jpa 2.0 - JPA 2.0 Implementations comparison : Hibernate 3.5 vs EclipseLink 2 vs OpenJPA 2 -

What is your choice? Do you have any suggestions and experiences?

I am developing an application with Hibernate 3.5 and Spring 3.0


  • Good Document
  • Easy Configuration and
  • Some extensions of JPA
  • Some additional tools - Eclipse, Generating a Jabos tool for HBM 2 DLL, Static Metamodel etc. ...


  • Bugs! (Sequence, collection, etc ..)
  • Many "it" hibernate has doubled a lot of iterations. There is a disturbance in legacy hibernate and JPA annotation.

What do you think I'm considering to switch to Eclipse Link?


I have tried EclipseLink and have a very bad experience. It seems that Eclipse links require loadtime weaver and instead of ordinary JT or TOKamet environment OSGI likes to walk on the platform. I do not have time for all this configuration content so far.

Eclipse links run completely without weaver JT, tomatcats or OSGI platform equally well the way. Standard download is a simple eclipselink.jar. Have you accidentally downloaded OSGI bundles?

Weaver is not required but it will add some performance advantages and if you do not want to configure it to run in spring, you can use compile time () to static quadrature.


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