clr - What's the "right" way to get Win32 p/Invoke declarations? -

I usually use the site to get a DllImport declaration whenever I Need to call the Win32 API, and I've found that this is the actual standard response on the stack overflow, the API Interop question.

Does this "everyone"? Is there a better way? Does Microsoft Provide an Option? Such as a device that reads H files and outputs to an assembly.

Why are not some standard assemblies that expose all Win32 APIs? As an alternative to a site like, what would be the constraints of creating and using them? I use Pinovok .net as a first resort for Win32 API, which are not already protected wrappers. I codeplex

But there is one that will generate DllImport for you - Win32 API or for your own code. When I came back in 2008. Your other questions about your "standard assemblies" probably means that I say wrappers. Windows APIs that are specific to specific parts of the giant body, for example, many Windows 7 and Vista are in the gift.


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