With ' N ' no of nodes, how many different Binary and Binary Search Trees possible? -
For binary trees: There is no need to consider the values of tree nodes, I Only with different tree topology 'N' nodes.
For the binary search tree: We have to consider tree node values.
I recommend by my partner Nick Perlent (when he was still at Stanford). The calculation of a structurally different binary tree (problem 12) is a simple recursive solution (which ends in the form of a Catalan form that is closed, which is already mentioned in @ kodaka).
I am not sure that the numbers will be structurally different from the binary search tree (BST for short period) from the "plain" binary tree - in addition, if "the tree Consider node values "means that each node, eg. Any number corresponding to the position of BST, then the number of different (but structural is not different! -) BST is infinite. I suspect that you mean, therefore, please clarify that you < Em> do mean with an example!
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