c# - how to add values in array -

I just want to ask again, I've made a method to read the values ​​in Gridview, I get the value from Gridview Was able to do and read The problem now is how can I store the values ​​inside an array and I want to pass it on the second page. Here is the code I created

  Private zero getrowvalues ​​() {string combinedvalues; Foreach (GVVRO products in row line .RO) {string prodname = ((label) row.FindControl ("lblProductName")). Text; String txtvalues ​​= ((Textbox) row.FindControl ("txtQuantity")). Text; Joint value = diagnosis + "|" + Texthuvyues; }}  

To store a string or strings, I need the result string combined property which I can access on other pages. Is there any way of doing it? Any input will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Just saw the answer to the Croix which is similar, I leave mine for example code.

  Private zero getrowvalues ​​() {string combinedvalues; & Lt; String & gt; Joint lists list = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Foreach (GVVRO products in row line .RO) {string prodname = ((label) row.FindControl ("lblProductName")). Text; String txtvalues ​​= ((Textbox) row.FindControl ("txtQuantity")). Text; Joint value = diagnosis + "|" + Texthuvyues; CombinedValuesList.Add (combinedvalues); } / / Use joint joints list or combined lists list. ToArray ()}  

Notepad code, untested ...


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