multithreading - Can I set a breakpoint in Visual Studio (c++) to break on a thread context switch? -

We just want to break into a certain thread. How to do any idea? I can not find any way to break that situation.

I should have been more specific in the text. As the title suggests, I want to break the reference switch in the thread.

I want to wonder if there was a way to do this in user-mode debugger.

Imagine: When the switch is switched to 42 then you set a breakpoint. Breakpoint hit debugger is active now a separate thread is active, and thread 42 is no longer active!

I suggest you try (now part of Microsoft). You thread only processes can be limited to the limit and process events, such as production:

  20: 43: 51.9162409 lsass.exe 440 thread success Create thread ID: 5420 20 : 43: 51.9166730 lsass .exe create 440 threads success Thread ID: 7916 20: 43: Create 53.2 99 0544 svchost.exe 736 Thread success Thread ID: 5540 20: 43: Create 53.7664146 svchost.exe 736 Thread success thread ID: 7384 20: 43: Create 53.7 9, 85,662 svchost.exe 736 Thread success Thread ID: 1888 20: 43: 54.2444 9 22 wmiprvse.exe create 3144 threads successful Security Thread ID: 6300 20: 43: 54.2466447 svchost.exe create 736 threads success Thread ID: 5636 20: 43: 54.2480367 wmiprvse.exe 3144 thread Create Success Thread ID: 6624 20: 43: 54.2515443 svchost. Create exe 736 Thread success Thread ID: 7392 20: 43: 55.5332047 devenv.exe exit 4640 Thread success Thread ID: 4696, user time: 0.0000000, kernel time: 0.0000000 20: 43: 55.917 9 52 East plorer.EXE Create 3176 process C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ success PID verclsid.exe: 3356, command line: / S / C {2559A1F4-21D7-11D4-BDAF-00C04F60B9F0} / I {000214E6-0000-0000-C000- 000000000046 } / X0x401 20: 43: 55.9 17 9 07 9 Start the process of verclsid.exe 3356 Success Parent: 3176 20: 43: 55.9 17 9 101 3356 verclsid.exe Create Thread Success Thread ID: 7108 20: 43: 55.9 354621 3356 verclsid.exe Create Thread Success Thread ID: 940 20: 43: 55.9 521113 verclsid.exe Create 3356 threads Success Thread ID: 2704 20: 43: 56.525 9377 verclsid.exe 3356 Exit Thread Success Thread ID: 2704, User Time: 0.0000000, Kernel Time: 0.0000000  

You can also do other filtering of all types, which will also be used in the production That lets unless problem does not occur.


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