eclipse - m2eclipse - after pom and dependencies definition - no libraries on classpath / Maven Dependencies -

I have been doing just simple archaic projects so far, and always depend on the dependency definition and pom.xml immediately after the Maven dependence The library was full of libraries.

Parent (pom packaging, shared dependency)

Actual project (Jar packaging, some more dependencies)

Actual project (Jar packaging, some other dependencies) / P>

I created them from upper part of "Create Module" ... The problem is that I can not fill it myself automatically in the Maven Dependency Library

.classpath file In this line & lt; Classpathentry kind = "con" path = "org.maven.ide.Other" work "is in the form of projects, but nothing on the syllable, eclipse. MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER" /> Any suggestions please?

Can you run mvn dependency: tree on the command line for the child Project and confirm that you see the dependency of hope if you do not, then there is something wrong with your palm (you will have to post to get more help).


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