delphi - ShellExecute not working from IDE but works otherwise -

I want to create and then want to open a txt file by using the ShellExecute command.

I've used it for years with code Delphi 7 and it worked:

  Function Execution (Const. ExeName, Parameter: String): Boolean; Start if parameters = '' then result: = shellexetute (0, 'open', picar (xenam), zero, zero, SW_SOWNOWNMAL) gt; 32 and the results: = Shellacsecute (0, 'Open', PCAR (xenanem), picar (parameter), zero, speedHomoramL) & gt; 32; End;  

Now, I switch to Windows 7 and the code IDE does not work anymore. Delphi shows the CPU window with the heading "Window-Processing Unknown (2352)". I close the CU window and by the time I stop the application everything works fine, when Delphi shows the CPU window once if I run the app from outside the ADI, then it works fine.

It seems that Debugger has something to say to me, but I do not know.

I feel like you've turned on the options. When it is enabled, the debugger interrupts the new process at the initial times. Press "Run" button to keep it running.

The next time you debug your program, you can confirm this hypothesis. Compare process IDs (2352 in your example) with a list of processes shown by the task manager. Which process in that list corresponds to the process ID reported by the debugger?


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