cluster analysis - is there a way to get a "subtree" from hclust ? (R) -
I want to create a sublet from a hclust object. For example, let's say I have the following object: a Now I want the following subtitles to be removed from: a & lt; - List (#) Start # merge a $ & lt; - Matrix (c (-1, -2, -3, -4, 1, 2), NC = 2, bio = TRUE) $ height & lt; -c (1, 1.5, 3) # Define order # merge heights & lt; - 1: 4 # The order of the leaves (if the entry entered is trivial) $ label & lt; - 1: 4 # sheet [1: 4] Category of leaves of category (A) & lt; - "HCllust" # Take a look at the Hcl object object plot (A) # results How can I access it? (I know that Katari can get me the objects of sub-tree, but a real P> Not sure that you want it, but you a & Lt; as.dendrogram (a) branch1 & lt; - a [[1]] branch2 & lt; - one [[2]] par (mfrow = c (1,3)) plot (a) plot (branch 1) Plot (branch 2)