iphone - Isn't it better to create the subview hierarchy in -viewDidLoad rather than in -loadView? -

Docs says that the entire SubView hierarchy can be created in the load-weave. But it is also that this view-load-load method, which is actually good for overwriting to create a hierarchy, when the scene loads. I think that this is just a matter of taste but it may be useful to see that the view load is adjusted to accommodate any type of bar like the scene controller status bar or tab bar or toolbar Adjusts the frame of?

Viewedload is created after after the visual hierarchy has been created. LoadView should create hierarchy and the visual property should be set if you are not loading with any NIB file.

If you are looking, seeDidload is also called after a memory alert. When you receive the memory warning view, the download is asked to give you a change to release objects, which can easily be made in VisualDeload.

To understand this better, read "Subcling Notes" and "Memory Management" section.


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