Make C# application Group Policy aware -

I want to make my app GPO aware I know that it is basically just reading with a specific registry path, But I have a few questions:

  • How can I locate a GPO refresh? Register is a GP notification here: But there is nothing ready for C # or is Microsoft ready?
  • The best practice is to be believed: Is the machine policy stronger in comparison to the machine policy or the user policy overriding the machine policy? / Li>
  • Anyone who wants to share some experience in that area?

Thanks, Stephen

I usually refresh the background GP I use the WM_SETTINGCHANGE window message to trap. One of the flags in that store indicates that it is due to the policy or any other reason, so you definitely want to look for it.

In the case of using per-user or per-user, it actually ends with the kind of application you are running, that is policy-enabled. When Microsoft applies the same policy as both per-computer and per-user, generally per-computer settings win, but not universal.


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