api - My Twitter php script stopped working! -

I am using this PHP class for a twitter script:

twitter.slawcup Com / twitter.class.phps

script is:

  $ t = new Twitter (); $ T & gt; User name = 'someuser'; $ T & gt; Password = 'somepass'; $ Res = $ t- & gt; Update ($ tweet); If ($ res === incorrect) {echo "error" ; Echo "& lt; east & gt;"; Print_r ($ t> responseInfo); Echo "& lt; / pre & gt;"; } Else {resonant "success"; LR / & gt; Status has been posted; }  

Where variable $ is the first string generated before tweet.

It worked fine till June 8, and then it just died.

Now, when I run the code, it gives me:

  error array ([url] = & gt; http://twitter.com/statuses /update.xml [content_type] => Application / XML; Charset = UTF-8 [http_code] => 400 [header_size] => 1096 [request_image] => 120 [filetime] = & gt; ; -1 [ssl_verify_result] = & gt; 0 [redirect_count] = 0 [total_time] => 0.11795] = 1254 [speed_upload] => [[download_content_length] => 148 [upload_ content_length] = & Gt; 0 [starttransfer_time] = & gt; 0.117829 [RedirectTime] => 0)  

What could be wrong? This is particularly weird because it was working fine, and then it was stopped.

View error code

  Bad request request contains bad syntax Or can not be completed.  

It is related to some disturbances with the class ... but it is hard to see without checking the code.

## Ensure that you have the latest version of the class. ##


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