iphone - MKMapView Annotation Callout Button to DetailView? -

There are comments in an MKAmapview with my callout. When I click on this callout there is a "right arrow" button, I want to open an extension scene, an extra UIViewController with its own Nib file etc. I use the following code:

In my MapViewController:

  - (zero) showDetails: (ID) sender {// details view one toolbar not hide such Wants [self.navigationController setToolbarHidden: yes animated: no]; NSLog (@ "pressed!"); [Self. Navigation Push ViewController: Animated SelfDetailViewController: Yes]; NSLog (@ "pressed --- 2!"); } - (MkAnnette Wy * *) MapView: (Mkmapview *) Mapviews Visual Presentation: (Annotation *) annotation {if (annotation == map.userLocation) return zero; Fixed NSString * annotation identifier = "annotation identifier"; MKPinAnnotationView * customPinView = [[[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithNnotation: annotation re-user: annotation identifier] AutoEques]; CustomPinView.pinColor = Mk PinnotationRangrade; CustomPinView.animatesDrop = Yes; CustomPinView.canShowCallout = Yes; UIButton * rightButton = [system with UIButton Button: UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure]; [Right button addTarget: Self action: @selector (for ShowDetailsControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; CustomPinView.rightCalloutAccessoryView = Written button; UIImageView * memorialIcon = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "googlemaps_pin.png"]]; CustomPinView LeftCalloutAccessoryView = Monument Icon; [Monument Icon Release]; Return CustomPinView;}  

The button works, because when I give NSLog inside showDetais method, it is printed in the console. The problem is, that nothing happens. When clicking on the button, it seems that there is no The button does not have any debug errors or exceptions, just nothing.

MapView header looks something like this:

@ interface mapview controller: UIViewController & lt; MKMapViewDelegate & gt; {MKMapView * Map; NSMutableDictionary * Entry; EntryDetailController * detailViewController;} @ Property (Nonomatic, Rectangle) IBot MKMapView * Map; @ Property (Nonomatic, Intact) IBOutlet EntryDetailController * detailViewController;

Maybe one of you can help me :)

Thank you!

If you have a navigation controller for your view controller, check that if it's just a view controller He can not push a view controller because it does not have a navigation controller.


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