iphone - NSInvocation making app crash -

I am using NSInvocation as follows:

In my init, I see this ViewDidLoad:

SEL mySelector; MySelector = @selector (initParsersetId: Type :); NSMethodSignature * sig = Zero; Sig = [[Self class] example: MethodSignatureForSelector: mySelector]; My invocation = zero; My Invocation = [NSIWocation Innovation With Method: SIG]; [My Inventory Settag: Self]; [My invocation set selector: mysite];

And I'm calling it this way:

Idea * tempIdea = [[Idea Alok] init]; TempIdea = [Generic Array ObjectAtindex: IndexPath.ro]; Idea.ideaId = tempIdea.ideaId; [TempIdea release]; Nsnm * _id_ = [nsnumber numberthat: idea.isaid]; [My invocation setup: _id_ atIndex: 2]; // Crossing on this line

My application is crashing on the indicated line Can someone help me?

This is not very clear from your code; However, I find something suspicious. Hopefully, this could provide some useful hints to you.

First of all, I do not think you maintain this example (An example of auto issued by [NSINWocation ...]. After an auto-release, your class level variable My invoice will not keep it after a viewedload event.

The second thing in your code is that the selector is a kind of customized constructor, beginning with Init ... I'm not sure you Can bring within the same example Another issue is that if your init ... the applicant's method itself returns? It should be.

You can use some of the messages in your selector event using the NSLog function. All messages in NSLog will be in your XCode's output console.


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