objective c - iphone UIPicker question -
I indicates a picker that users choose a gender and age group (17-21, 22-26, etc. .) these two options would be brought in later determined that when pressing the user button, but I think that method writing button troubles. This: } When I run the program, and these two groups (male and 17-21) - nothing happens. What am I missing?
- (IBAction) buttonPressed {NSInteger genderRow = [genderPicker selectedRowInComponent: 0]; Nssting * gender-licensed = [gendapekaradata object-indux index: genderro]; NSInteger ageRow = [agePicker selected ROYInComponent: 1]; NSString * Age selected = [Age PickerData objectAttacks: ageRow]; If (genderSelected == "guy" & amp; & amp; ageSelected == "17-21") {Calc2ViewController * calc2ViewController = [[Calc2ViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "Calc2View" bundle: [NSBundle mainBundle]]; [Self.navigationController pushViewController: calc2ViewController Animated: Yes]; [Calez 2 Weekcontroller release]; Calc2ViewController = Zero; } Select
if (gender == "male" selected & amp; Select Age == "17-21")
should be
if ([gender selective avatostring: @ "male"] & amp; amp; ; Amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; era; has been selected Aquatum String: @ "17-21"])
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