Ruby on Rails wildcard routing such as /foo.htm /foo.php /foo.something -

I am trying to create a routing situation where by default, any URL such as:

< P> / FO

/ some





There will be all the routes for an administrator, assuming that they do not route anywhere.

I can work with the following codes in my routes:

map.myroute '/: file_or_folder' ,: Controller => 'My Controller'

It works fine as long as there are no dots in the URL:

/ something

but this is a work of:


Any thoughts?

Dots are not allowed by default, for which you can match file_or-folder You can specify a regex, such as:

  map.myroute '/: file_or_folder',: admin = & gt; 'Mycontroller' ,: file_or_folder = & gt; /.*/  


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