
Showing posts from February, 2011

An algorithm for pavement usage calculation -

Looking at one area of ​​a specific size, I have to figure out how many pavements are used fully in the area . Suppose I have an empty floor of 100 meters square and 20x10 cm and 30x10 cm in size stones. I have to provide the area with minimal use of both sizes of stones C # has been given preference. This is a class problem which is known as packing problem. It provides the background without assigning homework directly to you and also outlines it (it also provides code, but you have to think a bit to implement it in your situation).

iphone - Retain count = 0 in other function? memory-management problem? -

मैंने हेडर-फाइल में एक NSMutableArray को घोषित किया: NSMutableArray * myMuArr; और @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray * myMuArr; .एम फ़ाइल में मुझे एक अन्य वर्ग से एक प्रतिनिधि मिला है: - (शून्य) कियाग्रेडडेटा: (NSArray *) theArray {self .myMuArr = [[[एनएसएमयूटीएबलएआरआरएआरओएल] इनिटवेटअरेरे: माइमआर्र] बनाए रखा गया; } अगर मैं self.mymuarr को cellForRowAtIndexPath में प्रवेश करना चाहता हूं तो यह खाली है (मैं सरणी की संख्या को बनाए रखने की जाँच की और यह 0 है) मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत बेशक यह dealloc में जारी की है, नहीं, और कहाँ। मैं किसी भी मदद के लिए बहुत आभारी होंगे: 0) मुझे नहीं लगता कि आपको समझना है कि कब बनाए रखने और रिहाइश करें पर एक नज़र डालें । इसे पढ़ने के माध्यम से पढ़ें और इसे समझें और उन लेखों को पढ़ें जो इसे लिंक करते हैं। यह आपको बहुत मदद करेगा। आईफोन पर इसे समझना जरूरी है। आपकी सरणी 3 गुणा बरकरार रखी जा रही है, लेकिन आपको केवल एक ही आवश्यकता है: (1) जब आप आलोक / इनट पर कॉल करते हैं, तो आप एक सरणी प्राप्त करते हैं जो आपके पास है (यह...

python - What's going on here? Repeating rows in random list of lists -

I want to get a grid of unique random numbers. Instead, each line number has the same order. What is happening? Border in C (NCOL): Grid [R] Examples output: [64, 82, 90, 69] [c] = int (random (* * 100)) pippin (grid) 36], [64, 82, 90, 69, 36], [64, 82, 90, 69, 36], [64, 82, 90, 69, 36], [64, 82, 90, 69, 36] ] I think this is because the dragon uses weak copy in the list grid = [...] * nrows I tried hard to list and it worked correctly: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Grid = [[0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0] , [0,0,0,0,0]]] gt; & Gt; & Gt; For R in Category (NRO): ... border in NC (NCOL): ... grid [r] [c] = int (random (* * 100 * ... ... ... gt; & gt; ; [36, 21, 41, 29, [65, 67, 88, 77, 76] [65, 67, 40, 41, 50, 92] [26, 42, 64, 77, 77], [65, 67, 88, 77, 76] 25], [98, 77, 38, 40, 96]] It tells me that when Python copies the list 5 times Is doing all this, collecting 5 points in your first list - so, when you change the values ​​...

c# - What is the "official" place for community support for the Mere Mortals .NET framework? -

My team is using this mainly to be used to work with open source software, It was extremely tragic to find any community support for MMnet. When I asked if someone was there, I was given the only place that was given to me for support, which is the site which requires membership in search for archived questions. It seems like a third party, should not be a primary source of support for something like this for pay sites, especially MM.NET which does not seem to cost me such as MM A community across the Net chooses to pay all the money on top of the license to use the forum. If there is no universal thread, then what is the "official" position to receive support for my Mernel. NET structure? I will recommend checking this stuff before investing, the only problem is now try to get help More than that, he is trying to get support in some years time. After saying this, if they are taking money for the product, then they should directly support you via email or otherwis...

flash - Why are my event listeners firing more than once? -

In my flash project I have a movie clip that has 2 keyframes, both frames have 1 movie clip. Frame 1 - Landing frame2 - game User is simple: User clicks on the landing page (frame 1) / Li> When the game is over, the user can press a "play again" button which brings them back to step 1 both landing and games movieclips separate C is attached to the classes that define event listeners. The problem is that when I come back to step 1 after playing the game, game event listeners fire twice for their respective event. And if I go through this process for the third time, event listeners set fire to three incidents for three occasions. It keeps happening, so if I loop through the application flow 7 times, the incident listener gets a fire seven times, I do not understand why this is happening because the frame 1, game movie clips (and I will accept its corresponding class example) does not exist - but I have clearly forgotten something here. I have a...

nintendo - Retro video games programming -

In YouTube I saw the world's flaws of Super Mario Bros. -1 and I actually started thinking about the code behind those games. Which language was used? What is the console for OS for video games? Is there a website with resources about this topic? (I'm a 90s video gamer, so I'm especially interested in programming behind those games, but it is free to create a wiki and if you want, generally resources about video game programming ). For NES, something worked on an emulator (I have decoded some of those encodings, but none of the other hardware Yulet is not), do I have /. Maybe share some answers. The assembler was used for most games. To optimize the compiler, if the CPU was not available anywhere for 20-30 years ago, as they are today, in order to obtain the performance, you had to write in the assembler (this was also true on PC.) Parts of Doom In ASM), the NES CPU went in less than 2MHz. Apart from this, memory was more expensive than today. The original Mario was s...

customize uipopovercontroller in ipad -

I want to change the image of the popover. Blue tint is on top of this, so I want to see it with a different color How can I ... - (zero) presentPopoverFromRect: (CGRect) rect inView: (UIView *) View permissionArrows directive: (UIPopoverArrowDirection) Animated arrowDirections: (BOOL) Animated Can I do it with this method .. Make your own idea and keep an image in that scene . I have read in some posts that it is not possible to change this color and You can not optimize the popover in the way you want, the view you see is the content of the popover. Pop Overs is always the same, black.

c# - function gets file path but i have a string with the file content -

I have a string with file content. But my function is related to the file path on the disk. "text"> I will say, your Surcharge the work so that it also takes the file form as a parameter? If you can not change the function and there is no other way, if it is required display. Create a RAM disc to write and read the file.

What is a .dhtml page? -

क्या एक। Dhtml पृष्ठ है? डीएचटीएमएल एक गतिशील और इंटरैक्टिव वेब पेज बनाने की कला का वर्णन TERM है। स्टेक ओवरफ्लो से टैग अंश से डायनेमिक एचटीएमएल, या डी एचटीएमएल, एक स्थिरता के संयोजन का उपयोग करके इंटरेक्टिव और एनिमेटेड वेब साइट बनाने के लिए एक साथ इस्तेमाल प्रौद्योगिकियों के संग्रह के लिए एक छाता शब्द है मार्कअप लैंग्वेज (जैसे एचटीएमएल), क्लाइंट साइड स्क्रिप्टिंग भाषा (जैसे जावास्क्रिप्ट), एक प्रस्तुति परिभाषा भाषा (जैसे कि सीएसएस), और दस्तावेज़ ऑब्जेक्ट मॉडल। अधिक जानकारी के लिए , आप ये लिंक देख सकते हैं:

java - Julian Date Conversion -

नमूना जूलियन तिथियाँ: 2009218 2009225 200 9 243 मैं उन्हें कैसे रूपांतरित करूं एक नियमित तिथि में? मैंने उनका उपयोग करने की कोशिश की और मुझे मिल गया - 12227359 के लिए 2009225 !! कोई मतलब नहीं! लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करें और ऐसा कुछ करें: स्ट्रिंग तिथिसैट = "2009218"; MutableDateTime mdt = नया MutableDateTime (); mdt.setYear (Integer.parseInt (dateStr.subString (0.3))); mdt.setDayOfYear (Integer.parseInt (dateStr.subString (4))); दिनांक पार्सेडडेट = एमडीटी। टेट (); जावा एपीआई का प्रयोग करना: स्ट्रिंग तिथिसैट = "2009218"; कैलेंडर कैल = नया ग्रेगोरियन कैलेंडर (); cal.set (Calendar.YEAR, Integer.parseInt (dateStr.subString (0.3))); cal.set (Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, Integer.parseInt (dateStr.subString (4))); दिनांक पार्सेडडेट = cal.getTime (); सबसे अच्छे उत्तर प्रदान करने के लिए एलेक्स के लिए धन्यवाद: तिथि myDate = नया सरलडेटफ़ॉर्मेट ("yyyyD")। पार्स ("2009218")

How to keep soft keyboard from opening on activity launch in Android? -

In an Android app, whenever the activity begins, the text box gets focus and the soft keyboard will automatically pop I have tried to stop it by using the following line in the Create method, but it does not work. (InputMethodManager) getSystemService (context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)) hideSoftInputFromWindow (EditText.getWindowToken ()), 0); I know this is old, but it may happen that someone in the future > & lt; Activity ... Android: windowSoftInputMode = "Statued; Adjust Resize" ... & gt;

google app engine - How to query JDO persistent objects in unowned relationship model? -

I am trying to migrate my app from PHP and RDBMS (MySQL) to Google App Engine and I find it difficult Time is the relationship between the data model and the JDO. In my current app I use a lot of join queries: Select users Name,, from users, comments are where users.user_id = comments.user_id and = 'john as I have understood, this is not supported in this way, so the queries are not supported, so the only way to store data? ) Is using unique relationships and "foreign" keys. There is a document about this, but there is no useful example. So far I have something like this: @property, enable public class users {@PrimaryKey @Persistent (valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.INDNTITY) private key; @Print Name of Private String; @Assistant Private String Email; @ Presentation Private Set & lt; Key & gt; CommentKeys; // Accessors ...} @ PRESERSpacePackaging Public Class Comments {@PrimaryKey @ Persistent (Value Strategy = ID Generator.Tr...

c# - Active Directory Is User Deactivated Code Snippet Needed? -

Can anyone post a way to know if a particular user is a passive user in Windows Advertising? If you are on .NET 3.5 or upgrade to .NET 3.5 - New Take a look at the system. Directory Services Look for an introduction to account management [/ code> namespace which makes many air from these tasks. In your case, you can write your code like this: Principal Consultation CTX = New Principal Contex (ContaxType Daemon, "uradann") UserPinional User = User Principal Foundbyintenti ("anonymous"); Bool locked = user.IsAccountLockedOut (); All this is there! Most of the daily employment of users and groups has improved significantly with NET 3.5 - use those new capabilities!

installation - UnauthorizedAccessException app.config c# -

Firstly I am creating a setup from a project, and I install it. When the program reads and is written from the program .config, I'm getting an unauthorized access. This view works right in the studio, but with creating a setup and setting it up, it always crashes at this point, how is it resolved? Thank you You must provide something as how it is going Context Are You Logged In as Administrator? Which version of windows? Where is this going from? Is there an error in reading or writing or both?

static typing - Typed metaprogramming languages -

I want to do some metaprogramming in a statically typed language, where both my program and my meta program are typed Will go I mean, it has a strong meaning: If my program generator is compiled, then I want to strengthen that type of system so that just type-correct programs can be prepared. As far as I know, only this can do. (No, neither fit template Haskell nor C ++ template bills - see). Question: What is the permission of other languages ​​/ systems? EDIT: As far as I can tell, Metacamal is dead. Oleg, but he is still stuck in several versions behind OCaml. If someone wants to go with experimental languages ​​(i.e. more than that of MetaCam, it seems that the bill is probably fit, any other new entries for the field? F # can also do this.

c# - wpf interoperability extra buttons -

I am developing an app for which some backward compatibility is required. I have a form where I host user control element, when I do this, do not show 2 additional buttons anywhere How to get rid of navigation apps like this? The GUI was made in the mix. At first I created a new project (WPF) and then I would convert it to WPF User Control Lib. I created a form with HostElement, added referee to DLL with its user control and then just myControl1 newControl = new UserControl1 (); This.elementHost1.Child = myControl; and these buttons press 2 buttons. I Private zero vibrationbutton_lick (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {this.MainTab.SelectedItem = this tab_vibration; } Edit 2 is a project here

Sharepoint 2010 - "Tags and Notes" not active -

I have installed and configured SharePoint 2010 and now I am testing it using. I can not seem to add a tag to anything I can choose to do a particular item (such as work), but the "tags and notes" button is disabled. When I hover over the button, it says that I may need permission to tag an item, but I'm a site administrator, so I doubt that the problem is. Is there a setting that I need to enable, which will allow tagging? I have not seen it before, but do you have a managed metadata service configured?

JavaScript greybox -- slidehow won't work in FF/Safari -

क्या ग्रेबॉक्स् जावास्क्रिप्ट प्लगइन से परिचित है? यह स्लाइडशो और सामान के लिए है .. मैं इसे एफएफ / सफारी में काम नहीं कर सकता; यह IE में महान काम करता है, लेकिन एफएफ / सफारी गेंद नहीं खेलेंगे .. कुछ सुझावों की बहुत सराहना करते हैं .. माना जाता है कि एक Google इस बात के लिए समूह (फोरम) (यूआरएल पोस्ट नहीं किया जा सकता है)। यह बात सीमा है कि कितने यूआरएल एक पोस्ट में शामिल कर सकते हैं, यह उनके घर पीजी (ऊपर यूआरएल .. ओह भाई ..) से जुड़ा हुआ है, लेकिन जब आप लिंक करते हैं यह आप एक पीजी पर भूमि है जो कहते हैं कि वे बी / सी से बूट कर चुके हैं वे Google की सेवा की शर्तों का उल्लंघन करते हैं ....;) धन्यवाद .. यह मेरे लिए ऐसा लग रहा है जैसे कि कुछ जावास्क्रिप्ट कोड में दौड़ की स्थिति है यदि छवि कैश में नहीं है, तो यह मेरे लिए ऐसा दिखता है कि यह कभी भी छवि बॉक्स दिखाई नहीं देगी: अगर (gb_type == "image") {if (img_holder.width ! = 0 & amp; img_holder.height! = 0) {var width = img_holder.width; Var ऊंचाई = img_holde...

c# - Lambda Expressions in T4 Templates -

Keeping a T4 template together I threw in a simple lambda expression: & Lt; # String = .joined (",", updateFields.ConvertAll (field = & gt; field .name) .oir ()) & gt; This template fails to generate error with: conversion compilation: invalid expression word '& gt;' On line with lambda expression. This is checked out of a template and works fine. Does not T4 support work with Labda's expressions? If not, are there any other language features which are unsupported in the context of a T4 template? Thank you! If you are using T4 in Visual Studio 2008, make sure that you have C # The compiler is in version 3.5. It uses 2.0 by default.

Fluent NHibernate: Example of a one-to-many relationship on an abstract class of a table-per-subclass implementation -

itemprop = "text"> An example I'm trying to age (because I can not find it to work for myself) Right One example below: I am looking to map the list of penalties on loan. I'm mapping for one-to-many relationships on a table. If anybody knows about any tutorials or examples, please let me know. Public Intangible Square Unit {Public Entity ID {Receipt; Set; }} Public abstract class loan: unit {public decimal balance {received; Set; } Public IList & lt; OK & gt; Penalty (Received); Set; } Public Debt () {Penalties = New list & lt; OK & gt; (); }} Public Class CarLoan: Credit {} Public Sector Credit Card: Loan {} Public Loan Loan Application: Entity {Public IList & lt; Loans & gt; Existing Debas {Get; Set; } Public Loan Application () {Existing Debates = New List & lt; Loans & gt; (); }} Public class ok {public int64 cash} {get; Set; }} Can you tell us why you really have trouble? What have you tried? Obviously, you h...

jQuery sortable events -

I am using some jQuery sortable and I have a problem of two event handlers originally set in the ordered init (received and off) I thanks Itemprop = "text"> The sample code will help, but you can store a feature on Sortable with the $ (this) .data ( {Fired: false}); can use things like. Then, in your receiving and preventing methods, var props = $ (this) .data (); If (! Props.fired) {// your execution code} inside of the execution block as a way of locating it, you will be $ (this) .data ({fired: true}); You can include a line like , to record that it has been sent.

Internet Explorer buggy when accessing a custom weblogic provider -

I version've created a custom Weblogic security certification provider 103 that includes a custom login modules for users to validate . As part of the provider, I've implemented ServletAuthenticationFilter and acts as a common log onto a filter added page for all applications within the filter domain. When we reach them to any secure URL from entering the address bar, this works fine in IE and Firefox. But when we bookmark the link in IE then there is a strange thing. If I click on the bookmark, then you will see our logs on the page, after you have successfully logged into the system will display the original authentication page, even if the user is already authenticated. This never happens in Firefox, IE is also intermittent, 1 will be redirected correctly in 1 time of 5 and will not show the original proof window. Firefox and Opera have all the time been correct redirect manner we capture the response headers and success and has been compared to the setbacks, they are ...

c++ - Need help in optimizing a drawing code ... -

I need some help in trying to customize the part of this code ... this is actually ... I am writing this as 'Calligraphy Hydration' which easily draws very adjacent lines ... The problem is: When I update the draw area using the update () after each single draw of a slotted line, So the output is correct, it means that the update is done on time, so that the pen Abuse by 'drawn' to be 'everything was immediately portrayed seen. However, because too many (100s of them) have been updated, Program N900 is slowed down while running ... When I all Stretch Lines (So that everyone trying to optimize slightly by running the update after the drawing lines are updated on the drawing board through a single update), the output is ... weird .... this is the lines Immediately after drawing, those lines are broken (they are empty patch where d Raine should have happened as well) ... However, if I trigger to revise the form window (eg, by changing the size of the form), t...

when i start my emmbedt web server on port 8080 i get windows security alert , can i avoid it? -

Is there a way to avoid this when using the embedded web server in windows? I do not want to scare the user If you connect to all the interfaces and the firewall is enabled, So there is no way to avoid this. If your service is not required to access from outside the computer, then you can just connect to localhost , which should avoid firewall warning.

List of generic algorithms and data structures -

As part of a library project, I want to include most of the usual algorithms and data structures. This includes algorithms, linked lists and binary trees, path-finding algorithms such as A * ... for search and sorting. In fact, you can think of any generic algorithm or data structure that you think can be useful in such a library, please add to a post or list. Thanks! (Note: Since there is no correct answer, I have kept it in the community wiki ... and also, do not suggest algorithms that are very specific to be provided by a normal library). List: Data structure AVL tree B-tree B * -T Binary Tree Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Linked Lists Single Linked List Dual Link Sort list algorithm Binary Tree Sort Stack Li> Bubble Sort Hipsport Insert Sort Quicksort Sort Selection >

c++ - Changing a Widget's name based on a string read in from an XML form in Qt -

I am writing a code for the voting machine which will allow the user to read in the custom XML ballot and then vote on them. Let me, however, have QtCreator in the current build, I do not have an easy way to edit buttons directly in my GUI. In the code snippet given below, I provide an element to exclude names and types of votes, But me gua The need to add a label as well as the change buttons reading candidates' names. to do this? while (! N.isNull ()) {QDomNode x = n.firstChildElement (); QDomElement e = n.toElement (); QMessageBox :: Information (0, tr ("Element" Loading), tr ("Our Element is% 1") .arg (e.tagName ())); QDomElement p = x.firstChildElement (); // Pars race QMessageBox :: Notification (0, tr ("Foo"), tr ("p =% 1"). Arg (p.text ())); // race and ballot type n = n.nextSibling () finds; } } Created by using Designer All widget UI is available from your code. How to reach it depends on how you linked your use with y...

javascript - Offer the possibility to preview a personalized product -

I want to give my customers the possibility of previewing their personal product. In essence, privatization means that the user specifies some text and keeps the text somewhere on the image of the product. A great example of what I want to achieve is select frame and then press individually, when you choose this opportunity and add text that you want to preview the product. Can be chosen. The hardest thing to do here, as I see, is to create an image. Text status will probably be created in javascript. Do you have any suggestions? Just as a note, it is unlikely to use Scene 7. Your page does not work for Firefox OS: > Error: s_dc is not defined file: Line: 427 If you actually only do this by JavaScript If you want to canvas or SVG But I think it would be easy to use PHP Pearl or Flash. This will also increase your cross browser compatibility.

ruby on rails - changing the db used with cucumber to the _test db instead of _development -

For whatever reason, my cucumber is using my _development db instead of my _test db. How do I change it? This is my database. IML test: and test adapter: mysql encoding: UTF 8 database: myapp_test but I The error does not specify the database configuration to the adapter It is also below .... I can only assume that this test is explicit to set it to use DB Cucumber: and quektor Text "> Do you have something like this: ENV [" RAILS_ENV "]; = 'Test' In your features / support / env.rb file?

extjs - How do I Reload Ajax Call Parameters without Reloading the webpage -

I am working with Extenses 2.2.1 with Alfresco 3.2 Enterprise. I would like to update that which handles authentication for Alfresco server on loaded components during login ticket that ends after a set time and this is why I update the ticket Will happen. Options that do not appear to be viable for me (but please tell me what is wrong with me): Rebuild the components to reload the call parameters Load - I can not do this because the user that was first working on it is reset (such as tree panels are reloaded, grid filter reset, etc.). The actual webpage never reloads because everything uses AJAX calls to update things on the page. Create a global variable that stores a ticket and engages it with any AJAX calls as a call parameter - any components loaded during login Still will use the original ticket to call the server. try something like this Ext.onReady (function () {var token = new Ext.util.MixedCollection (); token.add ('id', 'THE_TOKEN_ID...

How to eliminate authentication on my MVC app that is called from forms app -

Curious with any person's recommendations. I have an existing ASP.NET form application that is a form validation and identity impersonation. This application has a link to a questionnaire that I want to develop in an MVC application separately, but I do not want the user to click on this link and for a username and password Indicates, I think the seamless, capable of filling the questionnaire must start. Is there any way to transfer certification from one .net app to another? I want to be able to pass things like UserRoll. What is the best way to do this? If you use the same machine in both machines and the MVC application is on the same server, So I think it will reuse the auth cookie and will consider them simply logging in. Check this on configuring MachineKey, especially note the section, it assumes that both applications are on the same server. If they are on different servers then you will need to check some other mechanism - creating a single-use tic...

Browser connects to WCF service but not my WCF client. What can be the reason? -

On the production server (Windows Server 2003 SP2), I can connect to a remote WCF service with Internet Explorer 8: When I browse the URL (where my service listens) I see the expected notification page of the service I Internet Connection setting in Explorer specifies only "auto address", proxy settings are disabled. If I connect to the same server on the same console console application (which is created with WCF) the same WCF service is telling me that no endpoint is available but not available. WCF Client Configuration: & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; System.serviceModel & gt; & Lt; Binding & gt; & Lt; WsHttpBinding & gt; & Lt; Binding name = "WSHttpBinding_IMyService" closeTimeout = "00:01:00" openTimeout = "00:01:00" receiveTimeout = "00:10:00" sendTimeout = "00:01:00" bypassProxyOnLocal = "false" transactionFlow = " False "hostNameComparisonMode =" Stron...

git - Change commit author at one specific commit -

I want to change the author of a special commitment in history. This is not the final commitment. I know about this question - But I'm thinking about something, where I identify the commitment by hash or short-hash. Close the interactive rebus from a point in history, which you need to modify ( Git rebase -i & lt; previouscommit & gt; ). In the list of comments to be remanded, change the text that pick to edit next to the hash with the one you want to modify. Then when git prompts you to change the commit, use it: git commit --amend --author = "Author's name & lt;>" For example, if your commute history is with ABCDEF with F as head , And you want to change the author of c and D , then you ... git rebase -i B Specify Edit C and D to once When the rebase begins, it will stop you at C git committance - - - - author = "author's name & lt;> " Then...

Ruby class variable is reset after rails app initialized -

I tried to assign a class static variable like this class Querylogger & lt ; Logger @@ query_logger_default_instance = nil def self.default_instance # Use global variable because stable variable does not work @@ query_logger_default_instance || = (STDOUT) End End My Rails app in the initializers folder, I have added a file with this code block ActiveRecord: : Base.logger = Querylogger.default_instance In a request (the operation of the controller), I call it: Querylogger.default_instance . My impression is that call to default_instance will always report the same though, it is not. Now I try to see the stuff in NetBeans by setting the breakpoint in net_bans. In the event of the expected, the default_ is called twice in the interval, one due to the initial block due to the call for another action. Surprising thing is in both times, inside the Netbeans Inspector @@ query_logger_default_instance Report Zero The first Nile report is correct, but the othe...

jQuery AJAX request (Rails 3) gets redirected and returns empty message body (only with SSL)! -

I'm trying to manually declare the jQuery AJAX request as follows: $ ("#user_plan_id"). Change (function () {$ ("# plan_container"). Load ('/ plans'' this.value);}); I have a "Rail .js" file in my railway, and "& lt;% = csrf_meta_tag%>". I see from my log the request is being made on the server (though without authenticity token ... what does the rail? JS also do this?), But 302 (mile) , And in fact no data is provided. Any thoughts? EDIT: Now I see that the first request redirects, and the redirect is provided with the appropriate partial. However, the body of response (still on client-side) of respiration is still empty. I'm guessing that jQuery uses the first reaction and does not set up a listener for the redirect. How do I get around this? In addition, another note: The requesting page is a HTTPS page. My log says: got started for "/ plans / 221168073" on on Tuesday 15 Jun...

php - Cakephp file upload problem -

I am using Cakephp as my framework in uploading my files through a form I have a problem. I am using an uploader plugin from the website. This is the piece of code in my php ini file. upload_max_filesize = 10M post_max_size = 8M this is from uploader.php -> in the plugin file $ var MaxFileSize = '5M'; // default max file size In my controller.php file, I use this code to set the maximum file size in runtime as 1 MB. function BeforeFilter () {Origin: FirstFilter (); $ This- & gt; Uploader-> MaxFileSize = '1M'; } In the uploader.php, we do this ... if (empty ($ this-> maxFileSize)) {$ this - & gt; Max file size = ini_get ('upload_max_filesize'); // mile 1} $ byte = pre__reley ('/ [^ 0- 9] / i', '', $ this-> maxfile size); $ Last = $ this- & gt; Bytes ($ this-> maxFileSize, 'byte'); If ($ last == 't' || $ final == 'TB') {$ multiplier = 1; $ ExecTime = 20; } And if ($ last ...

mysql select from multi tables problem -

यह क्वेरी है सदस्य का चयन करें, सदस्य। सदस्य, सदस्य। Alutation, सदस्य। पहले नाम , सदस्य.माहनी नाम, सदस्य.व्यक्ति नाम, सदस्यों.suffix,, addresses.address1, addresses.address2,, addresses.state, addresses.postalCode,, addresses.memberID, ईमेल। ईमेल, ईमेल .memberID, phonenumbers.phoneNumber, phonenumbers.memberId, subscriptions.year, subscriptions.memberID FROM सदस्य, पतों, ईमेल, फोननबॉर्म्स, सदस्यताएं WHERE सदस्यता। वर्ष = '% s' और सदस्यता। सदस्यीय सदस्य = सदस्य। संदेश और सदस्यता। संदेश ID = पते। मेरी समस्या यह एक बहुत बड़ी क्वेरी है, इसलिए इम एक समय में इतने लोगों तक सीमित करने की कोशिश कर रहा है ...। इसके 5000 से अधिक परिणामों का अनुमान है ... वैसे भी काम करने वाली एकमात्र सीमा 0, 10 है यदि आप 5, 10 कुछ भी काम नहीं करता, 0 काम नहीं करता, 50 काम नहीं करता ... केवल 0, 10 काम करता है ... और जब मैं 0 करता हूँ, 10 क्वेरी पहले ब्लेले देता हैनाम, मध्यनाम, अंतिमनाम, और कुछ अन्य ... और जब मैं $ परिणाम पर एक print_r () करता हूँ तो...

deployment - VB.NET: Can the .EXE built by VS2005 be deployed as a standalone EXE? -

VB.NET: created by VS 2005 .exe as a standalone Can be deployed to EXE ? When I change the mode in "Release" in VS2005 and create the solution, then the solution in the bin \ release directory is .exe File, but this is also the .pdb , vshost.exe and .xml file. What are these additional files and what are they necessary? I copied the file to another machine and it was executed properly, but after that there was a significant delay in executing for the first time. It was like any other program, what is the reason for this, and can it be helped? Is it because the other 3 files in the release folder are not there? itemprop = "text"> The project template you used to start the project is not very optimal settings as a result you will find clutter It can be easily fixed, start with Project + Property, compile tabs. Make sure the release build is selected, the upper left combo box is the configuration label. The .pdb file contains debugging s...

Jquery Too Much Recursion Error -

itemprop = "text"> I hope someone can help me. I have this code: & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {spectrum (); function spectrum () {$ ('# down-menu ul li collar a'). Animate ({color: '# E7294F'}, 16000); Spectrum 2 ();} Function spectrum 2 () {$ ('# down-menu UL leagramless A'). Animate ({color: '# 3D423C'}, 16000); Spectrum ();}}); & Lt; / Script & gt; It is working, but when I look at the firebug it says that there is a much more recurring error. I hope someone can tell me why. Thank you! The problem is that your script is not being implemented. When the page loads, you call it the function to run Spectrum () . It runs this function, and then the function is called to run spectrum2 () , which does this. When it eliminates the spectrum 2 () , you ask it to run spectrum () again, and when it is done that it is called the Spectrum2 () again .. see pattern? Your bad script has a...

design - CakePHP ACL use case(s) -

I have found a simple web application in development, I want to set up some user groups; Administrator, Doctor & amp; Patients Use of each group will be restricted to special control tasks rather than individual content. For example, doctors can see patient records (index and action action), but they can not be removed. Usually I will create a group model, and assign to different users in one group. And first to determine the filter () method to determine whether the user has access or not. But if ACL can do the job, why the correct code, right? Thanks You do not need to filter the Filtler () method to determine For that user has access, but you need to provide configuration of athe component. Follow with tutorial ().

What causes POCO proxy entities to only sometimes be created in Entity Framework 4 -

95%), but randomly I am returning some proxy and some non-proxy. Recycling the app pool, when this happens, will fix this example of error and it will go away for a while. Thanks, Cohn resolved it (im getting used to almost quit, posting here and then solving it) However, when I was adding a new question I was doing some experiment as it was being stored as a non-proxy, I finally got a new query on the object contact, such as Var q = object contact Create Object & lt; Question & gt; (); This causes the proxy to become and only works fine and dandy. Hope this helps anyone, cheers, Kohan A useful source: (read comments)

windows - How do I execute a *.dll file -

I have a DLL file and it is executing on Windows, I have received this DLL from a challenge site which is alleged That DLL should be executed independently. In DLL to run the function, first find out if those functions are any PE () analysis program ( Like). Then experiment with: RUNDLL32.EXE The dllname is the path and name of your dll file, the name of the interview function, and the optional argument function logic

flex3 - how to slide images? -

I want to slide images from left to right or left to right, is it possible? Thank you in advance ... See the section in Flex 3 Help that finds small answers for small questions.

css - Textarea background image scrolls when text exceeds the height -

I'm trying to solve a problem in IE 7. In my text area there is a background image behind it which then scrolls with text when the text is higher than the area of ​​the text area and starts scrolling with the text. Does anyone know why this is happening and what will be the solution? Thank you, James This is a problem that only IE 6 and 7 Along with that, which was resolved in IE8 To fix the problem, click & lt; Textarea & gt; A & lt; Div & gt; In & lt; Textarea & gt; Apply background and boundary properties to & lt; Div & gt; However, then the border and background are & lt; Textarea & gt; set on. Nobody. You still have both margins and padding & lt; Div & gt; And & lt; Textarea & gt; To see it properly, but now you should be told in the right direction.

Adding custom :new routes using Rails 3 routing -

In Rail 2, we can add custom new functions to resource routes, such as: map.resources: user,: new => {: Apply => : Get}} How can we get the same thing in Rail 3? Resources: Users receive: apply, but =>: new # does not work: get new: # applications also do not end the end Any thoughts? You can use : path_names as the side routing guide : resources: user,: path_names = & gt; {: New = & gt; "Apply"} This will only replace the path to Apply , yet it will be routed for the new action I do not think the change is now clearly supported (which is probably a good thing). If you want to keep your apply action, then you should: resources: user, except: => gt; ; : New tax collection is available: Apply end end but it leaves you thinking that it should only apply to verb to new name Not better for changing .

PDCurses TUI C++ Win32 console app - Access violation reading location -

I downloaded the source and was able to successfully include curses.h in my project, pre-compiled library and all good . After a few hours of trying the library, I saw tuidemo.c in the demo folder, compiled it into executable and spectacular! What exactly do I want for my project The problem now is that it is a C code, and I have a V. I am working on the C ++ project in C ++ 2008. My files are required tui.c and tui.h ​​How can I include that C file in my C ++ code? I saw but the compiler was not very happy with 100 warnings and errors. I can go to include that TUI pdcurses / included /! Edit Edit: I added extern "C" statement, so my test looks like this now, but I get some other type of error #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; using namespace std; Extern "C" {#include & lt; Tui.h & gt; } Zero sub0 () {// nothing}}}} {{nothing} "Go inside the sub-menu first"}, {"Bsub", sub1, ...

c# - Does XAML design mode support more color than code view? -

Working with SilverLight using Visual Studio 10, I found that XAML has a wide variety of colors in design mode. Allows Lime for XAML has a valid color in XAML. & lt; LinearGradientBrush EndPoint = "1.0.5" StartPoint = "0,0.5" & gt; & Lt; GradientStop color = "yellow" offset = "0" /> & Lt; GradientStop color = "lime" offset = "1" /> While working with code, I found that lemons and many other colors are unavailable ... GradientStop blueGS = new gradient (;); BlueGS.Color = Colors.Lime; What am I missing? System in both colors Windows Media Are colter. from Use XAML for colors from the system. You managed this in XML You can not instantaneously trigger the object, but you can use it static. To provide property values ​​in XAML, there are additional designated colors that can be specified in XAML, but the static asset values ​​of these colors are not supported . Therefore, for whatever ...

c++ cli - How do I convert a System::IO::Stream^ to an LPCSTR for PlaySound? -

I am trying to embed in a C ++ / CLI app and then return the .wav file, but In all instances, I have seen that the use of PlaySound is in VB I can not see how toa stream ^ transmits up to LPCIR which requires PlaySound: System :: IO :: stream ^ s = Assembly :: GetExecutingAssembly () - & gt; GetManifestResourceStream ("Ping .wave"); LPCRRB = S-> Line Place (buff, null, s nd_async | sND_MEMORY | SND_NOWAIT); I think I need some kind of awesome .net memory conversion magic. Instead use the System :: Media :: Sound Player class. It has the property of a stream, specify your "s" variable, then call the Play () method.

active directory - Sharepoint lockout -

A man from our third rank team recently thought that it would be fun to remove your account from Eddie. Now it has been added again. Everything except for my access to SharePoint sites is back to normal I get the file exists (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070050) Error on All Sites After some Googleing I The same issue came to a man and it was an issue with a different SID than my old account. Since I deleted my account from the site administrator and added it again. It will refresh with a new SID. I also check on the content database that the site ID matches the following transactions and SID matching. Select s.Id, join the inside of the sites s on the web. Choose from RootWebId = W.Id * UserInfo where tp_Login = 'domain \ username' and tp_SiteID = '& lt; ID code & gt; ' Now I am a bit confused I now have a user account Has been removed from the site selection by the Central Admin and has removed everyone from the site collection. Individual si...

c++ - What does an object file contain? -

During the various stages of compilation in C or C ++, I know that an object file is generated (i.e., any_name.o file) Can anyone help me? Does the contents of the object files depend mainly on the compiler, which we use on Unix? Object files by default or some from the list below: Symbol name Integrated code Constant data, e.g. Import - Which symbols are compiled by the code reference (fixed by the linker) Export - Which symbol provides the object object files. A group of linker object files turns into executable, by combining all the imports and exports, and by modifying the compiled code so that the correct function is found.

Advantages/Disadvantages of AIR vs Flex/Web -

I have been asked to write an application to keep and connect the object (like a room planner, where you Furniture can keep). I've created a demo using Flash Builder 4 and have created it as a desktop app for AIR. Now the customer wants the full app, but he and I am sure whether it should continue to be made as a Air App or convert it into a web application using Flex. I tried to make a simple conversion to the Air app in a web app, and most of the stuff works but not all. Things that do not work seem like ordinary insects, although lack of capacity is not complete. Capabilities that I need (except modeling) are: Printing of printed printing + a list of furniture that is kept One way to save and retrieve the finished plans One way to export a list of furniture in Excel format A complete number of data about different objects Assuming only the printing has been implemented so far, and also work in the web app It seems. What are the advantages / disadvantages of t...

java - How to discard time intervals with Time Series / XYPlots using JFreeChart? -

I am creating a set of chart displays, one of which is for one month's daily business performance- that is, One point per day data (closing) Since there is no business during the weekend and holidays, I have to leave these data points. Not only this, but in spite of any interval in time, the data point should still be visible near each other. It can be seen in such a chart, eg For 3-month graphs of NASDAQ on Yahoo Finance - see how the weekends go out. My question is: How should it be implemented correctly in the Geoffrey Chart? Thank you in advance! In addition to deleting the excluded data points, you apply it to the related DateAxis For example, axis.setTimeline (Segmented timeline.NumandA-to-FriedTimeline ());

jQuery AJAX Web service works only locally -

मेरे पास एक साधारण एएसपी.नेट वेब सेवा है [वेबसर्विसेज (नेमस्पेस = "http : // ")] [वेबसाइसबिंग (कन्फर्फोटो = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] सार्वजनिक वर्ग सेवा: सिस्टम। वेब। सेवाओं। वेब सेवा (सार्वजनिक सेवा) () [} [ WebMethod] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग SetName (स्ट्रिंग का नाम) {वापसी "नमस्ते मेरे प्यारे दोस्त" + नाम; }} इस वेब सेवा के लिए मैंने वर्चुअल डायरेक्टरी बनाई है, इसलिए मैं टेप द्वारा एक्सेस प्राप्त कर सकता हूं। मैं इसे jQuery के साथ साधारण HTML पेज के माध्यम से कॉल करने का प्रयास करता हूं। इस उद्देश्य के लिए मैं फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग CallWS () {$ .ajax ({type: "POST", डेटा: "{'name': 'Pumba'}", डेटा प्रकार: "json" , Url: "http: // localhost: 89 / service.asmx / setname", contentType: "application / json; charset = utf-8", सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (msg) {$ ('# DIVID')। Html Msg.d);}, त्रुटि: फ़ंक्शन (e) {$ ('# DIVID')। Html ("...

sql server - Sql - goto statement -

Is it good to use the 'goto' statement in SQL queries? Depends on SQL - In some dialects, there is not a useful mechanism for flow control except GOTO. GOTO generally bad form

How do you stop tracking a remote branch in Git? -

How do you stop tracking in a remote branch? I am telling you to stop tracking because in my concrete case, I want to remove the local branch but not the remote. Remote branch will also be erased, along with removing the remote to remove and remove the local: Do I just have to go to git branch - D The_branch , and it will not be promoted when I later git push ? "itemprop =" text "> As mentioned in the following: git branch - unset-upstream other options: You do not have to delete your local branch. Just remove your remote tracking branch: git branch -d -r original / (this!) There is no such concept of local tracking branches, only remote tracking Branches. Basic / In the master guru is a remote tracking branch for original repo , you The configuration related to the local branch has to be reset: git config --unset branch. gt; .remote git config & gt; branch & gt; Remove upstream information for mer...

c++ - buffer overflow with boost::program_options -

मुझे प्रोत्साहित करने का एक समस्या है: program_options यह आसान प्रोग्राम, बस्ट्स दस्तावेज़ से कॉपी-चिपकाया गया है : #include & lt; boost / program_options.hpp & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {नामस्थान po = boost :: program_options; Po :: options_description desc ("अनुमत विकल्प"); Desc.add_options () ("सहायता", "सहायता संदेश" उत्पादित करें) ("संपीड़न", पीओ :: मान & lt; int & gt; (), "सेट संपीड़न स्तर"); वापसी 0; } एक बफर ओवरफ्लो के साथ विफल रहता है। मैंने "बफर सुरक्षा स्विच" सक्रिय कर दिया है, और जब मैं इसे चलाता हूं मुझे "अज्ञात अपवाद (0xc0000409)" मिलता है जब मैं लाइन desc.add_options () ... से अधिक कदम उठाता हूं ... मैं Visual Studio 2005 का उपयोग करता हूं और 1.43.0 को बढ़ावा देता हूं। वैसे भी अगर मैं स्विच निष्क्रिय करता हूं लेकिन मैं ऐसा करने में सहज महसूस नहीं करता ... जब तक कि स्थानीय रूप से इसे निष्क्रिय नहीं किया जा सके। तो क्या आपको इस समस्या का समाधान है? संप...

c# - Data Clustering approach -

I am writing a program in C # in which I have 200 digits displayed on an image, however, Cluster, and I want to find a way to "cluster". In other words, perhaps draw a circle / oval around the cluster points. Has anyone seen any way to do this? I've heard about K-Earth clustering, but I'm not sure how to implement it in C #. Any favorite implementation is out there? The tool will give you a list of the center of the cluster and the component number. Then you can pull a circle around the point on the radius, which is the maximum (or mean) distance of the component points or you can calculate the convex solution of the point and use it as an "envelope" around the cluster. can do. K-means is a useful extension of k-means ++ modification which works better to choose initial coordinates.

Customer count map (Google maps?) -

I have a two column list with a US zip code and a count (the number of subscribers in this case). I want to keep this data on a map. Will Google Maps API be a good fit for this? It seems that this would be a common type of problem for the existing (preferably Java based) solution without first re-inventing a wheel. Any suggestions? My answer was found: Google Fusion Tables

multithreading - Why doesn't Flex support threads? -

Why does Flex / Action Script currently not support threading? are based on the Flash and Flex actioncript, which does not support threading. Adobe's official argument for this is that threads can behave very differently on different user machines, and in the event of threading, there may be performance problems on an already intense performance platform like Flash Player. In the future release of Flash, there is an assistant group of workers grouped in HTML5, but it is not yet official. For information about fake threading in the Action Script, see the presentation of Han Due Due on Grenthreads: Another option is to send numerical intense computing to Pixel Alcoholics. Pixel Fluffy is a flash service that runs on its own thread, provides a better performance For more information on applying this technique, see:

postgresql - Continents/Countries borders in PostGIS (Polygon vs Linestring) -

I would like to include a polygon in Europe in my postgis database. I have hardcore extreme points: NW = Northwest border (lat = 82.7021697 lon = -28.0371000) NE = northmost border (lat = 82.7021697 lon = 74.1357000) SE = South East boundary (Latitude = 33.8 9 78000 lon = 74.1357000) SW = Southwest Border (lat = 33.8978000 lon = -28.0371000) The following is a valid polygon: Polygen ((NWLon NWLat, NELon NELat, SELon SElat, SWLon SWLat, NWlon NWLat)) Is this a valid polygon? Do I see some polygons with follwing form of polygen ((), ())? When are they used? Why not do a linestring? Any help will be apreciated? This is really confusing me. Thanks This is a PostGIS polygon: ST_GeomFromText ('polygon ((lon1 lat1, lon2 lat2, ... lonN latN))', SRID) where the SRI is in Geometry column talks with you and Lonen Latein should be equal to lon1, lat1, i.e., the ring must be clearly closed. In plain postgres, (i.e., no projection data, no background GIS f...

iphone - Is it possible to localize the app icon and Default.png? -

Is it possible to localize the app icon and the default .png file? Do I just leave them in related language folders or should I do something else? According to my comment, one answer is elsewhere, but you can find more in the section of the iPhone App Programming Guide can read. For example, an example of how to structure your language files in your app bundle.

sql - query multiple tables and combine results into one return table for stored procedure? -

I have several different tables, but they have 2 columns that have the same names. I want to write a stored procedure. I am searching for a column in all tables and gives results. idea? When it comes to SQL, I am quite a lot. The operation you are looking for is unions or unions All . SELECT * WHERE all_tables.col1 = 'Something' If you use UNION ALL instead of UNION , then the database will expire duplicate rows that have multiple tables If you know that there will be no duplicate, use UNION ALL because it is usually very fast.

javascript - I can't get ExternalInterface.addCallback to work - trying to call an AS3 function from a js button click -

I am trying to use ExternalInterface.addClallback to allow js to call as3 method. My code is as follows: AS: ExternalInterface.addClallback ("sendToActionscript", callFromJavaScript); Function callfor_script (): zero {circle_mc.gotoAndStop ("end"); } JS: & lt; Button type = "button" onclick = "callToActionscript ()" & gt; Switch to Square & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function callToActionscript () {flashController = document.getElementById ("jstoactest") flashController.sendToActionscript (); } & Lt; / Script & gt; This is not working What am I doing wrong? I set the flash read flag as JS in the flag. Then when your SWF loads, after the event. ADDED_TO_STAGE is removed, I add ExternalInterface.addClallBack and flap the flaped flag to TRUE. It prevents the call from the SWF before it's ready. You want to throw an alert in JS functio...

internet explorer 7 - itext issue: IE7 showing 404 sorry page title in the tab -

I'm trying to figure out why I'm getting this tab title in IE7. The tab says "we are sorry / (French equivalent)" which is not found in our 404 page title originally generated PDF and the reaction status is 200, yet why is it redirected to 404? The strange thing is that this is happening to my machine only, my colleague is also using IE 7 and he does not see the tab title "we are sorry ....". > Thanks in advance Do you have & lt; Title & gt; tag HTML head section? I have experienced in some cases that if I am called 404 (Writing a URL incorrectly) and then any & lt; Title & gt; Tag, the title of the window / tab will remain the same as it was on the 404 page. & lt; Title & gt; My document & lt; / Title & gt; Try adding and see if this corrects the behavior. / P>

c# - Is there a way through the Visual Studio IDE to move buttons between ToolStrips? -

I have many toolstrips that have buttons on my form. I want to move from one toolstrip to another. However, the Visual Studio IDE is not allowing me to drag toolstrip buttons. I can go and edit the designer file for the form, but I try to avoid doing so as much as possible. So, is there any way to do this through IDE? Yes, there is no problem control click, Ctrl + X to cut it in the clipboard. Click on other toolstrip, paste Ctrl + V with the clipboard.

File streaming in PHP - How to replicate this code in PHP? -

I am writing an interface for a web service where we have to upload the configuration files. The documentation provides a sample only in C # .net which I am not familiar with. I am trying to implement it in PHP. Can anyone be familiar with both languages, indicates me in the right direction? I can understand all the basic things, but I am trying to remove the appropriate PHP substitutions for the FileStream, ReadBytes, and the UploadDataFile function. I believe that RecService is the URL for web service in the object. Thanks for your help! Private Zero Uploadfile () {clientAlias ​​= "& lt; yourClientAlias ​​& gt;"; String filePath = "& lt; pathToYourDataFiles & gt;"; String [] fileList = {"Config.txt", "ProductDetails.txt", "BrandNames.txt", "CategoryNames.txt", "ProductsSoldOut.txt", "Sales.txt"}; Recommended Client Rick Service = New Recommended (); (Int i = 0; i & lt; fileLis...

c - "lvalue required as left operand of assignment " error -

The following code produces the "lagoon required as a left-hand operation" If (C> = 'A' and & amp; c & lt; = 'Z' || c = "" || c = ",") { Looks like I'm writing this is wrong, what's wrong? And how do I write it correctly? You should use single quotes for characters and equal to double for equality (otherwise it should be C changes the value) If (c> = 'A' & amp;; & lt; = 'Z' || C == '' || c = its In addition, you can think of something like this in order to make your Boolean argument even more clear: if ((c> = 'A' & amp; c & lt; = 'Z') || C == '' || C == ',') { Although your Boolean logic structure works equally (& Amp; & Amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; Year)], things like that you can travel in the future.

get value from css using document.getElementById().style.height javascript -

Please provide insight into this secret. I am trying to get the height value from a div box var high = document.getElementById ("Hinteviv"). Style.height; Warning (high); I can only fix this value if the attribute is included in the div tag but it gives an empty value if the attribute is defined in the CSS section. It's okay, it shows 100px as a value, value can be reached. & lt; Div id = "hintdiv" style = "height: 100px; display: none;" & Gt; . . Var high = document.getElementById ("HintDiv"). Style.height; Warning (high); This is not okay, it shows an empty warning screen value is practically 0. #hintdiv {height: 100px display: none; } & Lt; Div id = "hintdiv" & gt; . . Var high = document.getElementById ("HintDiv"). Style.height; Warning (high); But I have no problem entering or changing the "Display: None" feature, whether it is in tags or in the CSS section. The Divi...

Resizing QT's QTextEdit to Match Text Height: maximumViewportSize() -

I'm trying to use a QTextEdit widget inside the form with many QT widgets. This form automatically sits inside a QSColaria which is the central widget for the window. My intention is that any required scrolling will be done in the main QScrollArea (instead of any widget), and any widget inside will automatically resize their height to keep their content. I automatically resized the height with QTextEdit, but in a strange problem I have created a subclass QTextEdit and it has been re-implemented (like): QSize Operation Editor :: SizeHints () const {QSize sizehint = QTextBrowser :: sizeHint (); Sizehint.setHeight (this-> fitted_height); Return sizehint; }-> fitted_height is kept up-to-date through this slot, which is wired on QTextEdit's "Content Changed ()" signal: Pre> Zero Operation Editor: FitheitTodenu () {This-> Document () - & gt; Setadwidth (it-> viewport () - & gt; width ()); QSize document_size (this-> Document () -> S...

MIME RFC "Content-Type" parameter confusion? Unclear RFC specification -

I implement an original MIME parser for multipart / related in C ++ / Qt I am trying to So far, I am writing some basic parser code for the header, and I am studying RFC so that it is possible to do everything for the specification as much as possible. Unfortunately, there is a part in RFC which confuses me a bit: Section 3.1.1: Each header field can be viewed as a single, logical line ASCII's character, which includes field-name and field-body. For convenience, the regional part of this conceptual unit can be divided into a multi-line representation; It is called "fold", the general rule is that wherever a line-white-space can be done (not only LWSP-Character), a CRLF can be inserted at least one LWSP-Charter immediately after that. Thus, a single line is fine, so I parse only one header field and if the CRL is with the linear white space, then I can only specify one header line As a result of them, I stop them in a useful way. Let's proceed ... Sec...