Parsing simple MIME files from C/C++? -

I've searched the web for days now but I can not find a good solution to my problem:

I am looking for a good (lightweight) MIME parser for one of my projects. My client provides MIME formatted files (linear, no hierarchy) in which there are 3-4 "parts" applications should be able to split those parts and independently process them.

Actually, those MIME files are like litter e-mail messages, but without SMTP-header Instead, they start with MIME-Header "MIME-Version: 1.0" and then follow the parts.

I am using C ++ for the application, so the C ++ Library is welcome. A standard C library is also welcome;

  • Compact - I just need a parser, there is no SMTP / POP3 support

  • Cross-platform (targeting windows, Mac OS X And Linux)
  • After the days of searching I found the following lybs and causes not use it:

    • (C ++) --- Although this library is full and C ++ is for use, it is based on glib , which will not be compiled properly on Windows.
    • (C ++) --- seems complete, but there is no official Windows support. In addition, they provide "Dual Licensing" ("Commercial LGPL" + GPL)
    • --- Commercial, there is no Mac support.
    • --- Commercial and focused on Windows.

    I do not really want to write my mime parser. MIME is so extensive that should have some open libraries to handle this file format in a sensible way.

    So, do you have any ideas, suggestions or links?

    Thanks in advance!

    is an LGGL Mime Parser written in GMME C. Glib is dependent on, but available on Windows: and (and all Unix-based platforms, including Mac OS X). It also makes the scene even within the future of the studio, so I failed to see what the problem is. I know that at least 1 commercial Windows vendor shipping libgmime.dll and their product (Kerio Connect, iirc) in libglib.dll is. Nokia also lays it on some of its phones.

    There really is no such thing as a "light" mime parser. If you really expect that to do more than split headers on ':' -Complete parsing of type header and then proceed to handle non-nested multipartes (useless as out of hip reactions and parsing pre-packaged mime messages) that your structure

    For the reason that parsers like "GMMM" are "big" equal to the lines of code, they are for developers, which are actually true and strong mummy parts and headers percing / decoding Want to See my rant about this idea as to how complex it can be (except for BTW, GMEM and Mimekit, I have yet to open an open source Mm Parsers, which are able to handle the side issues discussed in my rant)

    Even with all this extra robust processing, it may be as fast or mostly as "light" Mm Parser, especially considering the " now Most of them use a readline approach. I have noticed that "lightweight" MiM Parsers asked to parse 25 second email files in 2-3 seconds and consider "being" faster. Pars for 2 MBOX files Rei unit test is full of messages in less than 1.2 GB (yes, gigabyte).

    I have to say that "light" t know what they are talking about.

    How about deciding on the basis of something meaningful like RFC compliance? Or with the combination of RFC compliance and performance? In any way, the GMEM will come out with any meaningful comparison that the winner will come out .


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