how to setup VS 2010 to allow debugging of Silverlight 3 and Silverlight 4 -

I have some code that is in Silverlight 3. I am unable to move to SL4 at this time. However I would like to use VS 2010 to develop my SL3 development ... and SL4. The idea of ​​running machines together with both machines I thought I had heard that Microsoft is currently running VS Correct in 2010

Is that correct? If so, how can I direct that how can I get directions?

Thank you for any help,

Honestly, J

Silverlight is not side-by-side VS 2010 provides multi-targeting support for the full NAT framework, which is a side-by-side, but not a serial light.

On the machine can only be a version of the Silverlight plugin and runtime. / P>

He said, if you want to target the build code to one or the other, then it is possible that by checking the source entry in your source entry but SL2 and SL3 offers an example to do this.


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