java - problem with seam and mdb on jboss5.1 -

As of Seam component in time I have a problem beans using MDB I inject something other seam somponents.

The problem is that when an accident server is deployed restart and mdb starts reading the message but the seam is not started yet and I get an exception (above Listed). If I start whith empty server queues and start submitting messages in the server after the queue it is working fine.

Is there a posibility to end sending messages off at startup or server startup and start sending them only when the seam is completely funny?

I beans but success trying withowt @Depends antotatin of

My Environment: jboss5.1 GA Seam 2.2.0 GA jboss messaging 1.4

Any Help will be appreceated to

error on startup:

11: 24: 20,477 eRROR [TxPolicy] javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: invoke a seam component out Try an initialized application

11: 24: 30,483 eRROR [TxPolicy] javax.ejb.EJBException: pool semaphore failed to achieve, strictTimeout = 10000

< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

s Find the fish ... I was trying with the wrong name. Dependence

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@ depends ({ "jboss.web.deployment: war = / myappname"})

Where my app's warfile name is myappname

Hope it helps someone

This will delay the initialization of MDB, as long as the SIM Started during the war deployment


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