tfs2010 - Move from TFS 2008 to TFS 2010 -
We built the first VM using our TFS 2010 infrastructure and Visual Studio 2010. Now I have a very simple question. How can I take steps for new software from my existing TFS 2008 in a new 2010? Is any device included in TFS? First of all, I would recommend that you backup the original TFS 2008 data-level server from your TFS database:
Backup Database TfsActivityLogging
Disk = 'C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade .bak' with INIT
Backup Database TfsBuild
Disk = 'C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade. '
Backup Database for TfsIntegration
Disk =' C: \ TS 2008 Upgrade. Back '
Backup Database from TfsVersionControl
Disc =' C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade.bak '
Backup TfsWorkItemTracking Database
Disk = ' C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade .bak '
Backup Database TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments
Disk =' C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade.bak Then move the backup file to the new server and restore them:Databases Reset TfsActivityLogging = Recovery with 'C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade.bak' from Disc,
File = 1,
Tricks' TfsActivi Typing 'to' & lt; DataFileLocation> \ TfsActivityLogging.mdf ', & quot; For 'TfsActivityLogging_log' to '& lt; Logfile location> \ TfsActivityLogging_log.ldf '
Restore the database from TfsBuild
to disk =' C: \ TFS 2008 upgrade.bik '
with reserve, reflex
file = 2 ,
'TfsBuild' to '& lt; DataFileLocation> \ TfsBuild.mdf ',
' TfsBuild_log 'to' & lt; Logfile location> \ TfsBuild_log.ldf '
Restore TfsIntegration to Database - Download from Drive =' C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade. Back 'with
Recovery, Reflex
FILE = 3 ,
go ahead 'TfsIntegration' from & lt; Datafile location> \ TfsIntegration.mdf ',' 'TfsIntegration_log' '' & lt; Logfile location> \ TfsIntegration_log.ldf '
Restore the database from TfsVersionControl
to disk =' C: \ TFS 2008 upgrade.back '' with reserve, reflex
file = 4 ,
'TfsVersionControl' to '& lt; DataFileLocation> \ Tfs_ & LT; TeamProjectCollectionName> .mdf ',
' TfsVersionControl_log 'to' & lt; LogFileLocation> \ Tfs_ & LT; TeamProjectCollectionName> _log.ldf '
Restore the database TfsWorkItemTracking
Download from Drive =' C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade .bak '
Recovery, Reflex
File = 5, move 'from TfsWorkItemTracking' to '& lt; Datafile location> \ TfsWorkItemTracking.mdf ',' MOVE 'from TfsWorkItemTracking_log' & lt; Logfile location> \ TfsWorkItemTracking_log.ldf '
Restore the database TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments
from disk' = C: \ TFS 2008 Upgrade.bak '
FILE = 6,
'TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments' to' & lt; Datafile location> \ TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments.mdf ',' 'TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments_log' to '& lt; Log file location> \ TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments_log.ldf '
Then, on the new server, run the import command:
"C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 \ Tools \ tfsconfig.exe "Import /sqlinstance:server078.live01.lan.local / collectionName: & lt; TeamProjectCollectionName> / Confirmation
You should be ready to go again. :)
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