jQuery after show() assumes that display:inline is :hidden. Why? -
With jQuery 1.4.2: The hidden filter is not filtering hidden elements, but I made visible until The given call show () filter assumes that it is still hidden.
Is this a bug or am I missing something? Consider the following code:
$ ("td.ms-authoringcontrols> span [id * = '_ parallelApprovers']: hidden: first"). CSS ("Display") "None" $ ("TD MMS-Astrangle Controllus and Spread [id * = 'parallel appwire']: hidden: first"). Show () Object $ ("TD MMS-Astring Controls and Spot [id * = '_ parallel episode']: hidden: first"). CSS ("display") "inline" // ?? Let me scratch my head ... $ ("TD MMS-Astrangle controls and spin [id * = 'parallel epivov']: hidden: first"). (": Hidden") is true "Display with element": "inline" is visible in the browser, but it is still hidden
Instead of "inline", you " No one "because the: The hidden filter was used.
Is it an array of objects that selects the hidden element before it every time I code I call these lines, so I want to select them next hidden element. (Which I did not show).
Your code will be treated as correct . Show ()
linerley though .show ()
starts an animation that ends with the displayed object if you have the animation length and the callback .show (100, function
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