android - ksoap2 casting getResponse() -

Calling a .NET SOAP1.1 web service from android using ksoap2 lib and I have a problem of castings answering a custom object Met with For example, the code below is called right after (Soap Action, SoapInfaffe); And there is data inside it but I did not put it on a specific object in the form of soap object or vector, as I saw in many instances, I did not find anything in the cast expansion or simple. . If someone knows how to deal with it, please help

  public statusSetting [GetAllStatuses (string installation) {StatusSetting [] Conditions = Null; String alias = "getAllStatuses"; String Soap Action = NAMESPACE + "/" + methodName; SOAP object request = new SOAP object (NAMESPACE, methodName); Request.addProperty ("Installation", installation); SOAP Certification Envelope SOAPANANFLIFF = New Soapoilization Anaph (Softenffe. Over 11); SoapEnvelope.dotNet = True; SoapEnvelope.setOutputSoapObject (request); AndroidHttpTransport httpTransport = New AndroidHttpTransport (SERVICE_URL); Try (soapAction, soapEnvelope); Status = (status setting []) soapEnvelope.getResponse (); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Return Status; }  

First try and see if you are getting any feedback.

  object obj = envelope.bodyIn;  

If this obj is not zero, try the following

  SOAP object resultRax SOAP = (SOAP object) envelope.  

My guess is that if you are getting some feedback then it should work.

Which SAPAP is the status setting object and how is used to convert the SOAP response to positioning object.


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