flex - Flash: How to dispatch a click event at the top of a loaded .swf? -
So I'm trying to create an appliance that will allow me and other users to open .swf to everyone, And then I'm able to think of myself as an admin user, while they all see my mouse movements and button clicks etc.
I am using blazads to manage it and I am getting data sent back and forth etc. - No problem is the issue I am running:
In an "Administrator" example, I click on a button I capture X and Y, then tell Blaze to tell my explorer X and Y to send an event. On my client side, I get that data and send the click event to that X and Y - but the click has actually been caught at the stage level. Clicking on my client side is under all my buttons and other content - so the whole thing fails.
Does this make sense? Is there a way to start click event at the top?
If you use the loaded SWF architect to use a better architecture you work with the button Can try some more thing to do. You must be able to simulate what you want with
methods getObjectsUnderPoint
and areInaccessibleObjectsUnderPoint
with hasEventListener
Here is some applicable phonemic code:
function detectClick (pt: point): zero {var objsUnderPoint: Array = containerStage.getObjectsUnderPoint (pt); Var Clickable: Array = []; For each (dispObj: DisplayObject in objsUnderPoint) {if (dispObj.hasEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK)) {clickable.push (dispObj); }} If (clickable.length) // // Sort in the depth here // It can be difficult because you dance / not just seeing 3 children, but this is possible. Var TopmostClick-able: DisplayObject = ??? TopMostClickable.dispatchEvent (new MouseEvent (MouseEvent.CLICK, true, incorrect)); }}
Unsecured Objects UpperPoint
is important if you believe that their security restriction (such as cross-domain issues), so that things go wrong, can do.
Also keep in mind that you want to fill more details of (or the proper goal, locale, locality etc.)
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