
Showing posts from August, 2010

cluster analysis - is there a way to get a "subtree" from hclust ? (R) -

I want to create a sublet from a hclust object. For example, let's say I have the following object: a Now I want the following subtitles to be removed from: a & lt; - List (#) Start # merge a $ & lt; - Matrix (c (-1, -2, -3, -4, 1, 2), NC = 2, bio = TRUE) $ height & lt; -c (1, 1.5, 3) # Define order # merge heights & lt; - 1: 4 # The order of the leaves (if the entry entered is trivial) $ label & lt; - 1: 4 # sheet [1: 4] Category of leaves of category (A) & lt; - "HCllust" # Take a look at the Hcl object object plot (A) # results How can I access it? (I know that Katari can get me the objects of sub-tree, but a real P> Not sure that you want it, but you a & Lt; as.dendrogram (a) branch1 & lt; - a [[1]] branch2 & lt; - one [[2]] par (mfrow = c (1,3)) plot (a) plot (branch 1) Plot (branch 2)

Eclipse and Background Compile like Resharper in Visual Studio -

In Visual Studio with Resharper I can set the project to build background as I type. A red icon on the status bar shows the code of the code something wrong, green if everything is good. It does this by compiling it all the time. Is there any way to enable it in Eclipse? This is the default mode for Eclipse to make sure that the "Automatically create" option is "Project" menu , And check "see problem" for any error errors and warnings.

ruby - What does it take to get the "LyricArtist" from this XML feed using Nokogiri? -

सबसे पहले xml: डॉक = Nokogiri :: एक्सएमएल (खुला ( "http: // ")) सफलतापूर्वक दस्तावेज़ सामग्री हड़पने होगा। इस बिंदु के बाद मैं अंदर पाने में असमर्थ हूं और डेटा प्राप्त करता हूं और मुझे यकीन नहीं है क्यों? उदाहरण के लिए, मैं उम्मीद करता हूं: doc.xpath ("// LyricArtist ") कलाकार आराम से बैठ जाएं करने के लिए, लेकिन यह। मैं एक ही बात जैसे कि डिफ़ॉल्ट आरएसएस फ़ीड के रूप में अन्य फ़ीड, के साथ की कोशिश की है यह नहीं है कि किसी भी वर्डप्रेस स्थापना प्रदान करता है और अगर मैं ऐसा कुछ करता हूं: doc.xpath ("// link") मुझे सभी "लिंक" की एक सूची मिलती है । मुझे निश्चित रूप से कुछ याद आ रहा है और मैं आपके इनपुट को पसंद करूंगा। धन्यवाद! XML तत्व नामस्थान योग्य हैं और http: // API / । यदि आप एक्सएमएल को देखते हैं तो आप देखेंगे कि दस्तावेज़ तत्व में एक नेमस्पेस डिकल्रटेड है: & lt; getLyricResult xmlns: ... - How i can show a small image from url content in c# -

How can I show a small image from the url content in C #, of the preview page URL link for I was told recently that you can use web browser controls and Bitmap can attract. I found a quick Google search and found an example: However, the web browser is in the control system. Force Namespace.

c# - how Create a exception in Authorization tag in web.config -

How to allow access to page GanttViewer.aspx with only admin rol with other rol and other pages Make an exception in & lt; Location Path = "Admin" & gt; & Lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; Authority & gt; & Lt; Allow roles = "Admin" /> & Lt; Deny users = "*" /> & Lt; / Authorization & gt; & Lt; /system.web> & Lt; / Location & gt; Specify all the locations above the path given below. Define the various authorization rules required for each location.

xcode - How do I change my iPhone App binary filename -

I get the following error when trying to upload an application to iTunes Connect: "The binary file Names can not contain a location, please rename your binary file and try again. " If I try to validate the application in XCode, then I get:" My application .IPO: File name can not contain white space " So I think that I have a .IPA file One must find a way to change the name of L. I do not want to change the name of my product, in which to be "my application" How can I go about doing this? Thank you! It works very well from here :): 1 ) Right-click on the build date of the app in the Exec Organizer and select "Find the archive app in Finder" 2) Open Archive Info. Text Editor (I used Coda) 3) For me, this was making the application with a space on line 12: Replace it Example save name and file. 4) Once you reach the Xcode Organizer, you should be able to go right.

c# - have error when trying to work with VS2005 and SQL-server2008 -

I have a C # program (in Visual Studio 2005) and I try to connect and Working with SQL - Server 2008. Connect is successful but I get this error: This server version is not supported. You must have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 or later What can I do? Thanks in advance If you connect to the database using design tools If you are trying, there may be a problem. A fix patch is available.

c# - How to write query for remove and alter unique columns -

मेरे परिदृश्य .. SqlCompactServer संस्करण का उपयोग कर..मैं तालिका बनाना तालिका SSr (नाम nvarchar (400), id int अनन्य) .मैं तालिका को बदलना और अद्वितीय कॉलम के रूप में नाम देना और मौजूदा कॉलम से अनूठे हटाने की आवश्यकता है। यह कैसे प्राप्त करें। का उपयोग करें sp_help को idenfity को पुराना अद्वितीय या प्राथमिक कुंजी बाधा का नाम फिर अपने नए अद्वितीय बाधा को जोड़ने से पहले इसे नाम से ड्रॉप करें। EXEC sp_help 'SSR' ALTER TABLE [SSr] DROP CONSTRAINT [UQ_SSr_Id] ALTER TABLE [SSR] ADD CONSTRAINT [UQ_SSr_Name] UNIQUE [नाम]) आप प्राथमिक कुंजी और अनन्य प्रतिबंधों की पहचान करने के लिए सूचना स्कीमा को भी पूछ सकते हैं: CONSTRAINT_NAME चुनें, CONSTRAINT_TYPE INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS से जहां CONSTRAINT_TYPE ('प्राथमिक कुंजी', 'अद्वितीय') और TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' और TABLE_NAME = 'SSR' - Extending ENUM valus inherited from base object -

If I define an ENUM with several default values ​​in a base object, when I get from the original object, So I have to add more options to the ELL list which is specific to the inheritance object. For example, in my base, the ENN could be called the values ​​with values: None all-stop start I create a new class call compass which is the base class And what adds to the following in the ENUM direction. East West I create a new class call navigation that handles the base class and what adds the following to the ENUM direction. P> Then, in my succession class I extend ENUM. I am using VB.NET. You can not do this because the enums are value types and are so sealed. Though it is a code-proof article, which tries to work on it:

email - HyperLink on the mail send from Unix -

I am sending a few text messages from the Unix box to the normal Internet Mail ID. I wanted to add a hyper link to those mails, but the URL was not linked to the file on the system. I am doing it on the local machine and I send mail to my email ID in that mail, I need a link to the file which remains on my system. How can I do this? Set your URL like this: file: / // full / path / file / Of course, this will only work locally if any other system is clicked, it will refer to your local file system.

python unit testing os.remove fails file system -

A bit of testing on a function that tries to open a new file, but if the file already exists . When the function runs properly, a new file is created, so I want to delete it after running each test, but it does not work: class MyObject_Initialization (unittest.TestCase) ): Def setUp (self): If os.path.exists (TEMPORARY_FILE_NAME): try: os.remove (TEMPORARY_FILE_NAME) except for WindowsError: #TODO: can not detect it to fix ... # time Sleep (3) # Self.setUp () # It just passes through the ends of DEF Tyrundo (self): self.setUp () Any thoughts? Throwing Windows error suggest that the file is in use ... can it be that the tests are being run in parallel threads? I have read elsewhere that it is 'bad behavior' to use the file system in unit testing, but actually ? Surely there is a way of saying that there is no permission to dummy the file system? If you are just looking for a temporary file, take a look - clean it yourself -up all should handle

postgresql - Where is temporary table created? -

Where can I find a temporary table in posgresql folders?!? If I select * from temp_table; I got the result compared to, but can not I see the structure of my database in PGADmin ?! Enter a schema named "Pg_temp_NNN", where "NNN" indicates that you enter a schema The server is connected to the backend it is added to search in your search path which creates them. Note that you can not access the temporary tables of a connection via any other connection ... so depending on how pgAdmin organizes its connections, even so That can not be able to find tables in Object Explorer.

javascript - Is it wrong to place the <script> tag after the </body> tag? -

शरीर के समापन टैग ( & lt; / body & gt; )। ? & lt; html & gt; .... & lt; body & gt; .... & lt; / body & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "thes.Js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; यह & lt; body & gt; या & lt; head & gt; टैग यह भी काफी अंतर नहीं करेगा & mdash; जब तक आप DOM manipulations नहीं कर रहे हैं कि इससे पहले कि शरीर तत्व पूरी तरह लोड हो गया हो & mdash; इसे बंद करने से पहले & lt; / body & gt; । & lt; html & gt; .... & lt; body & gt; .... & lt; स्क्रिप्ट टाइप = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "thes.Js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt;

What is the corresponding WPF .NET component to a JTable in Java Swing? -

I have a small Java swing application that I want to rewrite in WPF.NET. The application uses a Sartable modell and a custom tablecarrelender . I use my custom cell renderer to display objects in two rows. What is the related WPF .NET component for JTable? I'm not familiar with JTable , but I think that So move.

c++ - how can i store xml in buffer using xmlite? -

I am trying to write XML data on buffer XML data but no API was found. Writing an XML file works fine but on the memory stream I can not understand that I am working on the follwong link API "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Then you can use it or create a memory stream. The sample code for your reference is here: CComPtr SetOutput (pWriterOutput)); CHKHR (Spatium-> Setproperty (XMLRPProperty-Indent, True)); CHKHR (spWriter-> WriteStartDocument (XmlStandalone_Omit)); CHKHR (Spermicator-> ListStart Element (NULL, L "Route", NULL); CHKHR (spWriter-> WriteWhitespace (L "\ n")); CHKHR (spWriter-> WriteCData (L "This is CATA Text.")); CHKHR (spWriter-> WriteWhitespace (L "\ n")); CHKHR (spWriter-> WriteEndDocument ()); CHKHR (spWriter-> Flush ()); // XML allocates adequate memorial for content STATSTG ssStreamData = {0}; CHKHR (Spammerstream-> State (and SSStream Data, STATFLAG_NONAME); SIZE_T ...

AES Cipher Key Strength in BlackBerry -

I need to create an application that decrypts encrypted data using a 512-bit key AES . What do I need to know that we can make length 512-bit AES key? Documentation says that we can make a key length of up to 256-bit. If that's the case, is there any way i can add my own implementation to the 512-bit AES key, or do I have to basically reduce the power used to encrypt the data? Accept the keys of AES 128, 192 or 256 bits. If you hold a 512-bit key in the cipher then the cipher may not be AES. In addition, if symmetric encryption is to use a 256-bit key then a real "power reduction" that comes with you is 512-bit key, it means that you know the physics Laws are in the habit of breaking. As a result, you are either a God, or something misleading.

iphone - Reverse geocode street name and city as text -

I'm having some trouble, to find a good way to produce just the name of the street and the city to the text (infinite Loop, Cupertino is shown here)) which can be displayed in my iPhone app when you change roads and cities, then it should be able to change it dynamically. I do not have any idea to do this, I hope someone can help you. What am I trying to do? Too many have attached any image I I have found out for Google Maps how to reverse the GOCO using Javascript But I do not know how this will be done in the setting of an iPhone development. I work in web design and I see how this will be done in HTML, but I am new to iPhone development and there is little clue about how this will be done. I am very thankful to how to do this. Reference picture: this question There is a more complete code example:"> Use on iPhone

java - How can I create a new class instance from a class within a (static) class? -

I'm new to Java (has experience with C #), This is what is I want do: public final category MyClass {public class MyRelatedClass {...}} public class Other RandomClass {Public Zero DoStuff () {MyRelatedClass Data = New MyClass.MyRelatedClass (); }} which gives this error in the eclipse: Any type of bitmapfile is not accessible to type. It is necessary to qualify allotment with a periodic example of bitmapEffects (egxnew A (where is an example of x bitmapifiers). It is possible with static classes in C #, how should it be in response to comments about packaging of several classes in a file: Unlike the .net, most of Java's In the implementation, a strict correlation between public class names and file type names is implemented. This is not a tough requirement, but the system is not used where the relation does not apply JLS - it says: When in a file system (§7.2.1) If the package is submitted, the host system may choose to apply the restriction that this is a co...

php - IP Address Validation Help -

I am using this IP authentication function which came when browsing, it is working fine till date I have a problem For some reason this work will not valid as this IP valid: I am not very good with regular expressions, so what If you have any other work, then I would appreciate it if you can post it for me. The code for the function is given below: public static work valid IP address ($ ip_addr) {global $ errors; $ Preg = '# ^ (?:??: 25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [01] [0- 9] [0-9]?).) {3 } '' (: 25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [01] [0-9] [0-9]?) $ # '; If (preg_match ($ preg, $ ip_addr)) {// Now all curved values ​​are exposed to $ parts = (".", $ Ip_addr); // Now we need to check each part of the 0-255 foreign currency ($ ip_parts as $ parts) {if (intval ($ ip_parts)> gt; 255 || intval ($ ip_parts) OK, why are you both regex and int comparisons? You are "double" to check the address. Also, your second check is not valid...

ssis - Correcting CS0009 Error When Creating Integration Services Project -

Tried to open an SSIS project that I was working today and received this beautiful error: Unable to generate temporary classes (Results = 1) Error CS0009: Metadata File 'C: \ Windows \ Assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Xml \ \ System.XML.dll' Not opened Could not go- 'No metadata was found. 'Anyone knows why this happens and how to correct it, I have done Gogal and have not got any suitable solution directly related to the SSIS. It is happening with BIDS 2008 and SSIS project type and I tried to make the same package (also a new one) on my second machine and it was ok. Any thoughts? Thank you. Since you can not actually browse in that directory, I copy the command command to another machine Used to get System.Xml.dll and then it was transferred to the problem directory with the command prompt on the machine getting it on this error. This is simple.

coldfusion - Using cachedwithin attibute inside cfquery -

How do you store this query in memory when you use the cachedwithin attribute in cfquery? Archives that you submitted to the query? For example, if I cache a query for one hour on my index page and get it name, people use a query (or same page for that matter) with a single name on the same page as the cache result Will or will it use some better logic to decide whether this is the only question? In addition, if your query contains a variable, then what value is the value of the variable in the cache? This is not just a name - this is the exact query you are running. & lt; Cfquery name = "getPeople" Cachedwithin = "5" ... ... select name from employee command by name & lt; / Cfquery & gt; If you call this same query somewhere in your app, then you will get a cached version if it is within half-day of the first query but for the latest data, Will be killed: And yes, it takes a variable account. If you use cfqueryparam - what you s...

jquery - Class not overwriting with addClass -

I am using a jQuery addClass to add a class to a tab, so when it is clicked This square will change, so it is clear that the tab is highlighted. My HTML & lt; Div id = "mainNav" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li id = "linkbund" onclic = "nava ('the band')" & gt; Band & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li id = "linkTheMusic" onclick = "navigation ('the music')" & gt; Music & lt; / Li & gt; My CSS #mainnav li {float: left; Margin-right: 5px; White color; Font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; Padding: 10px 8px 0px 8px; Background: url ('../ images / transparent-65.png'); Height: 40px; Height: 25px! Important; Limit: 1px solid # 000; } #man Lee: Hover {float: left; Margin-right: 5px; White color; Font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; Padding: 10px 8px 0px 8px; Background: # 660000; Height: 40px; Height: 25px! Important; Border: 1 px solid # 660000; } .MainNav selecte...

java - Where are JDBC4 annotations? -

Some time ago, JDK 6 had declared "JDBC4" with "". I was looking to test the approach but the required sections (such as java.sql.basicQuery) did not get found in Junk 6. A little bit about Goggling on the subject, I found a thread on Javano, which states that "user ease" due to lack of time, the facilities have not been included in JDK eventually, someone here tells me about the future availability of these facilities is? Comment-based SQL queries have never made it to the last JDBC 4.0, and to bring them back there There was not much talk about, instead of focusing on work seems. If you still want something similar, see some examples

encryption - Best practices for encrypting continuous/small UDP data -

I am getting an application where I have to send many small data per second through the network using UDP . The app needs to send data in real time (do not wait). I want to encrypt these data and insure what I am doing is as safe as it is. Since I am using UDP, there is no way to use SSL / TLS, so I have to encrypt every packet alone because the protocol is non-convincing / unreliable / irregular. Right now, I am using a 128-bit key from passphrase to the user, and in ABC (PBS using AES-CBC) in CBC mode. I decided to use a random salt with a passphrase to get a 128-bit key (to stop the dictionary attack on passphrase), and of course IS (to stop statistical analysis for packets). Although I am concerned about some things: Each packet contains small amounts of data (such as some of the integer values ​​per pack), which make the encrypted packet weak for known text attacks (Which will make it easier to circumvent the key) Also, since the encryption key has been received from the...

sql - Access Date Parameters - Date Range Prompt Error -

I have an Access 2007 report that gives a signal for several dates, it is using the SQL query: / P> Select call. Collide, Contact County, Call. Contact, call.adet, call. Message, call. Notes, calls. Join Time Inner by Contact [Contact ID] = Call on Contact. [Contact id] where (((call (dated)) [date from:] and [date:])); It works for most dates but I am getting an error when using 07/01/2009 and 06/14/2010 This expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to evaluate. For example, a numerical expression may contain very complex elements, try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression with variables. (Error 3071) I have confirmed that none of the calls.Det value is zero. What is a better way to signal the user to the date range? The best way to get the parameter is by a user with a form, by mentioning the form in the query For example: between forms! FrmDates! Set and Form! FrmDates! ToDate This life will be easy for you, because yo...

c# - "is" operator behaving a bit strangely -

1) According to my book, is operator can check that the expression E ( e type ) can be converted to target type, if E is either context conversion, boxing or unboxing. Since is in the following example does not check for three types of conversions, the code should not work, but it does: for a long time; // Edit - I forgot to add this line of code to my initial post int i = 100; If (I have been for a long time) / edit - in my initial post I have bet that the return is correct, but it actually gives false l = i; 2) a) b b; AA = new A (); If (A B is) B = (B) A; Int i = b .; Class A {Public Ent L = 100; } Class B: A {} The above code always causes time error compilation "use of assigned variable" . If the condition evaluates a isb to false , then b will not be assigned a value, but if the status is true , then this would be and thus there would be no way to know that by allowing such a code compiler, that code will be followed by the b after th...

ruby on rails - what in/out bound mail system to use ? hosted or not? -

I have a Ruby / Rail application that integrates directly and outgoing emails in the app. I have seen services sent as services sent as hosted services and have tried to create my own email server too. There are advantages and disadvantages of both solutions and I am not sure who is going to go down and hope that someone can give me advice? Any help would be great, I know email management is a hassle, but can not be set up correctly once that bad ?? Thanks in advance Rick Hosting your mail transfer agent (MTA) There are some advantages with easy mailbox creation and low latency but there is a lot of need for maintenance along with spam filtering which will require some continuous tweaking, instead of an external firm, there will be a more advanced filtering system, through which you can The large amount of traffic that passed You can take advantage. Do not underestimate the increased effort for uptime when more components are integrated.

google maps - How, exactly does HTML5's GeoLocation work? -

I know that the browser shares my IP address and details of nearby wireless networks to determine your location , But what kind of information does it know about nearby WiFi networks? For example, where I live, there is no public wireless network, and from my house I can see 5 private networks, even if my location is set within 20 meters, there is no open network nearby No, how does Google determine my location? I can think that the only way is that Google mapped the locations of all the wireless networks that map to roads for road view. I have searched online, but I can not find any specific details The data sent by Firefox to Google all visible access points, public or private . For each access point, this sends the following data to : "mac_address": "01 "," Signal_Strength ": 8," Age ": 0," SSID ":" MyAccessPoint " Where mac_address The MAC address of the WiFi node...

c# - Mapping Vectors -

Is vector a good way to map? Here's an example of what I mean: vec0 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ] VC1 = [1,4, 2,7,3,2] VC2 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] VC2 = [7,2] , 7, 9, 9, 6, 1, 4, 4] Vec4 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] mainwave = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 , 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,4,2,7,3, 2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,7,2,7,9,0 , 9,6,1,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] We say mainvec is not present (I'm just showing it to you So that you can keep in mind the general data structure. Now to say that I want mainvec (12) that will be 4. What is a good way to call these Vectors, Have you ever seen a statement in the main vector? I think if the statement, which tests the index of the main point and I can then offset every call, where the call is within one of the vectors, for example: Which I (index> = 13) vect1 (index 11); / Pre> I wonder if someone is short if the way to do this without the statement. Any ideas? Are you looking for something like that? By using the system. Colllecti...

With ' N ' no of nodes, how many different Binary and Binary Search Trees possible? -

For binary trees: There is no need to consider the values ​​of tree nodes, I Only with different tree topology 'N' nodes. For the binary search tree: We have to consider tree node values. I recommend by my partner Nick Perlent (when he was still at Stanford). The calculation of a structurally different binary tree (problem 12) is a simple recursive solution (which ends in the form of a Catalan form that is closed, which is already mentioned in @ kodaka). I am not sure that the numbers will be structurally different from the binary search tree (BST for short period) from the "plain" binary tree - in addition, if "the tree Consider node values ​​"means that each node, eg. Any number corresponding to the position of BST, then the number of different (but structural is not different! -) BST is infinite. I suspect that you mean, therefore, please clarify that you do mean with an example!

selenium - TestCase scripting framework -

We are currently using Voton with unit tests for our webpad testing environment, and we try to move forward Are using selenium and more frameworks. We are currently looking at Selenium2 + Gallio +, Although we are actually seeing that one of the things has been tested. Ideally, we want such testcases that can be edited with intensities in VS, but there is no need to re-combine to make the assembly a small change, Is this Is there a framework to help with the issue? Ideally we want to simplify the testcases writing process so that more testers can help write them. cheers If you are compiling a compiled language, then it needs to be compiled. Assemblies will be compiled by a proper size and a quick shift F6 (I revert it to the ins.) To compile its current project. (Shift Ctrl-B will generally do many redundant stuff). Then NUINET gets the assembly tests to run automatically when it detects the assembly change (or vote and get it in the Exxit GUI runner). You m...

Testing asynchronous methods on iPhone -

I tried OCUnit, GTM, and iUnitTest but none of them support testing for asynchronous methods. I tried OCUnit, GTM, and iUnitTest but none of them support testing for asynchronous methods. Do you test asynchronous methods on iPhone? Have you tried to create local raillope in test case? Here you can wait for the trial case to complete Asynchronous Call and can also check some timeline.

run a method in an element of an Arraylist in java -

I want to know if there is a way to run an element in an array list, but I do not want to get it Do it together because it really changes the areas of element thanks benny According to all the comments, to make everything even more clear: public class references {public static zero main (last string [] args) {final string origin = "one and only one"; Last list & lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); List.add (original); Final string copy = list.get (0); If (original == copy) {System.out.println ("Whoops, it actually has two references to the same object."); } Else {System.out.println ("References for a different objects? A copy?"); }}} Run this square and see what this print is.

sql - MySQL VIEW vs. embedded query, which one is faster? -

I'm going to optimize a MySQL embedded query with a view, but I'm not sure it will give an effect : Select ID from (select * to); I want to change it: Choose scene vs. Choose from *; Selection ID from V; I've heard about "indexed views" in SQL Server, but I'm not sure about MySQL. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Indexed sequences in SQL Server are commonly referred to as "physical views", which are used by MySQL does not support. MySQL support VIEW is limited compared to other vendors - .. A normal view is just a ready SQL statement - there is no difference in using two examples provided by you. In some cases, the WHERE section can be pushed into the VIEW query by the optimizer when selecting from the view, but it is completely out of your control.

design patterns - Calling DI Container directly in method code (MVC Actions) -

I'm playing with DI (using unity). I have learned how to construct constructor and property injection. I have a static container that has been exposed through a property in my Global.assx file (MVCAPication class). Many different objects are needed in my controller. The constructor is not right to take these things in large amounts, and partly because they are only necessary in some method of action. The question is, is there anything wrong with just calling your containers directly from the action methods? Public Action Result Foo () {IBR Bar = (Bar) MVCAction. Container. Risoll (IBR); // ... times uses a default constructor, I'm not actually doing any injection, I'm just telling my connor that to give me the bar, when I ask for IBR, then I can say that the existence of concrete This is the simplest and most effective way of working, but I've never seen an example like this. Is there something wrong with that? Am I missing the concept in some way? Yes...

Compare datetime property to certain date via HQL (.Net) -

I have a problem comparing the data time property of objects and when trying to compare it to a given date For example, I tried IQuery query1 = session.Creatate (String.Format (@ "select s.Id s from the inventoryProductStateItem where s.ValidFrom =" + stateItem.ValidFrom)); But get an exception "incorrect syntax". Dates can be compared by passing a parameter to the query: IQuery query1 = session.CreateQuery (String.Format (@ "select s.Id from Inventory ProductState Item ss. ValidFrom =: stateDate)")). Setpalmator ("Statedate", State Legal Form);

regex - Parse string with bash and extract number -

I have been diagnosed with the status of the supervisor, looking like this. Moving forward 16652 PID, uptime 2:11:17 NGN running PID 16651, uptime 2:11:17 Running pad 16607, uptime 2:11:32 I need to remove the PID of nginx I have done it through the grep -P command, but grep perl on the remote machine is built without regular expression support. It looks like what CAD or AJC really really wants, but I am not familiar with them. Please help me find out how to do it, thanks in advance sed 's /.* pid \ ([0- 9] * \). * / \ 1 / '

Visual Studio 2008 closes unexpectedly -

I do not know if I can actually get an answer to this question, but it actually distracts me and I I want to know if anyone knows how to get an answer. I have a V. S. There is a huge solution in 2008 which will stop every time every week / every other week whenever I click properties to get project properties; I'll try and see the properties. At that time I try and delete the .suo file, I resize the IDE, I close tabs within the project, I restore the default VS settings (when I'm frustrated). After 20-30 minutes, I can actually see the virtues. I do not know what actually improves, it seems different every time after "fixing" I can not break it again, so I can understand what it is. This project is special because I can see the properties of other projects, while this project is misbehaving. I think my first question is, did VS log the reasons for the unexpected closure? Can I find out what is the insulting reason behind this? The main disappointment is th...

flex - Type 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: NetworkInfo -

Just started playing with the new Air Function NetworkInfo and NetworkInterface, but it can not be made ... This is the example I started with: But these lines cause errors: var networkInfo: NetworkInfo = NetworkInfo.networkInfo; Var Network Interface: Vector. & Lt; Network Interface & gt; = NetworkInfo.findInterfaces (); Any ideas about how to solve it? Thank you very much, Frank Do they run time errors or time errors Compile? The most common reason is that I am seeing such errors because there is a difference between SWC and Flex SDK that you are compiling against your project

regex - Using end of word mark with unicode in regular expressions in Python -

is inactive in the following matches, but does not match if a module runs in a file in a file: import re-search ('\\ b שלום \\ b', 'שלום עולם', re.UNICODE) While in both cases the following matches: import re-research ('שלום', 'שלום עולם', re.UNICODE) (Note that the stack overflow is the first and second switch from the fault Update: Write to me the first section That match is inactive, but when the eclipse with PyDev does not match to run in the console. seems to work for me when I am using Unicode strings: # - * - coding: UTF-8 - * - Import re-match = R. search (U '\ \ bhelm \\ b', U 'שלום עולם', re.U) See it in action:

Visual Studio 2010 related file nesting -

Visual Studio 2008 you can add registry entries that appear as X.aspx.js or X.aspx.css will will use nested I following registry file under X.aspx to accomplish this for web applications as well as web sites: Windows registry editor version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ 9.0 \ projects \ {E24C65DC- 7377-472b-9ABA-BC803B73C61A} \ RelatedFiles \ .aspx \ .js] @ = "" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ 9.0 \ projects \ {E24C65DC-7377-472b-9ABA-BC803B73C61A} \ RelatedFiles \ .aspx \ .css] @ = "" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ 9.0 \ projects \ {FAE04EC0-301F-11d3 -BF4B-00C04F79EFBC} \ RelatedFiles \ .aspx] ".designer.cs" = DWORD: 00000002 ". CS" = DWORD: 00000002 ".js" = DWORD: 00000002 ".css" = DWORD: 00000002 I replaced the 9.0 with 10.0 and the change in my registry is implemented, but it was not 'Do not do this I have resumed VS ...

facebook - is there a way to create a FB app for a single page? -

I want to create an FB app for a customer's Facebook page. How can I do this without access to other pages? Obviously I can check an ID in my code, but I think there is a 'proper' way of rejecting all and access to various? No application is a way to make private, just as you are the only person who installed it But you can see it in use, you can join FBJS, FBML, CSS and HTML. That box and you will only be able to use it.

java - How do I suppress eclipse warning: Referenced identifier 'VIEWNAME:secondaryid' in attribute 'id' cannot be found -

ग्रहण 3.4 में, यहां मेरा प्लग इन एक्सएमएल का खंड है: & lt; विस्तार बिंदु = "org.eclipse.ui.views" & gt; & Lt; दृश्य अनुमति बहुमत = "सच" वर्ग = "" आइकन = "चित्र / आइकन.gif" id = "VIEWNAME" नाम = "नाम देखें" & gt; & Lt; / दृश्य & gt; & Lt; / विस्तार & gt; & Lt; एक्सटेंशन बिंदु = "org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions" & gt; & Lt; परिप्रेक्ष्यविस्तार लक्ष्य आईडी = "MY_PERSPECTIVE_ID" & gt; & Lt; देखें closeable = "false" id = "VIEWNAME: secondaryid" कम से कम = "गलत" चलने योग्य = "गलत" अनुपात = "। 75" रिश्ते = "बाएं" सापेक्ष = "org.eclipse.ui.editorss" showTitle = " सच "स्टैंडअलोन =" सच्चा "दृश्य =" सच "& gt; & Lt; / दृश्य & gt; & Lt; / perspectiveExtension & gt; & Lt; / विस्तार & gt; यह आवेदन ठीक काम करता ...

SQL Reporting 2008. Local vs. Server. (Telerik reporting? ) -

I am trying to understand why we should use one on another. I understand the local mode means that you tie data on a report server server server and present it as a report. The server version looks similar, except that it also comes with a report manager site and using SQL DB. I think using server versions (how do we do it) is overkill for a site with some reports that are actually just RDL views of HTML form .. (hardly anyone Also using the attribute) What is the difference between using server versus local? Are they talking from code point only? Any good reason to use telereck reporting on SSRS local mode? I previously answered this question, please see the link given below: Maybe you can help.

objective c - How to change the size of NSImageView control from within program? -

The following line of code displays an image on my app window, in which an NSImageView control output is called Image View. I used the interface builder so that it could put the NSIages view control on the window, initially (then it was bound in the output image view). How can I change the size of NSIMAView Control inside my program, so that it can match the size of the actual image that is showing (which can be changed from time to time)? What will happen if I want to change the anchor point for the image (i.e., centered, left edge, bottom right, or whatever? Thanks in advance! Like any other NSView, use it: [outputImageViewSetFram: NSMKRact (X, Y, W, H)] The coordinates are specified in the system of the specified view. Val size (leaving the original alone), you can use it: [outputImageView setFrameSize: NSMakeSize (w, h)] for alignment , Use NSImageView, as jshier has written.

sql - When are database triggers bad? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: डेटाबेस ट्रिगर्स पर बहुत अधिक नकारात्मक जानकारी है, बस समुदाय को यह करना है कि जब यह अच्छा बनाम बुरा हो, तब करना चाहिये। मुझे लगता है कि वे ठीक हैं, जब वे सुरक्षा के लिए लॉगिंग, एकत्रीकरण इत्यादि जैसी चीजों के लिए एक अलग, एक-एक-एक-एक-एक सेट टेबल का उपयोग करें या उदाहरण के लिए मेटाडेटा बनाते हैं। जब आप अपने "लाइव" डेटा को बदलना शुरू कर देते हैं या अपनी बिज़ सूचना तालिकाओं में "पीछे की ओर लुक" करना शुरू करते हैं, जब वे बुरे और बोझिल हो जाते हैं वे इसके लिए पूरी तरह अनावश्यक भी हैं। ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं है जो एक ट्रिगर करता है जो एक संग्रहीत प्रक्रिया नहीं कर सकता। मुझे लगता है कि वे एसक्यूएल की बुराई प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं में जीओटीओ के बराबर हैं। कानूनी, लेकिन जब तक बिल्कुल जरूरी नहीं बचा जाए, और वे बिल्कुल आवश्यक नहीं हैं

What is the fastest XML parser in PHP? -

For a fixed project, I need some methods to parse XML and get data about it. So I wonder, which of the underlying parser is the fastest? In addition, it would be nice that parser can accept XML string as input - I have work with thread-safe functioning files and I do not have any dirty non-threaded secure libraries So that my efforts are useless. The fastest parser will be a SAC - it does not have to be a DOM, and it's partial XML Or can be done progressively. The information on it is alternatively easy to work with a DOM based parser, but usually some orders of magnitude are slow. - How to change width of html.DropDownListFor() -

मेरे पास छोटा डिजाइन प्रश्न है html.DropDownListFor () मैं कैसे html की चौड़ाई बदल सकता हूं। ड्रॉपडाउन लिस्टफोर () ?? उदाहरण के लिए सीएसएस द्वारा। उत्तर के लिए धन्यवाद क्या आपने Html.DropDownListFor (नई {width: "100"}) या Html.DropDownListFor (नया {@ वर्ग: "लंबी डाउनडाउन लिस्ट"}) संपादित करें & lt; शैली & gt; .MakeWide {width: 200px; } & Lt; / style & gt; & Lt;% = Html.DropDownListFor (x = & gt; x.Name, नई SelectList (नई सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; ()), नया {@class = "MakeWide"})% & gt;

Branch for each developer in GIT repo -

I want to move my project from the local SVN repository to GitHub. Many developers are working perfectly on this project. I was thinking that every developer should have his own branch in which he will make changes. When the manager reviews his work, he will merge it into the master branch. I do not want separate stores for every developer because GitHub has a limited number of personal treasures. Is this a good idea? What are the other options? Scott Chacon has done a great job with Pro Git Book. Chapter 5 talks about the distributed workflow and I think the Unity-Manager workflow fits in with the work you describe. Also remember that unlike SVN, every developer has his own repository , not just a working copy, on his development machine Investigated. Similarly, you can clone an unrivaled store on a shared server on your internal network, you can commit your developers to that repo and then drag your maintenance from internal repositories, integrate changes and then g...

tfs2008 - TFS and Project portal sync -

Just established TFS 2008. A project with portal site was created. When I create a bug in Visual Studio from TFS, I want to see that bug in that portal. And around the other side. When I add a task to the web portal, I have to see that in Visual Studio It seems that the web portal is not connected to TFS. I am using MSF for Agile Software Development Template. I've only seen Team System Web Access. This is the place that I want in addition to other pages, provides the SharePoint portal. For example, the wiki page and calendar view. To view a list of all the tasks and to assign tasks, see the site related to one place and other projects. Maybe the dates of the work may be on the calendar. Many thanks to you In a way you can be able to do this TFSWarehouse To create a reporting service report against, then embed the report into the project portal, it will give you a readable view of the item.

ms access - Complicated conditional SQL query -

I'm also not sure that this is possible, but I need it for my access database so I have db structure Has been followed: Now I need to do a query that takes category_id from my product and makes magic: - Say, the product console category_id is in the table console) - type_id from console_types, where category_id == category_id - but if Equi The product is related to console_game ( category_id is in the table console_game ) - from console_game LE game_cat_id , where category_id == category_id I'm not sure that mysql is capable of doing such a thing if I do not really have any problem, maybe it's 2,3 different - Is there a way to split into different questions? Edit: I have found something if existing (SELECT type_id FROM console WHERE category_id = 'category_id') . Maybe it would be useful? You will need to use a case statement to select this type: Case status works in MySql, Sql server etc. (Syntax varies between implementa...

c# - resource embedding in -

I have a project that needs to create PDF documents. I am using iTextSharp. I have a PDF that will be read and added later. To read the PDF document, I am using PDF Reader (), which accepts many forms, but I did not know how the reference is contained in a PDF in my webpage . My host does not allow binary serialization (apparently bad), so I do not think I can load with an embedded resource. I have just tried to use PdfReader ("report.pdf"), but it is throwing an exception which is telling me that the file is not found. I tried to insert a file into the bin directory, the root directory, in the same directory as the class, but it still does not work. This works if I have a pdf document, but I can not use it even when I upload it to my hosting provider. Is anyone suggesting how I should do this? Thanks This works if I complete the pdf document By the way, I use a qualified path, but I can not use it when I upload it to my hosting provider. You will still...

Creating a json array and json items with jquery? -

I have created a simple JavaScript class like this: function Horse () {this Color = 'brown'; This.speed = 'Slow to some extent'; } I have attached some examples on some elements, such as: $ ("# horse1"). Data ('d', new horse ()); $ ("# Mare 2") Data ('d', new horse ()); $ ("#Hors 3"). Data ('d', new horse ()); Now I want to create a JSON array with a JSON representation of a horse object. So I am doing this: // How do I create an empty JSON array here? Var myJsonArray = ?; Var Kids = $ ("#Hors") Children (); For (var i = 0, m = children.size (); i & lt; m; i ++) {var panel = children [i]; Var horse = $ (panel) .data ('h'); // And how do I create a JSON representative of my horse? Var myJsonHorse = New Jason Horse (?); // Finally, how do I add it to the JSON array? MyJsonArray.push (myJsonHorse); } Yes, my last goal is to have a Jason array of all horses after running all th...

c++ - Getting functions of inherited functions to be called -

मान लें कि मेरे पास एक बेस क्लास Animal से एक वर्ग गाय संहिता, और बार्न वर्ग में एक पशु वेक्टर युक्त है, और हम कहते हैं कि पशु वर्ग में एक आभासी फ़ंक्शन है scream () , जो गाय ओवरराइड। निम्न कोड के साथ: Animal.h #ifndef _ANIMAL_H #define _ANIMAL_H #include & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; वर्ग पशु (सार्वजनिक: पशु () {}; आभासी शून्य चीख () {cout & lt; & lt; "एएएएएएएएएएअघहह्हह्हह !!! आह ..." & lt; & lt; एंडल;}}; गाय: सार्वजनिक पशु {# एन्जिल / एचटीएमएल / एचटीएमएल / एचडी / सार्वजनिक: गाय () {} शून्य से चीख () {cout & lt; & lt; "MOOooooOOOOOOOO !!!" & Lt; & lt; एंडल;}}; #endif / * _COW_H * / बार्न.h #ifndef _BARN_H # परिभाषित _BARN_H #include "animal.h" # शामिल हैं & lt; vector & gt; क्लास बार्न {std :: vector & lt; पशु & gt; जानवरों; सार्वजनिक: बार्न () {} शून्य सम्मिलन एनिमल (पशु पशु) {animals.push_back (पशु);} शून्य अत्याचारअन्य () (के लिए (इंट ए = 0; ए ...

silverlight - Can WCF TCP and HTTP endpoints have the same port? -

I'm interested in a WCF server that exposes both the HTTP and TCP interfaces. It will be used with the Silverlight client, so the thinking is that the HTTP interface will be for secure communication, while TCP will be used in the remaining time. Is it possible to use these two interfaces in the same ports in your end points, such as net.tcp: // localhost: 9000 /? No, it is not possible if you have the TCP port sharing service enabled, then you have the same TCP port But you can listen to many services. Windows HTTP listeners will also allow multiple services to share a common port (for example, a console app and IIS can both listen to port 80 at different URLs) but you can use several bindings on the same port can not do. But I do not really see the benefit of doing this. I will leave the HTTP endpoint individually at port 80 and of course your TCP endpoint is limited to the upper port limit. I'm not sure which scenario you are trying to enable.

.net - Parsing Lisp S-Expressions with known schema in C# -

I am working with a service that provides data as Lipp in the form of S expression string. This data is getting thicker and faster, and I want to churn down the batch stream (this single-byte character only) as quickly as possible, without any backtracking. These strings can be quite long and I do not want to churn the GC to allocate the string for the entire message. My current implementation uses cocoa / r with a grammar, but there are some problems with it. Due to back-tracking, it specifies the whole stream in the string. If I have to do this for my code users then this is also a little bit. I have a pure C # solution Coca / R Parser / Scanner does not allow for reuse of objects, so I have to revive them for each message. Conceptually, the data stream can be treated as a sequence of S-expressions: (item 1 apple) (item 2 banana) (item 3 chains ) Parsing this sequence will create three objects, the type of each object, in the above case, in the "item", the fir...

How do I retrieve a success message in Magento? -

मैं मैगेंटो में सफलता संदेश कैसे प्राप्त करूं? Array ([core] = & gt; सरणी ([_session_validator_data] = & gt; सरणी ([REMOTE_ADDR] = & gt; [http_via] = & gt; [http_x_forwarded_for] = & gt; [http_user_agent] = & gt; Mozilla / 5.0 (विंडोज, यू, Windows NT 5.1 ; en-US) AppleWebKit / 533.4 (KHTML, छिपकली की तरह) क्रोम / 5.0.375.70 सफारी / 533.4) [session_hosts] = & gt; सरणी ([technova2] = & gt; 1) [संदेशों] = & gt; Mage_Core_Model_Message_Collection वस्तु ([_messages : सुरक्षित] = & gt; सरणी () [_last अतिरिक्त संदेश: संरक्षित] = & gt; Mage_Core_Model_Message_Success ऑब्जेक्ट ( [_type: संरक्षित] = & gt; सफलता [_code: protected] = & gt; आपकी समीक्षा को मॉडरेशन के लिए स्वीकार किया गया है [_class: protected] = & gt; [_method: संरक्षित] = & gt; [_identifier: संरक्षित] = & gt; [_isSticky: संरक्षित] = & gt; )) [Just_voted_poll] = & gt; [Visitor_data] = & gt; सरणी ([] = & gt; [server_addr] = & g...

c# - Access a PartialView's Model in a View which implements that PartialView -

How can you see a model of partial view, which implements a partial view? I A partial view (.ascx) A view (.aspx) if it is partially typed strongly, you pass the model with this view so you can access it already: & Lt;% Html.RenderPartial ("~ / Views / Shared / SomePartial.ascx", SomeModel); & Gt%;

How to delete empty lines in multi-ranges in Vim -

मुझे एक टेक्स्ट फ़ाइल मिलती है: & lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & LT; पूर्व & gt; ... ... ... ... & lt; / pre & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & LT; पूर्व & gt; ... ... ... & lt; / pre & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; ध्यान दें: [पूर्व] ... [/ पूर्व] के बीच कुछ खाली पंक्तियां हैं। मुझे चाहिए उन्हें हटाने के लिए। लेकिन, मैं उन लोगों को [p] ... [/ p] में रखना चाहता हूं टेक्स्ट फ़ाइल बन जाती है: & lt ; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & LT; पूर्व & gt; ... ... ... ... & lt; / pre & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; & LT; पूर्व & gt; ... ... ... & lt; / pre & gt; & Lt; p & gt; ... & lt; / p & gt; ...

regex - Classic ASP comparison of comma separated lists -

मेरे पास दो अल्पविराम से अलग सूचियां हैं: - 36,189,47,183,65,50 65 , 50,18 9, 47 प्रश्न सूची 2 में मौजूद किसी भी मान की पहचान करने और वापस करने के लिए क्लासिक एएसपी में दो की तुलना करने के लिए कैसे है, लेकिन यह सूची 2 में मौजूद नहीं है ध्यान रखें कि साहचर्य सरणियां उपलब्ध नहीं हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरण में मुझे 36,183 धन्यवाद इस तरह कुछ (untested): str1 = "36,189,47,183,65,50" str2 = "65,50,18 9 , I5 = Ubound (arr1) के लिए = = यूबीड (arr2) के लिए = 0 के लिए = arr1 = i = 0 के लिए arr1 = Split (str1, ",") arr2 = Split (str2, ",") यदि arr1 (i) = अगर अगले को समाप्त होता है तो arr2 (j) के बाद = सच अंत पाया जाता है यदि अगले मिला = गलत तो रिस्पांस। लिखें (arr1 (i))

Modeling software for network serialization protocol design -

I am currently preparing a low level network serialization protocol (in fact, the refinement of the existing protocol). As the progress of the work, the documents of pen and paper start showing their limitations: I have a lot of papers, together with new and old merge, etc ... and I have some Can not show anything because I describe my protocol (a mixture of flow chart and C structures). I need software that will help me design a network protocol. I should be able to create structures, fields, their size, their layout, etc. ... and the software will prepare some good UMALish diagrams. Sorry to say Unfortunately, this auto code is not useful for generation, unless you have a very strict format. An Excel doctor that you can parse with the tool to generate some code. To show the message handshaking and sequence, a UML sequence diagram is definitely good, it is a good sign, which can be easily parsed machine. A lot of tools are easily available to help you do this.

css - wordpress plugin development - using images - path not found -

I am writing a plugin for WordPress and I'm having problems with images if I have wp-content / plugins My plugins are in / my-plugin / and there, a folder picture / test.png - how do I reference that image in my code? I do not want to put images in the topic, like other users come to get my plugins, then the image will not work! Then my structure myplugin / plugin.php (which contains many files ...) myplugin / pluginstyle.css myplugin / included / page.php myplugin / images / Test.png I have a style sheet working well, but when I try and background an image for an element and work. How do I reference the image in my plugin? Test Output from Page.php & lt; Div class = "test" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hello & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS .test {background: url (../images / test page) repeat-x; } Where am I going wrong? Is there any way I should use? Thanks for any help! WordPress' PHP continuous WP_P...

iphone - Can you automate the new product registration in iTunes Connect (In App Purchase)? -

I'm considering using an app for my iPhone app. But since we will offer large amounts of content items (> 10 video items are added each day), I want to automate new product registration in iTunes Connect. Is this possible? If not: Apple how much length is it before applying a new registrade product in iTunes Connect? Since content quickly loses 'freshness' (news broadcast ...), it is important to be able to provide new material. Do you recommend using this app for app purchases or you would recommend increasing your own pay & amp; Account System? If you have an application loader (downloaded from iTunes Connect) to import new applications at large Purchase can be used. Each purchase information tab contains 1 row in the uploaded file. The application loader can generate a template for this information file, you can also see.

java - "Unexpected type" error -

मुझे अपने जावा प्रोग्राम को संकलित करने में समस्या हो रही है: \ Desktop \ Java Programming \ JFrameWithPanel जावा: 79: अप्रत्याशित प्रकार आवश्यक: चर मिला: मान अगर (serviceTerms.isSelected () = गलत) ^ 1 त्रुटि इस त्रुटि का कारण क्या है? सार्वजनिक वर्ग JFrameWithPanel JFrame लागू करता है ActionListener, ItemListener {int packageIndex; डबल कीमत; डबल [] कीमतें = {49.9 9, 39.99, 34.99, 99.99}; दशमलवफल मुद्रा = नया दशमलवफल ("$ 0.00"); जेलाबेल मूल्य लेबेल = नया जेएलैबेल ("कुल मूल्य:" + मूल्य); जेबटन बटन = नया जेबटन ("चेक प्राइस"); JComboBox पैकेजChoice = नया JComboBox (); जेपीनल पटल = नया जेपीनल (); टेक्स्टफिल्ड टेक्स्ट = नया टेक्स्टफिल्ड (5); जेबटन स्वीकार करते हैं = नया जेबटन ("स्वीकार"); जेबटन गिरावट = नया जेबटन ("अस्वीकार"); JCheckBox serviceTerms = नया JCheckBox ("मैं सेवा की शर्तों से सहमत हूं।", झूठी); JTextArea termsOfService = नया JTextArea ("यह एक पाठ क्षेत्र है", 5, 10); सार्वजनिक JFrameWithPanel () {स...

html - How to force a line break after each image in Safari Reader? -

I was unable to activate Safari Reader in a local HTML file, so I can not give you a running example, But only I describe my problem: The markup of my blog post is basically: & lt; Div class = "post" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "post-header" & gt; Hello, World & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "post-body" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Look at this picture: & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" /> & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Is not this a good picture? & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; This looks expected in all browsers including Safari. In Safari Reader, third paragraph "Is not this a good picture?" Has anyone experienced a similar problem? simply & lt; Br / & gt; Do not use , but & lt; Br = clear = "all" /...

Is there an existing algorithm for this notation translation/conversion? -

एक सिस्टम में एक संकेतन है जिसकी अभिव्यक्ति को (A + B) * C जैसा कि #MUL (#ADD (ए, बी), सी) । क्या इस तरह के नोटेशन रूपांतरण करने के लिए पहले से ही एक एल्गोरिथ्म है, ताकि उपयोगकर्ता एक अधिक पारंपरिक तरीके से प्रवेश कर सकें? दूसरे शब्दों में इनफ़िक्स से परिवर्तित करने के लिए एक एल्गोरिथ्म -> मेरा संकेतन। पहला मुद्दा यह है कि मैं अपने संकेतन के लिए एक सटीक नाम नहीं जानता ... यह रिवर्स पॉलिश जैसा है, लेकिन काफी नहीं। प्रत्येक ऑपरेटर को फ़ंक्शन लेने के तर्क के रूप में एन्कोड किया जाता है। इनफ़िक्स नोटेशन को पार्स करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।

date - PHP <<< (multi-line handler?) question -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: $ query = & lt; & lt; & lt; QUERY SELECT * नामों से WHERE create_date & gt; तिथि ('वाई-एम-डी एच: आई: एस'); मैं & lt; & lt; & lt से बाहर निकलने के बिना वहां कैसे तारीख ('वाईएमडी एच: आई: एस') डाल सकता हूं? ; आप एक चर में कोड के उस टुकड़े को स्टोर कर सकते हैं और प्रतिस्थापन का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। $ अब = तिथि ('वाईएमडी एच: आई: एस'); $ Query = & lt; & lt; & lt; QUERY SELECT * नाम से WHERE create_date & gt; $ अब; क्वेरी के; (उदाहरण:)

Replace ' " in PHP -

str_replace के बारे में एक दिलचस्प प्रश्न। यहां उदाहरण है: $ खोज = सरणी ('ए', 'बी', 'सी', 'डी', 'ई'); $ की जगह = सरणी ('बी', 'सी', 'डी', 'ई', 'एफ'); $ विषय = 'ए'; गूंज str_replace ($ खोज, $ स्थान, $ विषय); क्या होगा अगर मैं '' को कुछ और में बदलना चाहता हूं, तो कहें - मैं यह कैसे करूँ? समस्या यह है कि मैं ऐसा कुछ नहीं लिख सकता $ खोज = सरणी ('' ',' बी ',' सी ',' डी ',' ई '); $ स्थान = सरणी ('-', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'); $ विषय = 'ए'; गूंज str_replace ($ खोज, $ स्थान, $ विषय); कोई भी समाधान? $ search = array ('' '', 'बी', 'सी', 'डी', 'ई'); एकल-उद्धृत स्ट्रिंग्स में दो पलायन हैं, \ ' के लिए ' और \\ के लिए \ ।

c# - XSS to change ASP.NET session state -

I am developing an application that is the current user and the user's role of session status (System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState Page.Session). ). if (session ["user name"] == faucet) session. Add ("User Name", User.Identity.Name); If session ("Administrator"] == is empty) session. Add ("Administrator", user.install (domain + "\\ domain administrator")); After checking the code behind these sessions to allow for some exsitions: if ((bool) session ["Administrator"] (Session "[user name"]. ToString ())) My question is the next: how safe is the system? For example, is it possible to change the states of session using some javascript or something else? thanks :) using JavaScript or other client-side mechanisms state session, because the state is only stored on the server, however, as it has been said by others that the session is for malicious user to hijack the session by hitting the ...

c++ - Are vectors more rigorous at checking out of bounds than heap arrays? -

How much rigorous testing is done on vectors compared to Hep arrays? How exactly is it checking the boundary and how does it compare how a heap array is checked? A vector if you type () Function, it will cross the check limit, for example: std :: vector However, if you use the operator [] , no limits are being checked ( And because of reaching non-existence elements, there is an undefined behavior.) It should be noted that in most implementations, there will be a possibility to include border investigations on all those Air Force Answer is done. By default, on VS2008 and below it's debug and release, VS2010 only does the debug. To check GCC you must define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG to get the AF checked.

Why Internet Explorer can not display an image on the site? -

I have a site that is managed with Joomla. I want to display an image in one of my articles, But that image can not be seen in Internet Explorer, but other browsers can display it, though the path is fine. I miss something? link: HTML: & lt; Img src = "/ images / stories / constantin_necula2.jpg" border = "0" title = "Constantine nacula - conteritta" /> thanks Be sure not to use CMYK When creating a ColorSpace image, which can not handle IE, saving it in RGB colors should fix the problem (for example, in Adobe Photoshop, use the "Save to Web ..." option). EDIT: I tried to save the image to GIMP, and it actually works for me now in IE Here is a link to the image saved:

android - Reading images (jpeg) files from SD Cards Vs SQLite DB -

Does anybody have any idea (numbers) that differ from reading SQL files and reading it directly from SQLite database What is the fastest file system in an SD card? Reading from the file system is always faster than reading from DB, as long as the DB can not cache the file. Memory (there is not enough memory for sqllite to do this for android phones) ...

c# - Build turns partially transparent image pixels black -

I am very new to C # and I have participated in a problem and are unable to solve it. I have a line of rows that have passes PNG pictures are those they have been entrusted to. In images. PNG is in the format, to pass transparency, and some semi-transparent pixels are removed by smoothing the edges in the gimp. I use the image list toolbar (IMGLbarbar) as the specified color to show the properties of transparent "Transparent" is set to recognize. I am working in Visual Studio 2005. The strange thing is that when I look at the visual C # project preview window, everything looks very nice. The mouse looks exactly as much as you want. However, once I actually build the project, the buttons behave every semi-transparent pixel near the edge of the image as if it is black, it appears that it is the one which is not transparent and has no color . This is what the image looks like when created by: / P> Any thoughts as to why this is happening? I got the least a...

iphone - Speed of NSScanner vs NSXMLParser? -

I have an iPhone app that reads in the XML file, then dragging the required data by looping through an NSSKener . XML is not particularly long. I am thinking that it would be worth the work to implement NSXLLPers instead of using the NSSCaner, if I see any real improvement in speed? There is a good comparison article for various XML parsers: Man 900kb (!!!) uses the XML file as a test sample, and the results are quite interesting: the NSXLL parser is the slowest, he said, I think NSXLL Parser has itself nsskener (or similar) + xml Use of extra processing for bells and whistles associated with them. If your solution works well and makes it easy, then I do not have any special parser, although if you are planning to increase your XML usage, then maybe start using one Good idea.

javascript - How do I parse TinyMce article content to find embedded images using JS -

I want to parse the content written in TinyMCE editor in the client side, I want to get all src attribute values ​​Image Editing editor editor is inserted (in the body of the article) in the field and stores them in the array. How can I do this? Thanks (I tried: var arr = new array ($); $ (".txtEditorClass img"). Each (function () {Arr.push ($ (this) .attr ("Src")}}; This was not working. I also used regular JS to see Had done a test: var Arr = document.getElementsByTagName ("img"); for (var i = 0; i & lt; arr.length; i ++) {warning (Arr [i] .src);} where all images of images are shown outside the source value editor, but not images embedded in written text) The TinyMCE editor is set in. And you need to tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom function to access iFrame internal elements. There is a need to use the .getRoot () (doc :) function, so use something to recover all the images inside the editor: var Arr = new array (); $ (TinyMCE...

Need to open the SMS/MMS app and have an image pre-loaded into the text input in iPhone OS -

I am trying to open an SMS / MMS app on iPhone and I have an image that is first in the camera roll Is it possible in the text area to be filled? Whatever code I have tried here: NSString * urlString = [NSString stringWithString: @ "sms: //asset/asset.JPG? Id = 1000000041 and ext = JPG]]; NSString * escaped = [urlString stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog (@ "url:% @", escape); [[UIApplication shared application] Opal: [NSL URL URL AuthorString: Escape]]; Thank you! Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I do not think this is possible, you can pass with a phone number and it is about.

iphone - How to control other buttons' actions? -

नमस्ते इसलिए कहना है कि मुझे यह कोड है: UIAlertView * alert = [[UIAlertView alloc ] InitWithTitle: @ "यै" संदेश: msg प्रतिनिधि: स्वयं रद्द करें बटनटाइट: @ "आगे बढ़ें ..." अन्य बटनटाइटल्स: @ "1", @ "2", शून्य]; मैं अन्य बटन "1" और "2" को कैसे नियंत्रित करूं? (मान लें कि अन्य सभी आवश्यक कोड जगह में हैं, जैसे कि अपरिभाषित चर msg) धन्यवाद! आपको अपने UIAlertView उदाहरण की संपत्ति सेट करने की आवश्यकता है (यानी चेतावनी ) और विधि को लागू करें। मान लें कि आप चाहते हैं वर्तमान वर्ग UIAlertView के प्रतिनिधि होने के लिए आप कोड की निम्न पंक्ति का उपयोग करेंगे: alert.delegate = self; इसके बाद, आप मौजूदा वर्ग को। कोड में UIAlertViewDelegate प्रोटोकॉल को कार्यान्वित करने के लिए सेटअप करेंगे। उदाहरण के लिए: @ इंटरफेस मायक्लास: NSObject & lt; UIAlertViewDelegate & gt; तब आप केवल चेतावनी दृश्य को लागू कर सकते हैं: clickedButtonAtIndex: .m फ़ाइल में विधि: - चेतावनी दृश्य: एक क्लिक किया हुआ बटनअट इं...