeat the logic of importing the entire resource from Spring and it is not clear to me that I want to appoint to do this the wanted. To increase the behavior of overriding DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader "import" element parsing and interpretation (which is in the importBeanDefinitionRe...

django - Count Records in Listing View -

I have these two models: class CommonVehicle (models.Model): year = Model Forward Cay (Year) Series = Model Forging (series) engine = model. Forging (engine) body_style = model Forgiveness (body model): objects = VHECK MANAGER () Stock_net = Model CharField (max_length = 6, empty = false) vin = models.CharField (max_length = 17, empty = false) common_vehicle = Model Phoenis (Commonwealth) .... What do I need to do to calculate the number of times in the vehicle class CommonVehicle Does it? So far my attempt is giving me a number, which is the total of all records, how do I look at the total appearances for each CommonVehicle Update 1 I can count in: I was thinking something like this: related_count = 0 for vehicles in vehicles: related_ count + = vehicle Offfitter (normal_wheel = vehicle) .count () somecommonvehicle.vehicle_set. Count () - HTML Encoding Server side vs Client side -

I want to enable comment posting on my page, so I need to execute some HTML encoding before that mail Is sent and dumped into the database. What is the ideal side for this? saver side (i work with or client side (javascript)? If you are configuring user input, then only is safe for you. Server-side form. You can not be sure that the customer-side has been done, it is very easy to bypass the customer-side code. This is like data verification: the data is valid for validation, the form fills with valid values, for example) on the client because the immediate response creates a good user experience, but doing so There is no alternative to doing so on the server, because it is very difficult to bypass client-side verification. But with the signifying input, you do not even want to try to do that client-side; Suppose it is non-clear and modify it on the server. In ASP.Net, if you are configuring the infrastructure, it is a string that you are going to display i...

c# - Dynamically generated controls issue -

I have a form with a docked panel in it, then I dynamically designated 15 panels named on the primary panel (named: Panel_n) and 15 pictureboxes (nominated: picturebox_n) (named ContainerPanel). Any time the panel draws any picture box (panel_n) mouse events, I would like to get the name of the panel on which the picture box was drawn. Capturing mouse cursor. I have tried to create an IMSsfilter interface, but there is still no incident that triggers when drawing an image box on any panel. Clientrectengel Intrinsects are also not working because co-orders are always 0,0. I have only one panel name where the picture box was dragged (preferably on a mouseup event) If you give an image slideshow to an onmassdown event that says something like this: (Sender in the form of a picture box). Dodradrope (Sender, Draft Effects. COPY); Then you can allow the panel to set the dop property to the correct, and in their Ondragdorp event, you can get their name in such a way: ...

Qt training tips and tricks -

I have come to a new company and have never worked before Qt, but my work is to learn Qt in 2 weeks. That's why I can train others, so I met 2 weeks to learn Qt and prepared for two week long QT teaching. I'm very dead! Please point to some common mistakes, tips, styles so that I can make that training a little better! Thank you! EDIT: C + GI programming with Q4 and it was great. The examples were really good, besides I got some training material from Previos training. It was a 2-week trends and we covered almost all Qt aspects! that's good! ;) Go, (official QT book) and start reading!

c# - Create shortcut from on Windows 7 box (64 bit) -

I am trying to create a desktop shortcut with the code on Windows 7 box (64 bit). The following code works on XP, but when run on Win7 I just get turned off messaging applications work explaining: import IWshRuntimeLibrary dim WshShell WshShellClass = new WshShellClass dim MyShortcut IWshRuntimeLibrary as the .IWshShortcut in 'MyShortcut = CTYPE (WshShell.CreateShortcut ( "C: desktop shortcut" Win 7 MyShortcut = CTYPE ( "\ Users \ Public \ Desktop \ iexplore.lnk C"), IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut WshShell.CreateShortcut () Will be made on: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Desktop \ iexplore.lnk "), IWshRuntimeLi brary.IWshShortcut) MyShortcut.TargetPath = "C: \ Program Files \ Internet Explorer \ iexplore.exe" 'specified target application full path MyShortcut.Description = "better ways to make a shorcut codes on any idea or Win7 box? Windows 7 64-bit here As 32-bit compiled and it works: import IWshRuntimeLi...

postgresql - Encoding in SQL to CSV -

When I copy the query ... CSV, I make the CSV file but when the column in the name of Excel Open it, which should be with national characters, it should not be so. So my question is, if it is possible for SQL queries to change this encoding for SQL? or something else? Because I want to have the newly created CSV file as the final product for the user on the web. I hope someone decides what I want :) Postgrescill transcoding column names when copying Does not support CSV as I think you are asking this? For example, if I create a table: Steve @ Steve @ [local] = csvtest in #stdout with CSV header; You can transcode the data to something else: Steve @ Steve @ [ID], value 1, Televise Polska, ZoeSela Deziezesz imiszey program Local] = # set client_encoding = 'iso8859-2'; ST Steve @ Steve @ [local] = Standout from CDAVT with CSV header; ID, value1, Telewizja Polska zawiesi a dzisiejsz emisj program But if you define column names in a national character: Stev...

objective c - steganography library in C or Obj-C -

Does anyone know about a good steganography library, can I use things written in C or Objective-C? It will need to be used in Mac OS X applications. My provocative answer will be that you want to hide the image / execute some algorithms to leave yourself Try / Learn Sample algorithm of 3-bit image hide in 24-bit image is very simple and there are about 10 python lines (of course this can be slightly higher with C / OBJ-C). And you will not get bad quality of the Stego image - about 87.5% of the original quality. So check out about this steganography method. This stego decoding method is used in the GPU pixel shader program for fast decoding process. However the encoding was done with the Python script that was removed after use; P but I think the encoding process is very straightforward and can be understood from my blog article if there is a question about my Steve algorithm - so do not hesitate to ask.

javascript - Combining functions - jQuery -

Hey guys, I'm new to JS and I'm trying to combine some functions that I made and some New functionality has been added, but I have to move some way & lt; Script & gt; Click $ (". 1trigger") (function () {$ (".exe"); Toggle ("blind", 100);}); Click $ (".2trigger") (function () {$ (".exe"); Toggle ("blind", 100);}); Click $ (".3trigger") (function () {$ (".exe 3"); Toggle ("blind", 100);}); $ ("4trigger") Click (function () {$ (". 4 Expand"). Toggle ("blind", 100);}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (". 1trigger"). Toggle (function () {$ (this) .animate ({backgroundColor: "#fff", color: '# FD0E35'}, 400);}, function () {$ (this) .animate ({backgroundColor: "# FD0E35 ", color: '#fff'}, 400);}); $ (".2trigger") Toggle (function () {$ (this) .animate ({backgroundColor: ...

dynamics crm - Database Changes in CRM 4.0 -

I'm told, it has been strained, but there can be no documentary proof that it supports your support with Microsoft Dynamics CRM The contract will invalidate 4.0 if you can modify the database manually by scripting using the TSCQL database. Any link or confirmation can help with that it is true. Thank you in advance Iain This article explains Whether it is considered unsupported:

SQL Server join question -

This is on Microsoft SQL Server. We have a query where we are trying to join two tables on a field with numeric data. A table has numeric (18,2) defined fields and in the second table, the decimal defined area (24, 4). When connecting with the original data types, the query has been hanged and we get out of patience before we finish (this is going on for 6 minutes ...) So we have created two areas both numeric (18,2) and curie 10 Tried to finish inside seconds Therefore, we tried to keep two areas in two decimal places (18,2) and then put the query again. Does anyone know the difference between decimal and numerical data types that will perform them in different ways? The decimal and numeric datatype is the same thing in another SQL Server. Decimal [[P [, S])] and numerical [(P [S, S])] fixed precision and scale numbers when maximum precision is used Valid values ​​are from 10 to - 38 +1 10 ^ 38 - 1. The ISO synonyms for decimal are decimal and DC (P, S). Numerical function...

php - Phing: Cutting out piece of code with Phing -

मैंने अलग-अलग phing filters को asge as regex की कोशिश की। ## CUTSTART & lt;? Php // ... को कोड के लिए अलग-अलग टुकड़ों को बाहर निकालना चाहते हैं। कट ...? & Gt; ## कूट यह कोई बहुउद्देशीय समर्थन के कारण काम नहीं करेगा I: अनुमान है: & lt; filterchain & gt; & LT; replaceregexp & gt; & Lt; regexp pattern = "## CUTSTART (। *) ## कंटेंट" बदलें = "## चले गए" अनदेखा करें = "सच" /> & Lt; / replaceregexp & gt; & Lt; / filterchain & gt; एक विचार है? यहां देखें: ऐसा लगता है मल्टीलाइन समर्थन जोड़ा गया है (4 सप्ताह पहले!)

c# - How can I implement partial serialization? -

I have recently developed several serialization, to send objects to most sockets, but I have an interesting question: My approximate scenario is this: You have some type of "state" object, each customer, which includes many properties (strings, intits, balls, etc.) When your customer first adds The whole state object is serialed through an XML or binary serializer, and is sent to the socket, which is rebuilt on the other side. Now both client and server are the same state object Your server needs to change the state again, and it is done only by establishing the property of a state object (either state events, or part of the state object itself) by resetting the entire population. Two states can synchronize, but it seems that there will be a "property change" object. Obviously, this can be implemented manually, but it seems that the serializer should only serialize one property, and apply it on the other side like a patch. Does anyone know if this is possib...

actionscript - Wildly inaccurate timing in Flash? -

I am creating a tool in Flash to tell me to load a server's content slightly How much time I am doing foo = new date (). GetTime (); // object bar = get new date (). GetTime (); Trace (bar-foo); However, in any case, time is only 3ms to 150ms, very upheaval. When I test it using python, time is around 5 mms continuously. Does anyone know what is happening and how do I fix it ?! Thanks a lot! This is due to Flash players asynchronous execution model Then in Python you will naturally do some synchronous kind: var foo = now (); Var data = load data (); Var Bar = now (); In AS 3 it is more like: var foo = now (); IoThread.addJob (load data, function (data) {var bar = now ()}); Or even in the browser, IO jobs are done by the browser. But in any case, it is very lazy, maybe based on the assumption that the bandwidth required interruption is. Congratulations - back 2ds

java - Can I get the full query that a PreparedStatement is about to execute? -

मैं PreparedStatement के साथ MySQL सर्वर के साथ काम कर रहा हूं। उदाहरण: स्ट्रिंग myQuery = "उपयोगकर्ता से आईडी का चयन करें जहां नाम =?"; तैयार स्थानबद्धता stmt = sqlConnection.prepareStatement (myQuery); Stmt.setString (1, "परीक्षा"); stmt.executeQUery (); परिणामसेट rs = stmt.getResultSet (); मैं पूर्ण एसक्यूएल क्वेरी कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं जो कि MySQL सर्वर पर निष्पादित होती है? यह जेडीबीसी कल्पना द्वारा अनिवार्य नहीं है, लेकिन कई जेडीबीसी ड्राइवर चलने वाले क्वेरी की toString वापस आने दें, और MySQL के कनेक्टर / जे में यह व्यवहार होता है (या कम से कम यह कुछ साल पहले)। स्ट्रिंग myQuery = "उपयोगकर्ता से नाम का चयन करें जहां नाम =?"; तैयार स्थानबद्धता stmt = sqlConnection.prepareStatement (myQuery); Stmt.setString (1, "परीक्षा"); Println (stmt); // जो आप चाहते हैं वह करें!

xml - IPhone- Rss sample code, modify to display images... PLease help! -

I am trying to create an application with text and images in a table that displays RSS feeds , But I'm really struggeling with it! I found a very good [sample code-project] [1] that I really recommend-- but im struggeling it can only getting text to display images in tablecells instead I have any help !! Reeeeally happy with Add cells to your table, and Set your property to image you want to do this in your own way: - (UITableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {static NSString * MyIdentifer = @ "MyIdentifier"; UITableViewCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: MyIdentifier]; If (cell == zero) {cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectZero reuseIdentifier: MyIdentifier] autorelease]; UIImageView * imgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (3,3,75,75)]; ImgView.tag = 7; } [Cell Settext: (NSString *) [yourTextArray objectAtIndex: indexPath.row]; UI...

c# - Converting Dropdown list to int -

Hello friends I'm trying to store value in an integer from the dropdown list but I have an exception input string Not in the correct format. Int experience Years = Convert.ToInt32 ("DropDownList1.SelectedValue"); Please help. remove quotation marks; The code that stands is trying to convert an integer into the literal string "DropDownList1.SelectedValue" , which can not do it. int experienceYears = Convert.ToInt32 (DropDownList1.SelectedValue);

Ruby BigDecimal sanity check (floating point newb) -

Am I sure that with Ruby BigDecimal types (different exact and scale length Also) should accurate calculations or expect me of the temporary point shenanigans? All of my values ​​are in the form of a BigDecimal within a Rail app and I see some errors (they have different decimal lengths), hopefully this is just my way and Not of my object type. There are two general disadvantages arithmetic while working with floating point. The first problem is that the Ruby Floating Points are fixed accurately. In practice it will either be 1) There is no problem for you or 2) Destructive, or 3) Something in between Consider the following: # float 1.0 e + 25 - 99 99999999999999900000000.0 # = & gt; 0.0 # BigDekelom BigDecal ("1.0E + 25") - BigDecimal ("9999999999999999900000000.0") # = & gt; 100000000 100 million accurate difference! Very serious, right? Exact error, except 0.0000000000001% of the original number, it really depends on you whether...

iphone - How to obtain UITextFields from a singleton -

In order to calculate in three view controllers, I need only four parameters. The parameters come in four scenes before UITextFields. I am not using global variables, but have developed a singleton class to enable the available parameters for each controller. I can reference the fine variable in the controllers, but I do not know how to start them. I have received the variable from the first view controller through a window developed with IB but there can be no way to get it in the earliest manner in singleton. Thankfully appreciate the guidance and guidance. // // ProjectEstimator // // This is an overview class that is used to control global parameters for use in various view controllers. // // // // 10/06/2010 created by Frank Williamson // #Emportant & lt; Foundation / Foundation. H & gt; @ Interface Global Parameters: NSobis {// Any "global" variable can be found here at // float * process; // float * entities; // float * transaction; // float * user; IB...

flex - FlexBuilder debugger: what can the "expressions" tab be used for? -

The headline indicates whether there is a document on the FlexBilder "Expression" tab, and what this expression can accept ? As far as I can tell, it can show the value of the variable, but it is: comparison, function and method call all fail: Edit : This is specific to the FB3-Flex Builder, apparently the FB4 - Flash Builder - is a little less incompatible. It depends on whether you have the ability to express frightbeilder 3 or flashbearer 4. FB3 . You can basically use variables and their member properties, duration. Alignment ") +" foo "parseInt (GetStyle (" padding-left ")) etc.

datetime - How can I pull data from a SQL Database that spans an academic year? -

Actually, I want to draw data from August to May for the set set of dates, Works until I cross the year marker (i.e. 8 and 12 works - not between 8 and 5). Is there any way to drag this data? Here is the SQL query I wrote: Between the years (date time) between the dates (date time) between downloads of SELECT count (*), MONTH (date time) between 2009 and 2010 and the month (date time) 8 and 5 groups Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Eric R. Using it with YEAR () and MoNH () to use the index on that column Also, I'm going to waste the possibility: Use the form of: [YES], YEAR (my_date) AS [year], MONTH (my_date) as the SELECT COUNT (*), SELECT COUNT (*) From [month] download from where my_date & gt; = '2009-08-01' and my_date & lt; ' 2010-06-01 'YEAR (my_date) by group, month (my_date) year order (my_date), month (my_date) (I used my_date because I have a datemake Can not bring itself to refer to any column in the form) :)

codeigniter - Multi-dimensional array parsed from .csv ->commas causing mysql database insert issues -

I am using Codeigniter to parse an uploaded CSV file (which is a multi-dimensional array) in the database . I have tried to parse everything coma correctly, but the "id" column in mysql is less because it reads "text", and not "text, text, text". help!? * For reference: * print_r ($ data ['csvData']); Array ([category, id] = & gt; Array ([category, id] => text1, "text, text, text") [1] = & gt; Array ([category, id] = & gt; {Foreach ($ line as item $) {$ item = explosion (",", $ item), foreach ($ data ['csvData'] as $ line) {text2, "text, text, text" ; $ Results_array = array ('category' => $ item [0], 'id' = & gt; $ item [1]); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Set ($ results_array); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Insert ('Table', $ results_array); }} My unexpected guess: $ Item = explosion (",", $ item); Explode is $ item which is text1,...

php - Should I use AJAX or get every data beforehand -

I have a web app where I need to change a drop down list dynamically based on a drop down list is. I have two options: Get all data from PHP first and later it should get "data" with Javascript or AJAX to get the data This is the thing that by default, the page loads with all the data and the user can select a sub category later to narrate the drop down. Which of the two options are better (faster, less resource intensive)? If there is a considerable number of potential selection options, then I can use AJAX to get them dynamically Use if you have only a very small group of selection options, it would be appropriate to consider embedding them in the page. Embedding in the page does not mean any delays, and is a snapper interface. However, as previously mentioned, dynamic retrieval is very useful if you have large options, or if the options change dynamically. With any AJAX request, remember to display some form of visual feedback when the request is running. ...

c# - Reactive Extensions memory usage -

itemprop = "text"> I use the reactive extension for the following code net in a WPF application: Public Manvindo () {Initialization (); Up left ButtonDown = Observable.FromEvent & LT; MouseButtonEventArgs & gt; (This, "MouseLeftButtonDown"); Var leftButtonUp = Observable.FromEvent & lt; MouseButtonEventArgs & gt; (This, "MouseLeftButtonUp"); MoveAvents = Observable.FromEvent & LT; MouseEventArgs & gt; (This, "MouseMove") .SkipUntil (leftButtonDown) .SkipUntil (leftButtonUp) .repeat () .Select (T = & gt; t.EventArgs.GetPosition (this)); MoveEvents.Subscribe (point => {textBox1.Text = String.Format (String.Format ("X: {0}, Y: {1}", point.X, point.Y));}); } Is the mouse running on this dialogue, while there will be a steady increase of memory? Reading the code, I hope that after some time there will be a large amount of MouseAventArgues in the invoice view? Or is it handled in some smart way I ...

concatenation in php and html -

$ sun = $ _ POST ["name"]; प्रिंट "& lt; ul & gt;"; (0; 0 & lt; $ sun; $ sun ++) {प्रिंट "मान है"। $ Sun। "& Lt; इनपुट प्रकार =" लेख "नाम =" नाम "& gt;"; } प्रिंट "& lt; / ul & gt;"; क्या यह सही है ............ अगर यह गलत है, plz सही उत्तर हल करता है ..... चूंकि मुझे नहीं पता कि आप क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, मैंने सोचा था कि id सिर्फ मैं क्या गलत देख रहा हूँ: $ sun। "इनपुट प्रकार = \" text \ "name = \" name \ "& gt;"; यह बात तब तक अभ्यस्त होगी जब तक कि आपका init है> 0 एक बार जब यह लूप होता है, तो यह एक अनंत लूप होगा।

c# - How do I disable silverlight cross-domain content protection for WriteableBitmap -

I have an ASI map in silver light and I'm trying to get a screenshot. However, I'm facing cross-domain content security for a write-able bitmap, "pixels are not accessible". Is there any way I can disable it? Or any other work around 3 or 4 in silver light? You can hack this kind by restoring this image. Basically you can set up the WCF service on your server which acts as a proxy on the map, then when Silver light checks your security on your media source it will see that it is hosted by your server. ', Then it should present it to you for a writeable bitmap though it can clearly increase the load on your server.

Common block usage in Fortran -

I'm new to Fortran and I'm just doing a few simple things to do. And, in general, as a new programmer, it is not certain how it works, so please forgive me if my explanation or notation is the best, there are general announcements at the top of the file. I was told by telling the person that It seems like a structure in C, and that they are global, even in the same. File, how have they declared it? So this is something like this: Common AOMVAR Integer * 2 AoEVR And then when I actually used it in another file, then They declare local variables (for example SOMEVAR_LOCAL) and depending on the condition, they set SOMEVAR_LOCAL = 1 or 0. Then there is another conditional line which will say something like this later if (SOMEVAR_LOCAL. Eq. 1) SOVVAR (PARAM) = 1; (Again I apologize if this is not a proper fortran, but I do not have the code yet). So I feel like the "activate" variable that is called SOMEVAR which is some length (2 bytes of data), then the...

need some tips about distributed c# desktop application -

My suspicion is low, I have a network with 5 pcs, XP is installed in every machine, I do not know much It's about Distributed Desktop Applications, what I want to do, create a C # application using SQL Server 2005 Database and Visual Studio 2008. I want each PC to access / update / delete data on an XP machine, which will store the database files. Do I need WServer2003 or any special network technology ?? Thank you in advance You just install SQL Server on one computer and Its firewall needs to be configured.

mysql - Why is it bad to use boolean flags in databases? And what should be used instead? -

I'm reading in some guides on database optimization and best practices and many of them suggest that the use of the Boolean flag Do not, however, all in the DB schema (ex), they never tell a reason why it is bad. Is this a peformance issue? Is this index or query properly fixed? In addition, if Boolean flags are bad, then what should you use to store boolean values ​​in the database? Is it better to store boolean flags and use bitmasks as an integer? It seems that it will be less readable. I do not think it is is bad and I have given a reason for it Have you ever seen some old database engine could not keep them efficiently, but modern people do as you say, it is very much readable to use booleans compared to bit masks. See this question for a similar discussion:

How do I toggle 'draggable' for Google Maps GMarker object? -

I have to make a draggable marker (already done), but in some situations I have to stop draggability should be able. / P> The marker is designed like this; var marker = new GMMakers (center, {pullable: true}); ... that works fine but I do not understand how it is unnecessary. like this var myMarker = new GM marker (center, { Dragable: true}); MyMarker.disableDragging ();

javascript - Push SVG String into Dom? -

I have a JavaScript variable that looks like this: my_svg_image = '& Lt; Circle cx = "227.58331298828125" cy = "102" r = "3" style = "fill: black; stroke-width: 0" /> '; This was loaded from my database. Is there any way that I can parse that string and add it to Java in Java? I have svgweb set up, but I can not see how I can get it to parse this string. What other libraries can help? Have you tried javascript property? EDIT: You can only use internal HTML properties for Html elements, so that you can use a string in which to add the entire STVG image to an HTML element. But you can not add an SVG element to the existing SVG element. Example: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML Public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.1 Plus Methal 2.0 Plus SVG 1.1 / n" " "& Gt; &...

attributes - jQuery grab html -

We have a link on some page (with the html code on the same code), that page Is a img , which are similar to the attributes title and alt . Scripts link (no one on the page is visible), hold the img of the src attribute, which title = alt , and throw the value in some variable Is it possible? Thank you. you can do this, and, like this: $ Get ('/ works', function) {var Src = $ ('img', data). Filters (function () {this.title == this.alt;}) .attr ('src'); dosomethingWithIt (Src);}); This is an incomprehensible operation, so that when the response is returned and the code will return, it will not be available in the line of code after the execution of the function and src . You need to continue the work that is necessary for the information within that function, so when the data comes back and is ready then this work continues.

python - Problem with Django styling -

New to the new ones but I'm having problems with the stylesheets (CSS) of the pages. My settings in .py MEDIA_ROOT = '' MEDIA_URL = '' TEMPLATE_DIRS = (os.path.join (OS path.dirname (__ file__), ' Please please please please please please can do. The template setting is only for assistance when you are selecting a template file for rendering in your visual handler. If you want to serve files like CSS, see, the easiest way is the best way, however, for CSS (and other stable file) requests, configure your server Django handles files instead of handler requests.

asp classic - Web application structure -

I had always had a problem in structuring my web applications when I was learning PHP in college, so a teacher PHP In the separate file used in HTML and after that he placed the PHP file on top. Base Directory - Default.asp - General - normal processing. Esp - normal function. ASP - Database Connection Esp - Main.css - Pages - Layout --- PageTestPageOn Asp - Being HTML --- PageTestPageTive ASP - Processing --- PageTestPageOn Asp - Being ASP --- PageTestPageTwo.asp Many thanks, J Your composition looks OK is . At my last job we had a very similar structure for a classic ASP site. One thing we have differentiated, name all the modules .inc to separate them from the base page (default asp in your example). By maintaining this structure you also make a specific specific version of your site - or even a clone or spin-off.

c++ - an error "variable of field declared void" -

I have this code: header - test.h Inside, I have definition of some class A and two function quizzes and quiz 2 zero quiz (int i); Zero Quiz 2 (AA, one cons * pay); I call function quiz 2 from quiz a1 (i); A * Pa 1 = New A (A1); Quiz 2 (A1, Pe1); The implementation of this function is: zero quiz 2 (A, one const * pa) {int i = a; Cout & lt; & Lt; I & lt; & Lt; Endl; } But in my header, I get 3 errors near the line definition of quiz 2: Multiple markers on this line - initial expression list Is considered as a complex expression - 'A' has not been declared in this area - variable or field 'quiz 2' declared zero Why can anyone explain why? Thank you in advance I forgot that I should declare classes first and only after that work , It is now working

php - Automatic Garbage Collection -

I have a list of items that are stored in $ _ SERVER ["my_key"] . Have these items been automatically collected? If there is no reference in the list (such as when you unset ($ _SERVER ['my_key ']) ), it will be GCD now or later (in the latest, when your script expires).

cocoa - NSTableView not refreshing -

I have a table view that is refreshed in two different ways, both are through a button, and As a matter of fact, both are in the same class through the same IBAction! Here's my problem: The buttons are different. The files work perfectly in the form of a button table view in the same encobe, while the method of receiving a new data from different legs, but it does not refresh the table. To get IBAction for the same exact method, different results, other buttons, I simply pulled out an NSObject in the IB and set my class in the square of my table view, which contains IBAction, then it's on my button Caught. How can I fix this? It seems that you are creating the second, parallel, object of your class, the second XIB button Sends a message that does something of your requisite because it is the object of the right square, but it is not exactly the right object and is not connected to your view. What you need to do is to make sure that both of the buttons talk with...

iphone - How to use different URLs for Simulator and Device -

I am creating a web application. When I'm testing on a simulator, I usually want to use a local loop URL example below because the test can mess up the data on the actual server when I am on a device To test / release, I want to use a real server. I can change the value manually, but it's easy to forget to change it. If possible, I'm looking for a solution myself. e.g. If I'm using debug or just run, then I know that I can use the debug flag set by the project settings to produce different codes. i.e. #ifdef DEBUG KURL = @ "http: // localhost / xyx" #else kURL = @ "http: // realserver / xyz" #endif Since the flag is automatically set by Xcode, I still have to choose whether to run or debug it from the menu), it allows me manually set the flag manually in the code Protects against whether it is run for debug or run. Although it is useful, the DEBUG flag has no use to detect any simulator or device running on the device. I do not ...

wamp server not working? or bad php code -

मेरे पास यह PHP कोड है: & lt; php $ username = "root" ; $ Password = "******"; // $ डाटाबेस = "बेज़ाडेट"; mysql_connect ( "", $ उपयोगकर्ता नाम, $ पासवर्ड); // मुझे लूपबैक आईपी @ मैसेकिल_सैलेट_डीबी ($ डेटाबेस) या मरने ("डेटाबेस का चयन करने में असमर्थ") के बजाय यदि अज्ञात स्थिर स्थानीयहोस्ट मिलता है; $ Query = "बैकअप से चयन करें"; $ परिणाम = mysql_query ($ क्वेरी); $ Num = mysql_numrows ($ परिणाम); $ I 0 =; $ Raspuns = ""; जबकि ($ i & lt; $ num) {$ data = mysql_result ($ परिणाम, $ i, "डेटा"); $ सुमा = mysql_result ($ परिणाम, $ मैं, "सुमा"); $ सीवी = mysql_result ($ परिणाम, $ मैं, "सीवी"); $ Det = mysql_result ($ परिणाम, $ मैं, "detaliu"); $ Raspuns = $ raspuns। $ डेटा। "#"। $ Suma। "#"। $ Cv। "#"। $ Det। "@"; $ I ++; } गूंजती है "& lt; b & gt; $ raspuns & lt; / b & gt;"; mysql_close (); ? ...

android - Further explanation about IntentService -

I was trying to get the purpose, and when should I use it? I tried to understand the API, but there is not enough information on it. Is there any similarity between this and the work thread is working for a long time? Any other explanations and samples Thanks, IntentService code handles threads for you. When should I use it? App widget to handle alarms to handle other events caught by

VB.NET :For each loops with Resultset from LINQ 2 SQL -

The user will complete the records in the code below "User". Moderate user = s from O.U.s.s.s..S..S. In P.T.TETE = "MI" and P. STATUS = 1 Can anyone tell me how can I use the Foreshouch loop in the result and take items with every mandatory line? I think you need a select section in that linq query And this is the most relevant part, you can do a simple p user next to each user (You can check the VB syntax)

c# - Adding buttons to spreadsheets in .NET (VSTO) -

Using VSTO or some related technique, is it possible to programmatically embed a button in the cell of an Excel worksheet, and it is possible to configure it. thanks. With a VSTO document optimization (i.e., the workbook is attached with a netbook) Add and remove worksheets control over runtime. This idea is shown in the following code: public partial class sheet 1 {private zero letter 1} startup (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {var button = this.Controls.AddButton (10, 10, 50, 50, "My Button"); button. Text = "my button"; button. Click = New EventHandler (button); } Click the Zero Button (Object Sender, EventsErgus E) {Message Box. Show ("I was clicked!"); } You can dynamically control documents through the VSTO add-in, using code with these lines (thanks to the people on it): var workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet) sheet; Var vstoSheet = workSheet.GetVstoObject (); Var button = vstoSheet.Controls.AddButton (50, 50, 100, 50, "Test...

How to printing duplex sections with Word 2007 -

I have a Word 2007 document with many sections, using the PCL 5 escap code in Headlele on page 1 of each section section. Enable / disable duplex by PCL5 printers are becoming scarce, especially with high volume / capacity. Can a printer be used instead of a specific code, an equivalent general code? Or is there a PCL 6 code that you know? Or is there a PostScript solution that will work with 2007's Word 2007? Any support will be appreciated. PCL5 printers are still everywhere, even on production side (sometimes a Option you need to buy) There is a compiled stream in PCL 6 so you can not just add one code. For PostScript, you may be able to but it is the source code for any application executing the printer, such as the structure and where the call is inserted is sometimes important. One of the advantages is PCL5, that you can easily insert command at any time easily. With PostScript, you might be able to; However, it can be inserted as part of the 'text ...

.net - TaskFactory.StartNew versus ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem -

Apparently the method is substituted as the replacement for .NET 4.0 (). My question is simple: does anyone know why? What is the TaskFactory.StartNew better performance? Does it use less memory? Or is it mainly for additional functionality provided by the task class? In the latter case, StartNew might display worse from That StartNew will actually use memory in comparison to more QueueUserWorkItem , because it has a task with each call object and I hope this results in more memory allocation. In any case, I am interested in knowing which one is more suitable for high performance scenario. The display is one ... depending on if you are doing multiple parallel functions, then the NAT4 function Will perform better, and give you more precise control (more strong cancellation, ability to wait simultaneously on many tasks, parent / child ability to make work relation, longrunning ability etc .. etc .. etc) In addition, do your own work Ishtkrta means the a...

c# - LINQ OrderBy with more than one field -

I have a list that has been sorted by two fields. I tried to use OrderBy in LINQ but it only allows me to specify a field. I'm looking for sorting by list for the first field and then if there are duplicates in the first field to sort according to the second field I For example, I want to look like this Smith, Peter Thompson, Fred I have seen that you can use it, but I can order it IList Person> ListOfPeople = / * The copy is filled in some way. * / IEnumerable & lt; person & gt; SortedListOfPeople = listOfPeople.OrderBy (aPerson = & gt; aPerson.ListName, aPerson.FirstName); // This does not work You need to use: listOfPeople Order-B (person = & Gt; person.lostname) then (person => firstname)

java - apache commons http client efficiency -

I use Apache Commons http to send the data through every other customer, to make the following code more effective is the way? I know that http is stateless, but there is nothing I can do to improve the base url always since this case (only parameter value change is the same. Private zero sendData (string S) {try {HttpClient client = getHttpClient (); HttpPost method = new HttpPost (""); System.err.println ("Send to server"); list formparams = New ArrayList (); formparams.add (New BasicNameValuePair ("packet", s); UrlEncodedFormEntity unit = new UrlEncodedFormEntity (formparams, "UTF-8"); method.setEntity (unit); HttpResponse resp = client.execute ( Method); string races = EntityUtils.toString (resp.getEntity ()); println (race);} hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace ();}} private HttpClient getHttpClient () {if (httpclient == faucet) {HttpClient = New DefaultHttpClient ();} Return httpClient;} Use of a...

What could be adding "Pragma:no-cache" to my response Headers? (Apache, PHP) -

I have a website that has inherited the maintenance, which is a big hairy mess. One of the things I am performing is improving performance Besides, among other things, I am adding the headers of the ending images. Now, there are some images that are done through the PHP file, and I think they have expiration headers, but they are loaded all the time . Seeing the response headings, I see this: expired Wed, 15 June 2011 18:11, 55 GMT cash-control no-store, no -Cash, Rick-Delilat, Post check = 0, Pre-check = 0 Prague no-cache Which clearly tells the problem. Now, I have seen the entire code base, and it does not say anywhere "programmable." There is nothing related to .htaccess. Any ideas that set up those "pragma" (and "cash-control") headers, and how can I avoid it? Create a simple file that does not have any of your PHP libraries, but the file format in the same folder Which resides in your image via a PHP file. file: test.p...

azure - Can I move my mvc app into microsoft cloud? -

Has anyone tried without making too many changes? There are no known patterns to work with cloud computing using the Azure platform. The first part of the question, the answer is yes. You can deploy MVC to Windows Azure. Look for the Windows Az for designing and developing the application. Over the next few days we will publish a second sample app based on MVC 2.0. See .

queue - Trying to fadein divs in a sequence, over time, using JQuery -

I am trying to explain how to do 4 pictures on page load, respectively. The following is my (amateur) code: Here's the HTML: & Lt; Img id = "corner2" src = "image / corner 2.gif" width = "6" height = "6" alt = "" /> & Lt; Img id = "corner3" src = "image / corner 3.gif" width = "6" height = "6" alt = "" / & gt; & Lt; Img id = "corner4" src = "image / corner 4.gif" width = "6" height = "6" alt = "" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - end #outercorners - & gt; Here is JQuery: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# corner1"). FadeIn ("2000", Fidine ($ ("# corner3"). Fidine ("4000", function () {$ ("# corner2"). Feedin ("6000", function () {$ ("# corner4"). (" 8000 ", function () {});});});}); Here's th...

jquery - multiple redirect? -

Well, I will not go into full information (to explain too), but it is what I try to do I am doing I have a button on the webpage (we will call on page 1) which is linked to a page (we call it page-2). This page opens in a single window. However, I need a page (page-2) that opens to open a new window with another window (we call it a page-3) when it loads. So when you click on the initial button (on page 1) then it goes to a new page (page-2) and a window will open alongside a separate page (page 3). Here it becomes difficult. After the introduction of Page-2, Page-1 needs to be redirected back to page 1 itself. Is it possible and if so how? Can it be a Jacti thing? Please answer some ... I know this is kind of crazy and a big job - but this is my last resort for this particular website. I have to do this because of lack of control over some code in this way. Does this not solve this problem? Page 2.html: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Scr...

json - django-piston: how to get values of a many to many field? -

I have several models with a model I want to get all the information on a specific record (information related to other models Including) return by JSON. How to get the Django-Piston to display those values? I would only be happy with the primary key or can you recommend another option? I may be wrong, but it should do this: Category PersonHandler: Model = Person Area = ('id', ('friend', ('id', 'name')), 'name') def (self, requested): Return Person.objects.filter (...)

How to create newline in a rebol block? -

मान लें कि मेरे पास एक config.txt है जिसमें: "param11" "param12 "param22" मैं इसे स्मृति में लोड करूँगा config: load% config.txt मैं इसे वापस से बचाने के लिए% config.txt config के साथ कर सकता हूँ अभी तक इतना अच्छा है। अब जब मैं "param31" "param32" मैंने कोशिश करनी है को बचाओ लेकिन यह अपेक्षित परिणाम नहीं देता " Param11 "" param12 " " param21 "" param22 " " परम 31 "" param32 " लेकिन इसके बजाय "param11" "param12" "param21" "param22" # / "" param31 "" param32 " तो कैसे करें? फोर्क ने कहा कि लोड / सेव रीबोल पठनीय डेटा के लिए है। सामान्य उपयोग के लिए पढ़ें / लिखें सामान्यतया उपयोग के लिए है। लिखें / अनुलग्नक% config.txt सुधार [नया "परम 31" "परम32"] आपके मामला। % Config.txt अभी भी लोड हो रहा है।

xml - MS Word to Stylesheet -

Can XSLT stylesheets be displayed in the browser? / P> I have a large collection in the word format, which is to be displayed in the browser, or sent to the user, with a field generated from a data source, edited by the user and finally , Will not need to save the data recorded by the user (including the original header and footer). I am not sure it is possible to convert documents into stylesheets. Perhaps someone has a better idea of ​​how to achieve this? Establishing the office on the server is not an option in my case. If you are working with .docx, I will have a look at Word-ML docs file Originally a collection of XML files that are zipped together.

Pass image to database in PHP -

कैसे php में डेटाबेस में छवि को पास कर सकता है? डेटाबेस में फ़ील्ड को BLOB के रूप में fread से पढ़ें, इसे बचें डेटाबेस-योग्य escape_string फ़ंक्शन के साथ, फिर इसे किसी अन्य स्ट्रिंग की तरह संग्रहीत करें।

routing - Zend Framework Route analog -

यह एक रेल 3 कोड है मैच '/ लेख (/: वर्ष (/: महीने ( / = दिन))) '=' 'पोस्ट # इंडेक्स' " उस मैच यूआरएल जहां नियंत्रक और सूचकांक कार्रवाई पोस्ट करने के लिए कुछ हिस्सों को छोड़ा जा सकता है सबसे खूबसूरत तरीका क्या है जेड फ्रेमवर्क में समान बनाने के लिए मुझे लगता है कि यह मार्ग पर्याप्त होना चाहिए: $ route = नया Zend_Controller_Router_Route ('लेख /: वर्ष /: महीने /: दिन', सरणी ('वर्ष' = & gt; तिथि ("वाई"), 'महीने' = & gt; तिथि ("मी") , 'दिन' = & gt; दिनांक ("डी"), 'नियंत्रक' = & gt; 'पोस्ट', 'क्रिया' = & gt; 'इंडेक्स'), सरणी ('वर्ष' = & gt; '\ d +', 'month वर्तमान दिन / माह / वर्ष के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट '\ d +', 'day' = & gt; '\ d +',));

email - Get reply mail to my server for a mail sent through php mail function -

I am developing a system to send mail to all my customers. If they answer that match, then I want to receive a reply mail on my server. There is a way to connect through the IMAP / POP3 server, but it is taking a lot of time to load the mail. Is there a way to get direct answer mails on my server? Or other alternative ways to get faster mail through IMAP Please help me to resolve this problem Set up your own mail server on your server. Or | E-mail only loads the headers, to know whether the email is the answer to an email sent to you and only download or you with a cron Download the email at night (if you are using Linux), you will have all the last day's emails on your server in the morning

access javascript variable in java -

फ़ंक्शन परीक्षण (custId) {सूची & lt; खाता & gt; List = accountDelegate.findAccountEntityByGroupId ((लंबा)% & gt; custId & lt;%)% & gt ;; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; } यहाँ मेरा सवाल है कि जावाआईडीटी से पैरामीटर के रूप में java विधि को custId कैसे भेजना है? जहां जावा विधि को लंबे समय तक तर्क मिलता है। आपको यह परिभाषित करने की आवश्यकता है कि क्या आप एक जेएसपी पृष्ठ पर जा रहे हैं या एक एप्लेट। जाहिरा तौर पर यह संभव नहीं है जावा जावास्क्रिप्ट पर जाने के लिए, जब तक आप क्वेरीस्ट्रिंग / कुकीज़ का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं, इस तरह से चीजें जेपी पेजों के साथ भी यही लागू होता है, क्योंकि क्लाइंट साइड और सर्वर साइड के बीच अंतर है, आपको अपने एप्लिकेशन को डिज़ाइन करना होगा ताकि वह इसे प्राप्त करने के लिए कुकीज़ / क्विकस्ट्रिंग / फ़ॉर्म मान का उपयोग कर सके।

apache - htaccess turn on php flags if certain IP address -

मेरी .htaccess फ़ाइल में मुझे निम्नलिखित को चालू करना होगा: php_flag display_errors On Php_value error_reporting 2147483647 हालांकि मैं केवल यह करना चाहता हूं अगर मेरी आईपी साइट पर जा रही है। कोई विचार? कुछ ऐसा है .. । यदि (आईपी == "xxxx") {php_flag display_errors php_value पर त्रुटि त्रुटि रिपोर्ट 2147483647} ऐसा करने की आवश्यकता PHP में नहीं। धन्यवाद! httpd कॉन्फ़िगरेशन में ऐसा करने का कोई आसान तरीका नहीं है इसके बजाय एक स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करने पर विचार करें।

html - Php Tidy : remove link and style tags inside body -

मुझे & lt; style & gt; और & lt; link & gt निकालने के लिए कुछ HTML कोड साफ़ करना आवश्यक है & lt; body & gt; टैग के अंदर टैग मैं कुछ सफाई करने के लिए पहले से ही PHP निष्क्रिय का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मुझे यह पता नहीं चला कि PHP के साथ उन टैग को कैसे निकालना है। क्या आपके पास कोई हल है? या शायद एक और मार्कअप क्लीनर PHP वर्ग ... पता नहीं कैसे व्यवस्थित करें, लेकिन आप DOM $ dom = new DOMDocument का उपयोग कर सकते हैं; // init नया DOMDocument $ dom- & gt; लोड एचटीएमएल ($ html); // इसमें एचटीएमएल लोड करें $ xpath = नया DOMXPath ($ dom); // एक नया XPath $ नोड = $ xpath- & gt; क्वेरी ('// body / style') बनाएँ; // शरीर टैग foreach ($ नोड के रूप में $ नोड) में सभी शैली तत्वों को ढूंढें {// पाया गया तत्व $ नोड- & gt; parentNode-> gt; हटाएं बच्चे ($ नोड); // पूरा शैली नोड हटाएं} $ डोको-> एहॉक करें HTML (); & lt; लिंक & gt; तत्वों के लिए, एक्सपाथ को // body / link में समायोजित करें। P>

datetime - Parsing a string for dates in PHP -

Looking at an arbitrary string, for example ( "I'm going to play Croquet next Friday" / Code> If this is looking like a very good candidate, can you think about it? Hard basket, maybe you can give an alternative suggestion. I want to be able to parse Twitter messages for dates. I will see the tweets They are directing in Eva, so they can be trained to use an easy form, although I would like to be as transparent as possible. Is there a good middle ground that you can think of? If you have HP, then you try the following algorithm I'm showing an example, And leaving the tedious work on you :) // words Trying to do stratetime () on each corresponding subgroup of ... // stratotime ("June 17 already") strtotime ("June already already" Strtotime ("already") "Gadzooks, it is already June 17" strtotime ("it is already June 17") / second strtotime strtotime ("Gadzuk, it is June 17") strtotime (...

.htaccess - Make Apache to show different index.html also in browser's address bar -

I have the following folders tree on my shared hosting server: www.somesite Com | | _ Public_html (document folder) | _ .htaccess (Apache file) | _ Index.html (When a page is shown, a page appears for | _site_editor (folder) | | _login.html (site editor control panel). | _file1.php | | _file2.php | | _ ... | | _ Website (folder) | _ Index (website home page) | _ Page1.html | _page2.html | _ e.t.c. Now when someone looks for www.somesite webserver in com sees the index.html for public_html folder. I want to show the web server to website / index , when someone looks for And I would like to show my browser bar only to and www / website / index. Html I also sent the web server to show site_editor / login.html when any / Site_editor / Is it possible to complete both tasks, in some ways .htaccessf Setting the files Thank you! If I understood correctly,...

Is JavaScript supported in an email message? -

क्या एक ईमेल संदेश में जावास्क्रिप्ट समर्थित है? लोटस नोट्स, मोज़िला थंडरबर्ड, आउटलुक एक्सप्रेस, और विंडोज लाइव मेल सभी किसी तरह के जावास्क्रिप्ट निष्पादन को समर्थन करते हैं। कुछ और नहीं करता है। ऐसा लगता है कि एक बुरा विचार सुरक्षा-वार है, इसलिए मैं उम्मीद करता हूं कि यह एक ऐसी सुविधा होगी जो हमेशा इन ग्राहकों में भी नहीं होगी।

getting duplicate array output - java -

Can anyone be kind and can help me in advance thanks ... given below Output the code string as a duplicate. I do not want to use set or arraylists I am using java.util.Random I am trying to write a code that checks that if the string has already been randomly outputed and if this happens, Then it will not be displayed. Where am I going wrong and how can I fix it. Public Square Encyclopedia {Private Stable Random nums = new random (); Private static string [] Countries = {"America", "Candda", "Chile", "Argentina"}; Public stable in dies () {returns (generator.nom.Nutant (6) + 1); } Public string random number () {string aTemp = ""; Int numOfTimes = Dice (); Int dup = 0; For (INTI = 0; I So I think that "America, Chile" should be when "America, America and Chile", getting output (randomly) I You might be better off using another framework, where you save the printed wires. Since you do not want to use ...