debugging - Grails - showing page processing/render debug information in development mode -

I have been experimenting with Grails for the past two days and till now, I'm really happy with it. / P>

Coming from the rail, the only thing that I really miss is the information of the Devo-mode debug shown after page-service.

What does this mean to me:

  Processing User Controller # Show ( for 2010-06-14 10:28:44 at) [Gate] parameter : {"Id" = & gt; "2"} Choose user load (0.0ms) from where "user" ("user". "Id" = 2) layout / providing template within users / presenting full user / show in 24ms (see: 5, db : 0). 200 OK [http: // localhost / users / 2]  

Is there any way to get something similar in Grails? I have tried the "debug" plugin but it is not very useful because it only shows the total processing time.

I know that it is not difficult for me to roll anything (except that database stats part), I just wanted to make sure that I was not unnecessarily modifying the wheel again .

I know that this is not the answer you are looking for, but you try the TC-server developer By SpringSource you can see all the information you see here. After replacing Ruby with Reilly on Grails, I searched the same information. Now I am happy with the TC-server solution.

Watch the video on the Springs ource site:

This is probably the reason why Ruby is not included in RailSold output in springsource. I still want to turn this output on for the console, but I can live without


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