vb.net - How to 'do' ByVal in C# -

As I understand it, the C # parameter passes in the context according to the context. In VB.NET, you can specify it with ByVal and ByRef by default byVal.

Is it compatible with Visual Basic 6.0, or is it just random? Also, how can I use C #? I think the value of passing the value to the parameter like value

There are parameters in C #, this clear from the value default passed There is no modifier to do, but if you add ref / outside the parameter is referenced.

Here is the general confusion between the differences:

  • Passing the value value (Changes in the value-type are not visible to the collar, but values-types Should ideally always be irreversible)
  • The value-type is passing from the context (the change in the value-type is visible to the collar, but value-types are ideally irreversible in any way Should - so important that I
  • Changes made in the context of the passing value ( field / properties of ref-type are visible to the collar, but for a new / different object Refer-type Re-assign
  • references to references (changes in fields / properties, and references to the caller) Giving)


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