SQL Update Statement in MS Access -
This query is trying to work in MS Access.
Update network. Location = enclave Location where enclave.Site = No Network and Alternative location = enclave Location where enclave.Site = Yes
I'm not sure how to do this, what I want if the enclave site is not in the field and if yes, in place of the place in the alternative location, It means that it will store empty values in the network space in that row, then the network location has store enclave space.
Key field updates :
Update the energetic enclosure on the network. Set the ID = Enclave.ID network. Location = enclave Location where enclave. Site = no and network Optional location = enclave. Location where enclaves Place = Yes
update on network network Join the enclave ID = enclave.id SET network. Location = IIF (enclave.Site = false, enclave location, ""), network. Optional location = IIF (enclave.site = true, enclave location, "")
Note: I found it & amp; It seems, it should work.
In addition, I have assumed that you want the field to be updated on an empty space, if it does not satisfy the condition.
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