.net - Web service recieves null parameters from application using ksoap method -
I have seen topics that discuss this but no solution is posting. At the moment, I own I am testing norms for the Net Web Service. When parameters access the web service, then it adds an additional string, it also returns my application; But what I'm returning to is a string message, I have not passed the parameter soap:
SOAP object request = new SOAP object (NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
request.addProperty ("A", "WORVER"); SoapSerializationEnvelope Envelope = New Soap Enification (EnoughEffe. Envelope.dotNet = true; envelope.setOutputSoapObject (Requests); http TransportS Android HTTPRSport = New HTTP TransposeE (URL); Try {androidHttpTransport.call (SOAP_ACTION, Envelope); Soap Affected Results = ( Soapprimitive) envelopegateresons (); // soap object result = (SOAP object) envelope. Gatresons (); string result data = result.Toss Test (); testTV.setText (resultData);} hold (exception e) {testTV.setText (e.getMessage ());}
This is my simple.NET web service:
Return to the public function getRegInfo (String as Voltage A string)
Return A + "String Message"
And Function
I appreciate any help.
What for me The work was done to replace my Net Networks and Nameslot URL in my application.
UD For the drawing, I had:
I changed into:
And it worked perfectly.
Give it a shot.
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