django - Rendering spatial data of GeoQuerySet in a custom view on GeoDjango -
I have just started my first project on Geodengo.
In fact, with GeoDjango powered, we all have a very good chance to view / edit the spatial data associated with the current object.
The problem is that after the arrival of objects, I have to submit many objects' relevant geometry once on a map I can apply it as a model action , I can redirect to a custom view. I do not know how to open the OpenLayers widget and how to render the geometry of my premises with my GeographicSat.
I would be very grateful to any of the experienced Geodang programmers. / P>
Two parts of this question:
- How do I generate geographic data Can Open Layer Read Through Django?
- How can I use this data with Open Layers?
Generate Geographic Data
Generate Geographic Data in Django Built In, you can use .kml () or .json () methods; By doing so each .json or .kml property is due to recycling, which has KML or JSON of Gemetry in the form of a string.
Then you can use this output in a template that {{feature .kml}} or {{feature.json}}. (There is some difficulty later, because you have to do Jason encoding manually before clicking on the template, a bit of a strange situation.)
Another option is to use a library to help you : In particular, vectorformats (Google "FEATURES Vector Formats" for information), because I can only include one hyperlink.) PPI / Easy-installed through the application vectorform , You can use the DJ format:
& gt; & Gt; & Gt; From Vector Formats Import farms Déjengo, GOJSONA & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Qs = Model.objects.filter (city = "cambridge")> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Djf = Django.Django (geodjango = "geometry", property = ['city', 'state'])> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON ()> & gt; & Gt; & Gt; S = geoj.encode (djf.decode (qs)) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print S
This string can be returned back to a GeoJSON object through an HTTPResponse. Therefore, your view wraps these 4 lines in a bit which generates a query (QS, here), and then returns a HTTPRPS with the string.
Consumer Data
The 'Format' objects in the open layers, which can read data: There are formats for Geogeson and KML, as well as others.
If you can load the data using the standard XMLHttpRequest system, then you can parse it with the format:
var f = New OpenLayer.format.Geogesan ( ); Var attribute = feed (req.responseText); Layer.addFeatures (features);
Alternatively, you can use Protocol support built to load remote data:
map = new OpenLayer. Map ('map'); Var wms = new open layer Layers MMS ("Open Layers WMS", "", {Layers: 'Basic'}); Var Layer = New Open Layer Layers Vector ("GML", {Strategies: [New Open Layers. Strategy. (Fixed), Protocol: New Open Layer. Protocol. HTTP ({URL: "/ Diesjeno / View / Jason /", Format: New OpenLayer format.Googeson ()})}); Map.addLayers ([wms, layer]); Map.zoomToExtent (new openlayer bounce (-3.92, 44.34, 4.87, 49.55));
In this example you can see that 'url' indicates your Django view; All of the data is included in parsing and parse according to the format provided. (You can see a similar example in.)
Putting it together
- Create a gigono view, use your vector format to return your data as GeoJogan To do this
- Create a different view, which links an HTML page to the link to the OpenLayer example, which returns the code with modifications shown in the sample.
- This view serves as the HTML page that loads your geographic data and parse it.
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