python - Understanding CGI and SQL security from the ground up -

This question is for learning purposes. Let's say I'm writing a simple SQL Admin console using CGI and Python. However, this Admin console allows me to modify the SQL database by using a simple form (i.e., creating and modifying tables and creating and modifying records).

  1. In the least secure case, anyone can access and modify the database.
  2. You can password protect, but when you start using the Admin Console, the information is still transmitted in plain text.
  3. Then you use HTTPS to secure transmitted data. Question:

    1. To describe a learner, how do you make the safest environment in the incremental form Can add protection from ? How would you modify / increase your three (potentially incorrect) steps?
    2. Which basic tools make your steps possible in Python?
    3. Optional: Now when I understand the process, how do sophisticated libraries and frameworks naturally achieve this level of security?

To increase security is not a good idea , this is a holistic approach You must integrate security in your application with ground up.

The best advice I can give you is to try to think like an attacker. Think of yourself: "If I I want to do what I am not able to do, how can I do this? "

If you want to make an application If you are creating a web app, then you should have some information about it.


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