python - Understanding CGI and SQL security from the ground up -
This question is for learning purposes. Let's say I'm writing a simple SQL Admin console using CGI and Python. However, this Admin console allows me to modify the SQL database by using a simple form
(i.e., creating and modifying tables and creating and modifying records).
- In the least secure case, anyone can access and modify the database.
- You can password protect, but when you start using the Admin Console, the information is still transmitted in plain text.
- Then you use HTTPS to secure transmitted data. Question:
- To describe a learner, how do you make the safest environment in the incremental form Can add protection from ? How would you modify / increase your three (potentially incorrect) steps?
- Which basic tools make your steps possible in Python?
- Optional: Now when I understand the process, how do sophisticated libraries and frameworks naturally achieve this level of security?
To increase security is not a good idea , this is a holistic approach You must integrate security in your application with ground up.
The best advice I can give you is to try to think like an attacker. Think of yourself: "If I I want to do what I am not able to do, how can I do this? "
If you want to make an application If you are creating a web app, then you should have some information about it.
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