python - I keep Getting KeyError: 'tried' Whenever I Tried to Run Django Dev Server from Remote Machine -
I am running django 1.1.1 on python2.6.1, and thus started the Django web server driver
to connect to the django dev web server Retrieving this message on an attempted remote message
traceback (most recent call final): The file "C: \ Python26 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ core \ servers \ basehttp .py ", in line 279 self-running = application (self.enuvre, self.start_response) file" C: \ Python26 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ core \ serve Rs \ ", line 651, __call__ in the return self. Application (environment, start_prescription) file" C: \ Python 26 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ core \ handlers \ ", line 241, __call__ In response = self.get_response (request) file "C: \ Python26 \ Lib \ site-packages \ django \ core \ handlers \", line 115, get_response return debug.technical_404_response (request, e) file "C : \ Py Thon26 \ Lib \ site-packages \ django \ views \ ", line 247, technical_404_ response tried = exception.args [0] ['tried'] Keyyer: 'tried' '
Am I doing wrong?
This is seen to work fine if I run on the computer which runs the Django Web server and that IP
If you look at the modification log of that file, you will see that Dzegoo has recently started catching Kearr, which has been raised in that block.
log message reads "Ensure the debug 404 page will not raise an important error. Thanks pigletto. "
Check the tickets and changes
, I'll check if you are raising the debug 404 page or if any other comment in the ticket exits from you
Hope that helps!
Update : After looking at the code for a while, I used to solve the regex in the url Keep a good eye on your file for any mistake. Do you have root / homepage ('^ $') instead of the Uua L are ( '')?
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