What could be adding "Pragma:no-cache" to my response Headers? (Apache, PHP) -

I have a website that has inherited the maintenance, which is a big hairy mess.
One of the things I am performing is improving performance Besides, among other things, I am adding the headers of the ending images.

Now, there are some images that are done through the PHP file, and I think they have expiration headers, but they are loaded all the time .

Seeing the response headings, I see this:

  expired Wed, 15 June 2011 18:11, 55 GMT cash-control no-store, no -Cash, Rick-Delilat, Post check = 0, Pre-check = 0 Prague no-cache  

Which clearly tells the problem.

Now, I have seen the entire code base, and it does not say anywhere "programmable." There is nothing related to .htaccess.

Any ideas that set up those "pragma" (and "cash-control") headers, and how can I avoid it?

Create a simple file that does not have any of your PHP libraries, but the file format in the same folder Which resides in your image via a PHP file.

  file: test.php  

Request this file through a browser and check the header. If you see the response headers you do not want, you know that they are configured by Apache and are not generated through the PHP file and you can focus your searches on the .htaccess file in the directory tree. , And Apache config files are included in http.confg and others.

  & lt; Directory.  


  & lt; VirtualHost  

section that may apply to your site.

If you do not see the header in the request of that simple PHP file, then you know that setting PHP headers is anywhere. Your image service at the end of the file (or exits immediately after exiting the image), but the following PHP snippet)

  var_dump (get_included_files ());  

Request an image via image service URL. All PHP files used in the request above the snippet will be printed. (You probably have to look at the source or use curl to see the raw output, because the browser will report an invalid image)

To file a subset of your files, make calls Search for them from

  header ();  

function. The header function is the only way (I think) that raw PHP code can set response headings. You would like to search for

  call_user_func eval $$  

if there is a dynamic code on that page using PHP's meta-programming capabilities Call the header function.

Good luck!


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