java - Ugly swing fonts under ratpoison -
I am writing a small application in the swing, in the form of my window manager (with wmname LG3D) and Netbeen IDE Using my application fonts right from the KDE or directly with Netbeans. The mouse is started with the spark, they look like this:
Click for full size
The KDE system is probably adding more fonts when it starts.
Run it on KDE and in the Rat Grid:
fc-list -v | Compare the font list to see Grep "file: \: fullname: \ | ^ $"
and is unavailable.
If some directory is missing, add it to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf, in a new entry.
If only some fonts disappear, you can then copy it to ~ / .fonts (assuming you have this DIR fonts configured in .conf)
If all fonts are the same, try transferring all the configurations to the temporary directory in /etc/fonts/conf.d and
fc-cache -f
< / Pre>and test
If it looks better, start adding another config back again, run fc-cache -f again, again the Java app Restart the test.
Java fonts Finally, you should reduce all the configuration that breaks Java.
Normally it sets some configs as a font in the form of favorites, then Java will use better with better fonts.
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