android - How can i use RotateAnimation to rotate a circle? -
I want my circle image so that the user rotates in the form of a touch and drag it. If the user leaves it to the right, then he should spin right and vice versa. As you spin a DJ disk, if you know what I mean. I played a bit with ottaichlich and rotate animation, but I am not going anywhere.
Any thoughts?
Assume that you have ImageView mCircle
, which you will rotate. Rotate it to RotateAnimation will use
method angle where the user determines the finger Example
, following its main activity Work
private imageView mCircle Private double mCurrAngle = 0; Private Double Empress Angle = 0; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.main); MCircle = (ImageView) FindViewById (; MCircle.setOnTouchListener (this); // Your activity should apply onTouchListener} @Override Public Boolean onTouch (see V, MotionEvent event) {last name XC = mCircle.getWidth () / 2; Last float yc = mCircle.getHeight () / 2; Last float x = event .getX (); Last float y = event .getY (); Switch (event.getAction ()) {Case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {mCircle.clearAnimation (); MCurrAngle = Math.toDegrees (Math.atan2 (x - xc, yc-y)); break; } MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE case: {mPrevAngle = mCurrAngle; MCurrAngle = Math.toDegrees (Math.atan2 (x - xc, yc-y)); Animate (Ampravenggal, M. Cruel Angle, 0); break; } MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case: {mPrevAngle = mCurrAngle = 0; break; True} true; } Private void animate (double fromDegrees, double toDegrees, DurationMillis long) {final RotateAnimation rotate = new RotateAnimation ((float) fromDegrees, (boat) toDegrees, RotateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, RotateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); Rotate.setDuration (durationMillis); Rotate.setFillEnabled (true); Rotate.setFillAfter (true); MCircle.startAnimation; }
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