oracle10g - Oracle update procedure issue -

In the Oracle table, I want to update the following process, but throwing this error:


Update the functionality / update the keyboard (Update in Vectar2, NUMBER in AKCard). Keyword = KEYWORD =: new.aKEYWORD or COUNT =: new.aCOUNT where KEUWORD_ID =: old.KEYWORD_ID; End;

This is my process. I want to update the keyword & amp; Counts in searchable_keywords table in keyword_id (primary key), but it is throwing an error:

  line / cl error - - ----- --------------------------------------------- -------------------- 3/4 PL / SQL: SQL Statement ignored 4/17 PLS-200049: Bad Binding Variable 'New. QUICKWORD '4/31 PL / SQL: ORA-0933: SQL command 4/41 PLS-200049 has not been properly terminated: bad bind variable' NEW.ACOUNT ' 

Can you please help me solve this problem? >

This looks like a trigger ... you do not need ": new" for acount / akeyword , And you have to pass in the ID you want to update. For example

  can create or update UPDATE_KEYWORDS REPLACE (number in AKARCHORD, number in acount, number in AKEYWORD_ID) as the SEARCHABLE_KEYWORDS set keyword = AKEYWORD, "COUNT" = acount Where KEYWORD_ID = AKEYWORD_ID start ending;  

I'm sure why you designated "COUNT" .. unless you "or" there is something that is different from the view of that update with your obviously wrong Trying to get a column does not happen ..


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