
Showing posts from April, 2012

c++ - FIFO implementation -

When I applied a FIFO, I used the following structure: struct node { T info_; Node * link_; Node (t information, node * link = 0): info_ (info), link_ (link) {}}; I think that this is a famous move for a lot of STL containers (for example, for the list). Is this a good practice? What does this mean for the compiler when you say that the node has a type of pointer? Is this an eternal loop? And finally, if this is a bad practice, then how can I apply a better FIFA? EDIT: People, this is all about non-affiliation. I am quite familiar with the STL library, and have discovered many containers from many libraries. I just want to discuss with those people who can do good implementation or good advice. The manner in which it is being declared is correct in both C and C ++. This is based on the fact that the pointers are fixed size objects (say, 32-bit integers on 32-bit platforms) so that you do not need full type of type-to-type to be known. Basically, you do not need to ...

Table filtering in jquery - a more elegant solution please -

I want to filter some rows from a table and am using classes to classify rows. The code below enables me to show and hide the row data classified as "QUO" and "CAL" (eventually there may be other categories.) I point to a more elegant solution, so I Thank you! & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTT XHTML 1.0 Transcription // n """> gt; & lt; head & gt; Title & gt; Head Unfollow & lt; / title & gt; & lt; style & gt; & lt; / style & gt; & lt; script src = "javascript / jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type = "text / javascript" & Gt; & lt; / script & gt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# toggle_ac_cal"). Click (function () {Var checked_status = ecked; if (check_status == true) {$ (".ac_cal"). Show ()} and {$ (".ac_ca...

Is it possible to imitate python tuples in C? -

I want to know what the strategy is? (If strategies are present). can hold one of the different basic types to implement the object A typical pattern in C is that an element using a struct can be stored for possible basic types of union , and an element that is enum recognizes then you can use an array of such objects, possibly showing as a struct Is. There are many items, and an indicator for the storage of those items. For example something like this: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Typefif enum Tupal_datatp_i {TUPLE_DATATYPE_INT, TUPLE_DATATYPE_FLOAT, TUPLE_DATATYPE_STRING} tuple_datatype_t; Typewrift straight tuple_item_s {tuple_datatype_t datatype; Union {int int_val; Float float_value; Four * string_value; } U; } Tuple_item_t; Typedef struct tuple_s {unsigned int n_items; Tuple_item_t * items; } Tuple_t; Static zero print_tuple (tuple_t * t) {unsigned int i; For printf ("("); (i = 0; i & lt; t-> ...

types - Haskell Weird Kinds: Kind of (->) is ?? -> ? -> * -

When I was experimenting with the Haskell type, and -> and it showed: $ ghci ... prelude & gt; : K (- & gt;) (- & gt;) :: ?? - & gt; ? - & gt; * Preface & gt; Expected * - & gt; Instead of * - & gt; * . ?? and ? What are the things? Do they mean concrete type or "types of variables"? or something else? These are the GHC-specific extensions of the Haxley type system Haskell 98 report: ... Type expression is classified into different types, which takes one of two possible forms: Symbol * All types of type type constructor if k1 and k2 are types, then K1-> k2 is a type of type that takes one type of K1 and returns a type K2. allows GHC with type subtype, and allows the function constructor to exceed the polymorphic type. The type of mesh supports GHC: ? / \ / \ ?? (#) / \ * # Where: * [Lifttech Kend] means boxed type # [unchanged typecand] means unbranded type (#) [UbxTupleKind] means without a tuple? [ArgType...

visual studio 2010 - WPF debug freezes computer with windows 7 64bit -

I am using Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64bit. I compiled and originally launched a simple application. One thing that a child can do is well started to run it second, it cooled my computer and rendered it unresponsive every time And every application continues to do this. Why is any thoughts happening? COMODO antivirus / firewall blocks all applications by calling DLL, on the dialog Clicking ">

Set a script to automatically detect character encoding in a plain-text-file in Python? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मैंने एक सेट किया है स्क्रिप्ट जो मूल रूप से एक बड़े पैमाने पर ढूँढता है और एक सादा पाठ दस्तावेज़ पर प्रतिस्थापित करता है। फिलहाल यह एएससीआईआई, यूटीएफ -8, और यूटीएफ -16 (और शायद अन्य लोगों के साथ ठीक काम करता है, लेकिन मैंने इन तीनों एन्कोडेड दस्तावेजों का परीक्षण किया है) जब तक एन्कोडिंग स्क्रिप्ट के भीतर निर्दिष्ट हो (नीचे दिए गए उदाहरण कोड में यूटीएफ -16 निर्दिष्ट करता है।) क्या स्क्रिप्ट को स्वचालित रूप से पता चलता है कि इनमें से कौन सी वर्ण एन्कोडिंग इनपुट फ़ाइल में उपयोग किए जा रहे हैं और स्वचालित रूप से आउटपुट फाइल के वर्ण एन्कोडिंग इनपुट फ़ाइल पर उपयोग किए जाने वाले एन्कोडिंग के समान? findreplace = [('term1', 'term2'),] inF = open (infile, 'rb') s = यूनिकोड (inF (रीड), 'यूटीएफ -16') इनफ़्लोस्ट = एस। रीपल (जोड़े [0], जोड़ी [1]) एस = आउटटेक्स्ट आउट एफ = ओपन (आउटफाइल, 'वाईब') में जोड़े के लिए INF.close () OutF.write (outtext.encode ('utf-16')) outF.close () धन्यवाद! ...

php: regex remove bracket in string -

इसी उदाहरण की तरह, मुझे $ str = ' एबीसी) कुछ पाठ ' में $ str =' एबीसी '; वर्तमान में $ str = preg_replace ('/( .)/',' ', str /)> का उपयोग करें, लेकिन काम नहीं करता है इसे कैसे ठीक करें? यदि आप प्रतिस्थापित करना चाहते हैं, तो आप निम्न का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: $ str = "(एबीसी) कुछ पाठ"; $ Str = preg_replace ("/^.*\(([^)]*)\).*$/", '$ 1', $ str); पैटर्न पूरे स्ट्रिंग से मेल खाएगा, और कोष्ठक के अंदर जो कुछ भी मिला है उसे इसे प्रतिस्थापित कर देगा

How to match Regex right to left in php -

यह मेरा सरल डेटा: & lt; table & gt; & lt; / table & gt; & lt; table & gt; & lt; / table & gt; & lt; तालिका & gt; & lt; / table & gt; & lt; तालिका & gt; & lt; / table & gt; *** & lt; तालिका & gt; को कैसे बदलें इसे यदि आप पिछले & lt; table & gt; तत्व प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो आप शायद इस पद्धति का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं: । * (& Lt; तालिका & gt;। * & Lt; / table & gt;) यह अंतिम & Lt; तालिका & gt;। * & Lt; / table & gt; समूह 1 () में। उस ने कहा, शायद आपको HTML पार्स करने के लिए regex का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए। यदि सभी संभवतः, एक HTML पार्सर का उपयोग करें।

iphone - Which kind of changes can't I do with lightweight migration in Core Data? -

I recently tried many different things with light migration. All these functions: 1) Rename attributes (with the change of name of the identifier) ​​ 2) Add attributes 3) New unit + new feature + Add inverse relationships to the already existing entity 4) Remove the existing unit + the relationship in that unit = It almost looks like almost anything with LM can handle. Did I forget something? In which case I am having trouble and need some more complex approach? Divide an entity into two separate entities (person> child and adult) of automatic migration I will not work with. Applying the argument (changing the name of a parameter based on the status of another parameter) will not work. Most of your original migrations can be controlled automatically. Mapping model or custom migration code is required to deal with logic decisions.

c# Generics problem -

Can anyone tell me why this does not work? I would have thought that the obstacle would validate it. public class squares & lt; T & gt; Where T: icdomain {public class () {classbi b = new square b (); IEnumerable & LT; T & gt; Alist = new list & lt; T & gt; B Item = goodbye; // Error: IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; Can not be changed from IEnumerable & lt; ICommon & gt; }} Public Class Classbie {PUBLIC INIMERABLE & lt; Icimon and gt; Item {get; Set;}}} This is a tweak with in C # 4 Will work, but not in C # 3. What you are looking for is normal behavior , which is in CLR Supported by NET 2.0, but not in v4 to v4. Even in C # 4, you need to stop the t as a reference type - too because the value does not work on value types. For example, list & lt; Int & gt; to the IEnumerable & lt; IComparable & gt; , even if int implies IComparable . To touch your code a bit (effectively there were some typo), it compiled ...

What to do to improve my skill and knowledge on javascript? -

Currently I have completed the study of the book name "Javascript Javascript 3 Edition", so I wonder what my next What should be the step to strengthen the use of this language and tampering it? In addition, how can I improve myself in programming in Javascript? Does it calm down by thinking of something, and can it start coding? Or googling to ask some questions and questions from around the internet? Is there a book that teaches the right method of coding? will be a recommended resource This is a combination of online tutorials + online book After that, it depends on whether you want to focus on client side or server side JS. Look at the serverseed at a glance. I would recommend that you avoid relying on the JavaScript library until you are able to make a good assessment of its quality. And once you can pick YUI3;)

optimization - Please help me optimize my Python code -

The Beginning Here! Perhaps an incredibly simple problem, forgive me in advance for raising up. I am trying to put together a Python script which runs many search-and-replace functions and does something similar on a fixed field -text file. It works, but from a programming perspective, I doubt that it works well. How would I go about optimizing the tasks done on the 'outtext' variable? At the moment it is basically four times more ... Import the importation import then import structure import system infile = sys.argv [1] charenc = sys.argv [2] Outfile = infile + '. Tex 'findreplace = [(' TERM1 ',' TERM2 '), (' TERM3 ',' TERM4 '), (' TERM5 ',' TERM6 '),] INF = open (infile,' rb ') S = Unicode ( (), charenc) inF.close () # This is a lot for the couple at the place of search: Outtext = s.replace (couple [0], pair [1]) s = Find out for the outtext : Outtext = re.compile ('title: (. *)', Again.... - Want to add new properies in ListItem Collection -

I am working to create a custom control inherited from the checkbox list controls. We can add items from ListItem collection editior at design time. This listThe item collection editor has 4 properties 1) Enable 2) Selected 3) Text 4) Value I really want to add some new features like "imager" and "issler" I need expert opinion from stack overflow dot com thanks You can create a square that receives properties from ListItem to add. But the CheckBoxList will use the inheritance listItem base type ... You can try to hide the items collection to use your custom type, although I do not know that it will work the same way ... it depends on you That you need to use these new properties of the list item. HTH

objective c - iPhone: Which are the most useful techniques for faster Bluetooth? -

I am adding peer-to-peer bluetooth using the gamekit in the iPhone shoot-m-up, so speed is important is. I am sending about 40 messages in a different way each other, most of which are fastest GKSendDataUnreliable, all serial with NSCoding. In testing between 3G and 3GS, this is slowing down 3G as much as I want. I am thinking that I should focus on efforts to speed it up. How slow is GS & DData? To get there is for some packets, it may be faster to send a GKSandDetDableable and send a receipt to Peer so that I can send it again if I do not get inside the house, say Are 100 ms? Rather than collecting the NSCoding protocol, how fast would it be to create an NSData instance using a regular C array? Is this a serialization process (for about a dozen floats) as slow as slow is it as if you expect the object creation / deolocation overhead, or something is particularly slowing down? I have heard that (for example) different sets of data are too much, very slow, by sending a ...

python - Environment variables -

I use the module mechanize to log in to a site when I Without any other apparent use, import twill.commands , some debug messages [0] are displayed [1] when I delete it, these messages disappear. How can I see what is changing in the environment so that it can be emulated and overcome this dependency? [0] Logging Module. [1] More specifically, I am interested in posting the message HTTP-EQUIV = REFRESH . Update: It turns out that there was a bug in twill.commands that was causing an error when trying to follow the HTTP-EQUIV = REFRESH header Import twill.commands After importing and deleting errant work around it, everything works smoothly. My guess - without digging in libraries - that's Twill is transforming a logger immediately , And McKenzie is doing it for a library, logging on if logging is on, otherwise no. To enable logging of To Machines , configure a root in your application code.

How do I store a Java KeyStore password? -

In my web application, I use a private key that is stored in Java Keystore. I would like to know what is the best / recommended way to store the password for keystore and private key. I have considered using a property file but it is not very safe to use in the environment. (In addition to saving passwords in plain text file) In addition, password in my code is encrypted Giving is not an option which I am ready to entertain. Thank you. You can use a property file as you mentioned that the extra security hash hash password The password hash for This becomes a round on the issue of keeping a password in plain text, then you can either use the MD5 or SHA1 password to use, private option - items from a tree view -

How can I display a check box from a treeView using VB in an item? Assume this is winforms: ListView1.Items. Clear () TreeNode in TreeView1 for each node. Nodes if node. Checked list view 1. Edit items: End (node ​​test) end if next Edit: Code to call recursive method: ListView1 item. ClearTyList (Tree View 1. node) recursive method: Private sub AddToList (nodes in the form of tree node) in nodes for each node If the node in the form of a treeoid. Checked list view 1. If you want to show them in a certain order or anything like this, you need to adjust it if you want to adjust it. Can not say that 'if the nodes are nothing, then the' addict 'method can return to the beginning.

javascript - trigger popup message from asp menu item -

I have a menu in ASP that has many menu items. I want one of the menu items to call the popup box I am using C # in a separate file with code. I would normally say something like this: RegisterStartupScript ("Format Error", "& lt; script> Warning ('Max Load should be an integer') & Lt; / script & gt; "); I want to call it to click on the menu item. The idea is that it can display a message box with a version of it about it and "> Now that I have learned so much in the last 6 months, I can come back and answer my own question! Answer: Use some freezing lectures! And it is so easy ! You can say something like this $ ("#dialog") .dialog ({autoOpen: incorrect, show: "blind", hide: "Explosion "}); $ (" #MyMenuItem) Click (function () {$ ("# dialog"). Open ()}); and html is: & lt; Div id = "dialog" & gt; All of my communication content is here ...

objective c - iPhone producing strange results on 'if' statement -

I have a UIPicker where the user specifies the specified time (i.e. 13:00, 13:01, 13:02, Etc.).) - which determines their score. Once they press the button, comes with a warning score that is determined by this 'if-else' statement. Everything works the best of time - but I am getting some irregular behavior this code is: // gets my value from UIPicker and then converts it into a format Which can be used in the 'if' statement. NSInteger runRow = [Runtime Picture Selected ROYInComponent: 2]; NSSTING * RUNSHAKED = [Runtime PictureData ObjectExtends: Runro]; NSSTING * RUNSHAKED FIXED = [SELECTED STRONG BAYER REPLLING OCURANCE OFFSTRING: @ ":" STRANGE: @ ".]; // Actual 'if' statement if (select selected float value] & lt; = 13.00) {runScore = 100; } And if ([selected float value selected] Now, when I test the program, then when I select '13: 00 'then I will get the result of hope which is' 100'. Whenever I select all the t...

Draggable Clones Jquery? -

Any ideas about how to make the clone dragable? $ ("# draggable"). Draggable ({helper: 'clone', cursor: 'indicator',}); $ ("# Snaptarget") Droppable ({Drop: Function (Event, UI) {var randomnumber = Math.floor (Math.Random (* 1000000); var newId = '#draggable _' + randomnumber; $ (ui.) Clone (true). RemoveAttr ('id'). Attr ('id', newId) .appendTo ('# snaptarget'); $ (newId). Draggable ();}}); $ ( New ID.) Draggable (); is not working. you # You can not start ID with var newId = '#draggable _' + randomnumber; It should be: var newId = 'draggable _' + randomnumber; then it: $ (newId). Draggable (); should be: $ ('#' + new id). Druggate (); Example: So you end up on: var newId = 'draggable _' + random number; $ (Ui.helper) .clone (true) .removeAttr ('id') attr ('id', newId) .appendTo ('# snaptarget' ). $ ('#' + New...

layout - What is the best way to write faster on Vim using a non-english keyboard? -

I usually use Vim, and for the ability to do some tasks faster than other editors However, since I live in Argentina, I have a Latin American keyboard, which makes everything very slow in Vim (press / hold Shift + 7 to search / search) Since I do not want to change the keyboard layout all the time (and it is very difficult to press the icons as the English keyboard), I was wondering if a Wim plugin (.vimrc file) That can be useful for international users. Just for this, here's how the Latin American keyboard has been kept: By the way, I would love to buy and buy an English keyboard, But unfortunately I use a laptop. I have sympathy. You have at least some options: Since you said that you want to buy an English keyboard, then I just recommend changing your keyboard layout. On Windows you can do this under regional settings, you can use the Loadkeys on the original Linux console. Under X11, you can use setxkbmap . Just be the way it is with it. Insurance help...

Load variable only once in struts 1 Action class -

I have Stractes Action Object instance that loads a variable from the property file. I want this to happen only for the first time, action is called, so it is read from its memory in further punishment, any sign? Thank you. At first glance, I look at at least two ways of doing this: 1 - Read the value from the properties file and store it as a fixed field in its functional class, to load the bucket and read the value to a fixed starter. When your action class is loaded by JVM, you will get your value and later use it from there. Public class increases yourAction action {Private Static String Value; Fixed {// value = load code here} ...} Since it does not have access to Struts capabilities when it is loading I think you have to go something like your To read the value, the following: ResourceBundle.getBundle ("Com / Something / Package / Bundle"). GetString ("some_key") 2 - Your price is set to the action instance and loaded with your construct...

mysql - Writing a simple incrementing counter in rails -

For each card, I would like to attach a special number to it which increases by one. I think I can do all this in the controller. def create @card = (params [: card]) @ card.SpecNum = @ card.SpecNum ++ ... end Or I can obviously be slow and perhaps the best bet is to add MySQL to an auto-commission table is the problem that the number is to begin with a specific number, 1020. Any thoughts? Personally, I will not keep that responsibility on the database or controller; Something like this in this model: / app / model / card assumption_nearn_ampaign: special_number def before_validation_on_create self.special_number = CardSpecialNumber. Next! End / app / model / card_special_number def! Last_number_holder = CardSpecial numbers.First if last_number_holder.nil? CardSocial number.Listen! (: Counter => 1020) Back to 1020 End Last_Number_Holter.Cant = Last_N_meter_Holter.Contter + 1_Final_N_Holder.ave save! Last_number_holder.counter ...

php - Why do I get a Warning and a Fatal error when I use ../? -

जब मैं ../ mysqlConnect.php का उपयोग करता हूं मुझे निम्न संदेश मिलते हैं I चेतावनी: require_once (../ mysqlConnect.php) [function.require-once]: स्ट्रीम खोलने में विफल: ऐसी कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका / home / content / etc ... घातक नहीं है त्रुटि: require_once () [function.require]: / home / content / etc में आवश्यक खोलने की आवश्यकता '../mysqlConnect.php' (include_path = '।: / Usr / local / php5 / lib / php') ... जब मैं निर्देशिका नाम का उपयोग करता हूं - mydir / mysqlConnect.php - सब कुछ ठीक काम करता है। need_once ('../ mysqlConnect.php') पीएचपी को ऊपर निर्देशिका में देखने के लिए पूछता है स्क्रिप्ट वर्तमान में mysqlConnect.php के लिए है। चूंकि आपका कनेक्शन फ़ाइल एक mydir निर्देशिका में प्रतीत होती है, require_once ('mydir / MysqlConnect.php ') काम करता है क्योंकि यह उस निर्देशिका में दिखता है, जो वर्तमान में एक के द्वारा निहित है। दृश्य प्रतिनिधित्व (मान script.php आपका है उस फ़ाइल सहित स्क्रिप्ट): dir / subdir / # PHP ...

javascript - Sync scrolling of two frames (browser-agnostic, please!) -

I have a web page made of three frames, something like this: + - --------------- + | 0 | + ------- + -------- + | | | | 1 | 2 | | | | + ------- + -------- + frame 1 and 2 to compare For some similar data I want to sync vertical scrollbar on these frames (setting scroll bar values ​​on both sides). My current approach is frame 0 : It works fine in Firefox 3.x and Chrome 5.x Not in Internet Explorer 8, though Any ideas? In IE, I think you need to use scrollTo : f2.scrollTo (0, f1_scroll_position);

excel - Fill New Sheets With Data From Other Sheets -

I have a master sheet in which the home address is the row of data, one of which is a "State" column. I have 50 other sheets in the same document, according to each 50 United States. What do I want to do: When I enter an address in the master sheet and enter a state ("ca" or "california"), then I want to automatically populate the "ca" sheet at that address I am Thanks! Many assumptions here: 1) The area of ​​the state is final to fill , So that you can enter the state, you can immediately copy the address to the correct worksheet. 2) You summarize your states and workships with your names that exactly match the state cipher. 3) Data from the state's worksheets is closest and starts with A1. Private workshitshoes (Volt target as range) const lngSTATECOLUMN as long as = 6 dim wks as long as the worksheet dim lngNextAvailableRow 'check that only one cell Being changed 'if Target.Areas.Count = 1 and Target. Cell. Calcul...

Excel VBA / SQL Union -

I am trying to join 2 different columns to create a long column in 2 different columns From which I can use Vlookup again. sheet 1a, b, c, d, e, f, g sheet 2a, b, c, d, e, f, g I (Union) in column B want to join Sheet1 and C2 to C and find different values ​​for the new list. I am working on this for weeks. Thanks You can use ADO with Excel. String Dim as String Dim as String Dim Strakon as String Dim Stracon in the form of String Dim Stracon as Object Dim RSI in the form of the DM CNI Object Dim RS as the string DMRSSQL stringDim. As an integer, as J Integer, "it is not the best way to refer to the workbook" "You want but for notes It's very sensitive '' It's probably best to use the name of the workbook 'StrFile = ActiveWorkbook.FullName' 'Note that if HDR = No, F1, F2 etc. is used for column names, then' HDR = Yes, the name 'can be used in the first line of the category. "This is a Jet 4 connection string, you ...

convert htmlelement to string for comparison javascript -

I am using a function that receives a target element id on onclick. For example, if I click on the text element which has the 'help' ID. var click = (e & || (Event & amp; event. SrcElement); In the var click the "Help" ID is included in the referee. I want to compare var click with string 'help' if I if (click == 'about') {anything} Comparison does not work because var click is not a string. When I use the warning (click) to debug, it clicks as "object HTMLElement". How would you compare that ID is derived from the 'help' var click? P> But this will give a long statement. Also if click on the document.getElementById ('help') , then how do I create word by adding the word "div" to the word click Basically, I want to use the same task to generate clickable dynamic responses for each element, and not to create a separate function for each element. if ( ==...

command line - Why does this gstreamer pipeline stall? -

यह काम करता है: gst-launch-0.10 \ videotestsrc! Ffmpegcolorspace! 'वीडियो / एक्स-कच्चे-यूयूवी'! mux। \ Audiotestsrc! ऑडियोकॉनवर! 'ऑडियो / एक्स-कच्चे-एट, दर = 44100, चैनल = 1'! mux। \ Avimux name = mux! Filesink location = gst.avi मैं इसे थोड़ी देर तक चला सकता हूं, उसे मार डाल सकता हूं, और फिर totem gst.avi टोन के साथ एक अच्छा टेस्ट कार्ड प्रदर्शित करता है हालांकि, gst-launch-0.10 \ filesrc स्थान = MVI_2034.AVI जैसे कुछ और उपयोगी बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा है! डिकोडिन नाम = dec \ dec ! Ffmpegcolorspace! 'वीडियो / एक्स-कच्चे-यूयूवी'! mux। \ Dec ! ऑडियोकॉनवर! 'ऑडियो / एक्स-कच्चे-एट, दर = 44100, चैनल = 1'! mux। \ Avimux name = mux! फाइलसिंक स्थान = gst.avi यह सिर्फ पाइपलाइन को PAUSED में सेट करना दिखाता है ... पाइपलाइन प्रीलोलिंग है ... और फिर अनिश्चितकाल के लिए स्टालों। क्या डिकोडीन रोलिंग के साथ संस्करण प्राप्त करने के लिए चाल है? अहा ... ये मुझे क्या चाहिए: gst-launch-0.10 \ filesrc स्थान = MVI_2034.AVI! डिकोडिन नाम = dec \ ...

c# - How to integer-divide round negative numbers *down*? -

It seems that whenever I split negative int from positive int, let me down (Side-), not towards 0. But rounds towards both C # and C ++ So I think that I need a dividendown () method. I can write it in some lines with a test for negative and others, but my thoughts seem to be a kulji. That's why I am thinking that I am missing something and if you have the "elegant" way of moving down the negative segmentation. WARNING: This post produces wrong result for input with one = 1. Please see other answers. -CAM [c ++] It's possible that what you are saying to 'clothes', but this is what I came up with I am;) int divideDown (int a, int b) {int r = a / b; If (R & LT; 0 & R * B! = A) Return R-1; Return r; } If in the statement, I am R & lt; Put 0 - though I'm not sure if you want to do that. If you (if & lt; 0 & amp; b & gt; 0) will be consistent with your description, "when Also, I split a negative int f...

php - Best method of Zend Framework caching -

I have a blog that is created using the Zend Framework, which I realize is a bit of a blog alone High, but I'm planning to add other features in the future, even then, I've found that the page can be slightly faster. I have a basic caching method that basically captures everything in index.php (core frontend and file backend), which works great, but unfortunately it prevents updating of dynamic page content (like message "It was posted 5 minutes ago"). Etc.) Unless the cash period will expire. So my question is, what would be the best way to cache improving performance? I'm doing a lot of basic questions, which makes a very simple selection, joins a lot or is not fancy (by using the Zend_DB_Table), and even a little database page load is also slightly sluggish. Is this query worth cache or should I focus my time somewhere? Required for your rendering ("Post x minutes ago"), you push caching a little bit upstream You can. Do not cache the HTML ...

encryption - PGP Encrypt from C# using GnuPG -

I am trying to encrypt the incoming document in C #, and I use GnuPG with input redirection I am here. I need to use the -se (sign and encrypt) in a single step, in which the passphrase is required to be entered. But for some reason, the input redirection is not working. appreciate your help. Control is going to block other I'm not sure whether the deadlock for input or the hair process (GPG.exe) is awaiting. pgpproc = new process (); Pgpproc.StartInfo.FileName = exeFilePath; Pgpproc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false; Pgpproc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True; Pgpproc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; Pgpproc.StartInfo.Arguments = "-a -oC: \ PGpsitting \ Output .pgp -se -r Recipient ID: \ PGPStaging \ input.txt"; Pgpproc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; Pgpproc.start (); StreamStateWriter = pgpproc.StandardInput; MyStreamWriter.Write ("*****"); MyStreamWriter.Close (); If (pgpproc.WaitForExit (waitime)) {// success} other {// failure pgpproc....

ankhsvn - Configuring subversion for visual studio -

I have Visual Studio 2008 running on Windows 7 (x86). I installed Enterprise (server + client), Turtle svn and ankhsvn on my system. I can add my own solution to the dissection repository using the URL: file: // c: / svn_repository / but when I try "svn: // localhost" I do not see any repository on my system. My friend who is on the same LAN can not see my repository. Should I be used for others in the LAN to be able to see the repository? create svnadmin Make sure that your saver is running, make a repository ( svnserve .exe ) for example sysinternals with process explorer Check that you can connect with Kurtuesen as the URL using svn: // yourip and add your project either Your friend should use the same URL using your own Try host name Note: Local Host is not your hostname !!!

how to create drop down list with html and css only? -

I just want to know the easiest way to create a drop down list with html and css. Use the selection tag. & lt; Select & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Red & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Green & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Blue & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Yellow & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt;

Why are the Visual Studio 2010 icons blurry when compared to the Visual Studio 2005 icons? -

यह छवि दिखाती है कि मैं किस बारे में बात कर रहा हूं। बाएं पर दृश्य स्टूडियो 2010, दाएं पर विज़ुअल स्टूडियो 2005। यदि आप जेपीजी संपीड़न कलाकृतियों की उपेक्षा करते हैं तो आप यह बता सकते हैं कि बाएं आइकन सही आइकन की तुलना में अधिक ब्लरर हैं। क्या इस एंटी-अलियासिंग को बंद करने का कोई तरीका है? डेवलपर्स को बदलने की एक तीव्र इच्छा होती है हर आइकन लोगों के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है, फैंसी होने के लिए, 3 डी और एंटी-अलाइज कार्यालय चिह्नों में क्या गलत था केवल ईश्वर जानता है या 3 डी प्रभावों के साथ स्पष्ट और पीले वक्ता चिह्न को दो गाढ़ा हलकों से क्यों बदला गया।

Database Design for a double entry accounting system -

Should journal entries be entered into a database design? The real world makes sense to keep a daily entry book, then later the daily entry transfers the book into double entry accounts. But in the computerized version, doing this generates duplicate records and does not quite make sense? Real Life: User --- & gt; Journal Day Book (Single Entry) --- & gt; The Leasure Account (Double Entry) The thing about double entry book-uping is That any trained accountant will understand this immediately, so if you are creating a system for accountants, then if you model your domain perfectly, then it will make communication easier. There may be business rules that can be implemented only in a double entry model (just one guess on my part). It also provides a good audit trail, which is always useful. Edit "I was more interested in knowing whether or not I should record journal entries" If I was presenting a logical data model for a group of users from ...

xslt - How can I put an html text in a label with xsl? -

Assume that an XML document to me I have html text tag I do I demonstrate with XSL this text I want the Html tag htmlInfo . I thought I could put it in (XSL) label, but it does not work. What can i do You will probably have to encode it in XML, so it looks like: & lt; TableInfo & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 1 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; HtmlInfo & gt; & Amp; Lt; HTML xmlns = ' / 1999 / xHTML' & amp; Gt; & Amp; Lt; Head & gt; And & lt; / Head & amp; Gt; & Amp; Lt; Body & amp; Gt; & Amp; Lt; P & amp; Gt; Xzxzxzxzxz & amp; Lt; / P & amp; Gt; & Amp; Lt; P & amp; Gt; Hghghgh & amp; Lt; / P & amp; Gt; & Amp; Lt; / Body & amp; Gt; & Amp; Lt; / HTML & amp; Gt; & Lt; / HtmlInfo & gt; & Lt; TableInfo & gt; Then all the & lt; Letter code > and have been replaced with> is replaced with A & amp; & should be; Amp; ... you do not us...

Which is the best counterpart to ANTLR to create parsers in ruby? -

I have used antlar and java / freeze for a while. Now I have to write a bunch of parsers using NTLR grammar, but such parser needs to be written in Ruby Lang. I went to Gogal but got nothing. Is there a Ruby Parser generator that takes antilay grammar and can create a parser? If there are many people, which is best in your opinion? TIA Paolo You also generate parser with ANTLR for Java or C And can call it with Jerubi from its Ruby program or This should encourage you to perform a demonstration that you can have a great advantage to pars to so many inputs.

Problem with loop in Java -

निम्न कोड में क्या गलती है? जबकि ((चार टी == (चार) ())! = '0') आप जबकि लूप में एक नया चर घोषित नहीं कर सकते जबकि (बूलियन हमेशा = सच) {} / / नहीं करता है COMPILE !!! आपको लूप से पहले और बाहर चर को घोषित करना पड़ेगा, तो शायद ऐसा कुछ: बूलीयन हमेशा = सच; जबकि (हमेशा) {ब्रेक; } / / ठीक संकलन! // हमेशा लूप के बाद क्षेत्र में है! हमेशा = हमेशा; इस अर्थ में, के लिए लूप अद्वितीय है: आप वास्तव में एक नया स्थानीय चर का घोषित कर सकते हैं, जिसका दायरा उस लूप तक सीमित है: के लिए (बूलीयन हमेशा = सच; हमेशा;) {ब्रेक; } / / ठीक संकलन! // हमेशा लूप के बाद घोषित नहीं होता! हमेशा = हमेशा; / / नहीं COMPILE! उसने कहा, आप क्या कर रहे हैं यह देखते हुए, आप शायद देखना चाहें। मुझे संदेह है कि यह आपके लिए ज्यादा बेहतर सेवा देगी। उदाहरण यहां मानक इनपुट से संख्याओं को पढ़ने के लिए स्कैनर का उपयोग करने का एक उदाहरण है 0 पर। फिर उन संख्याओं का योग प्रिंट करता है। यह /। स्कैनर sc = नया स्कैनर ( के बदले अभाज्य इनपुट को संभालता है; System.out.p...

Rate My Script: Finding Flash Files Embedded in Office Files -

Can anyone improve on this? Sysinternals Strings are Required Date / T & gt; N: \ output.txt net use z: / remove net usage: \\ svr-002 \ rmstudentwork @ cd / d "z: \" "n: \ scripts and reggae frags \ search embedded flash file \ strings.x" -s * .xls | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagues \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .ppt | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Frags \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .doc | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Frags \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .xlsx | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagues \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .pptx | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagu...

How to add dependencies to 3rd party library using nexus/maven -

I'm trying to use the Nexus + M2 Eclipse / Maven-3 professional, and I have a huge third party Library has found many dependencies are needed Is there any way to reduce the pain by uploading these third party libraries to Nexus, so that all dependencies are connected, so that whatever its Needed, it only needs to add a dependency-tag for it Do you thanks for your help? Thank you for your help. I do not know about such a facility. Do I need to make POM myself? I will be the third party I will not Piom for literacy but I'll actually upload (and Nexus).

hibernate - Getting changes in one column of an historical table -

I have a table that stores historical data. It is mapped to one unit with the following areas (I use JPA with Hibernate implementation): @Antity @Table (name = "items_historical") Public class ItemHistory {Private Intex ID; Private date; @Enumerated (EnumType.ORDINAL) Private StatusEnum status @ManyToOne (optional = false) Personal user user; @ManyToOne (optional = false) Private items item; } Public enum StatusEnum {OK, Bad, ... // my status} On every line I store historical data from another table. I need to get a list of changes on the "Status" column: the status, date, and previous position of a particular item (this situation will be fine and the situation will change when the situation is changed). I do not know if this is possible by using HQL. Thank you. Instead of designing a custom solution why do not you use a solution for historical data (before Is known as Jebos Enars)? I think you will find the features of Envers quite compelling.

cocoa - Changing color of the NSWindow titlebar -

I am developing a desktop application in which I want to change the color of NSWindow's title bar. how can I do this? To change the color of the window's toolbar: Attribute Set text style in Inspector. In the code: [Window setback color: MyCustomColor];

Apache mod rewrite .htaccess problem -

My site is a php based site, but I have added wordpress to a / blog / folder .htaccess file below / blog / Should allow access to the folder, but I get a 404 error, which is saying that blog.php is not present. & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; % {SCRIPT_FILENAME} on Reviving SignatureConnect! \. (Gif | jpg | png) $ rewrite note% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -R Revittium ^ (. *) / (. *) / $ / $ 1_ $ 2.php [L] Rewrite Rule ^ (. *) / $ / $ 1.PHP [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; Anybody able to help? Last rewrite your request / blog / to index Redirecting to php , to check if a blog folder is a request or not, you should add a RewriteCond Rewrite% {REQUEST_URI}! ^ / Blog /.*

sharepoint - how to write the SPQuery for getting all data of contact list? -

I am writing SPQuery to get data in the contact list of the SharePoint site. But how do I write? This means that I want to retrieve the data: name: aaa cell number: 13123131 address: some address here .. so on ... Previous name (built by me) in the given search text box How to do it What does the query mean to me? (Please syntax). string site url = "http: // sharepointserver /"; String webUrl = "MySubSite"; (SPS ite site = new SPS ite (site url)) (SPWeb web = site. OpenWeb (web url)) {SPList list = web.Lists ["contact"]; String last name = "smith"; SPQuery q = new SPQuery (); Q.Query = string.Format ("& lt; ou FieldRef name = 'title' /> gt; & lt; / eq & gt; & lt; / where & gt; ", lastName); SPListItemCollection item = list.GetItems (q); Forex currency (item SPLIT item) {console. Videoline (item ["title"]); }}}

math - Project Euler #10 Java solution not working -

I am trying to find the sum of key numbers & lt; 2,000,000 This is my solution in Java but I can not find the correct answer. Returns the 'amount': 1308111344, which is wrong. Edit: Thanks for all help. Changed for a long time and & lt; & Lt; = And it is unable to work, but inefficient way to find the key numbers :) / * The sum of the prices of 10 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17 20 Find out the amount of prime of all below million. * / Class assistant {goes public zero () {integer sum = 0; For (IntiI = 2; I The result will be too large to fit in a round, so you Trying to use one or the other instead this case is quite long.

c# - How to efficiently get highest & lowest values from a List<double?>, and then modify them? -

I need to get a list of doubles. If the amount is> 100, then I should subtract from the highest number unless it is = 100. If the amount is & lt; 100, I have to increase the number to the least until it = 100 not I can do this in the list, while assigning the value of the placeholder variable and following higher or lower examinations, but I am thinking that any guru can suggest from there super cool & amp; Is there an efficient way to do this? The code given below is basically what I am trying to achieve: var splitValues ​​= new list & lt; Double? & Gt; (); SplitValues.Add (Math.Round (assetSplit.EquityTypeSplit (?? 0)); SplitValues.Add (math.road (assetSplit.PropertyTypeSplit () ?? 0)); SplitValues.Add (Math.Round (assetSplit.FixedInterestTypeSplit () ?? 0)); SplitValues.Add (Math.Round (assetSplit.CashTypeSplit () ?? 0)); Var listSum = splitValues.Sum (partition = & gt; split.Value); If (listSum! = 100) {if (listSum> 100) {// How to get the highest v...

xaml - Default Style ListBox / ListView / ComboBox SelectedItem -

I would like to know that when you select an item in any of the collections, to remove the default style, which of the XAML Setters need to be changed (listview / listbox / combobox). By default this is blue, but I do not want any visual aspect because objects in my list box have a stapple panel and I do not want a blue background around the item if the user clicks next to the stackpanel . I hope someone can help me. You can check this post: and this MSDN blog post: If you want to change the style of the selected items, then just define this style, and you can set the same style for the selected items and other items: style target type = "Catalogboxime" & gt; & Lt; Style.Resources & gt; & Lt; Solid collar brush x: key = "{x: static system calculators. Highlights brush}" color = "transparent" /> & Lt; Solid Colors Brush x: Key = "{x: Static System Colors. Highlight Textbrushing}" Color = "Black" /...

Silverlight screen resolution -

Based on the maximum size of the window, I want to remove a path in my menopause application to set PageSize on my dotaggar So that when scrollbar expands, it will not be shown. any idea? Here is a post about javascript checking, if the window is maximized if you If you are running in the browser, you should be able to make some calls from Silverlight.

c - how to detect if openGL/card supports non power of 2? -

What is the best way to find out whether any graphics card and compiled open GL binary texture supports 2 times are not power? You can use with glGet or GLEW. Edit to reflect comments: This feature is required as OpenGL 2.0 and ARB_texture_non_power_of_two should not be defined. How to know the current version? Jerry explains: Depending on the GPU, this feature can be implemented in the software and the display will not be good if you use texture with two-two-size non-power.

Best Redis library for Java -

The official Radis homepage lists JDBC-Radis and JRDES. What are the advantages / disadvantages of each? Are there any other options ? You can also use that which is also in the. It is compatible with the latest version of Redis. Update According to June 2012, Jedis is a Java Client Library which is recommended by the Radis official page.

c# - EmguCV - MatchTemplate -

I have some code like this that find all the examples of templates in the result image. image & lt; Gray, byte & gt; TemplateMaj = New Image & lt; Gray, byte & gt; (BMPSNIP); Image & lt; Gray, Float & gt; ImgMatch = sourceImage.MatchTemplate (template image,; And then loop through imgMatch.Data [,] if the property exceeds one limit (say 0.75) and place the marker on the image about a match. But there is no point in matches, I suspect that I am doing wrong in coordination. float [,] matches = IMGmatch Data; For (int x = 0; x & lt; matches.GetLength (0); x ++) {for (int y = 0; y and lt; matches.GetLength (1); y ++) {double matchoscope = Match [x, y, 0]; If (matchcocker> 0.75) (rectangle = new rectangle (new point (x, y), new size (1, 1)); ImgSource.Draw (rect, new (color.Blue), 1); }}} If I use Minimum Max as below: double [] minutes, max; Point [] PointMine, Point Max; ImgMatch.MinMax (out of...

.net 4.0 - Entity Framework POCO objects -

I am struggling to understand Entity Framework and Poko objects. Here's what I am trying to achieve. 1) Separate the DAL from my business level using the business interface to my DAL using the interface. Maybe use unity to make my reference. 2) Use the unit framework inside my DAL. I have a domain model with objects that reside in my business layer. I have a database of tables that does not really represent my domain model. I setup the unit framework and generated POCO objects using the ADO.NET POCO Generator extension. This gave me an item for each table in my database, now I context.GetAll & lt; Users & gt; (); I want to be able to say and it can return a list of my user objects, the user object is in my business level. Is this possible? Does this make sense or should I completely stop and start? I'm guessing that I have to use the repository pattern to get this, but I'm not sure. In the examples how NTI Framework 4 is in the order of N-complex...

iphone - Why does this UIImage disappear from UITableViewCell when rotating to landscape? -

I am trying to set up a UITableViewCell which has an image in the upper right corner. I'm working for portrait mode, but when I rotate in the scenario, the image disappears. Here is the code: - (UITableViewCell *) Table view: (UITableView *) Table view CellForOutPath: (NSIC XPath *) IndexPath {Fixed NSString * Cell Identifier = "Sale ";; UITableViewCell * cell = [tableview] dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; If (cell == null) {cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: CellIdentifier] autorelease]; Cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator; UIImage * Coke image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "star_corner.png"]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (cell.contentView.bounds.size.width - corner image.Width, 0, corner image. Size.width, corner image.ize.height)]; ImageView.tag = kCornerImageViewTag; [Cell.contentView addSubview: imageVie...

struts2 invalid.token returned when form submitted using JQuery -

I have received a code in which I have to include the prevention of CSRF and to use the struts2 token session interceptor I am trying to do I am adding a token using the Stroops 2 token tag in my form: & lt; Form id = "updateObject" name = "updateObject" action = "& lt;% = request.getContextPath)% & gt; /prv/updateObject.action" method = "POST" & gt; & Lt; Fieldet class = "x-field" & gt; & Lt; Legend & gt; Update the object - action needed & lt; / Legend & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; S: Token / & gt; & Lt; S: Hidden name = "id" id = "objectId" /> More stuff here ... & lt; Input type = "submit" value = "update object" onclick = "javascript: return doUpdateObject ('myAction');" /> & Lt; / Fieldset & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; In my Javascript function, I'm add...

document.onclick settimeout function javascript help -

I have a document. I can not get the right of syntax for the onclic function which I would like to delay. My original code I tried the following, but that code is incorrect, the function has not been executed and nothing has happened. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Document.onclick = setTimeout ("Check", 1000); I tried the next set, the function was executed, but there was no delay. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; SetTimeout (document.onclick = check, 1000); TIA Edit: The solutions were all good, my problem was that I wanted to get the ID of the element I use the function check for. But after the delay, whatever click was being done, there is no "memory" of it, so the rest of the work is not executed. document.onclick = makeDelayedHandler (check, 1000); The code that is working (does not work in IE6). // "Handling Time" function handler function "f...

php - A logical problem with two tables -

Hey guys, I have made a list for fixtures. mysql_query (" As you can see from the query, the date is displayed from the fixtures table. The way my system works is that when "steady" is played, it is removed from this table so that when the whole round fixtures are completed, there is no date for that round in this table. Was there. They will be in the second table. Anyway, if I can run another query for the dates at the same time, and there is no date in the results table, then can I display the date from the fixtures table? "SELECT * FROM" .TBL_CONF_RESULTS "Where compiled = '$ _GET [id]' and amp; type2 = '2' order date" this will be the second query! Edit from here ... Can any one select a date from two tables and then use only one if there are matches then my query Use the lines of dates to fill (grouped by)? Is this possible? It looks as if you want two result set union, similar to the following: SELECT f....

java - How to make safe frequent DataSource switches for AbstractRoutingDataSource? -

I have implemented dynamic datosource routing for speeding, as in hibernation. I have several databases with the same structure and I have to choose which DB will run each specific query. Everything works fine on the local host, but I worry about how it will keep in the real web site environment. To determine which data source they are using some fixed reference holders: Public class CustomerContextHolder {Private Static Last Threadlock & lt; Customer Type & gt; Referhold = New Thread Local & lt; Customer Type & gt; (); Public static void customer customer type (customer type customer type) {Assert.notNull (customerType, "customer type may not be nonsense"); ContextHolder.set (customerType); } Public stable customer type getCustomerType () {returns (customer type) reference holder.get (); } Public static zero empty customer type () {contextHolder.remove (); }} This is wrapped in some threadlocks containers, but what does this mean? What happens whe...

priority queue - Java: PriorityQueue returning incorrect ordering from custom comparator? -

This question is already an answer here 4 replies I created a custom The comparator is written to compare my node classes, but the Java priority queue is not returning its items in the correct order Here is my comparator:. public integer comparison (node ​​n1, node n2) {if (n1.getF ()> gt; n2.getF ()) {back 1; } And if (n1.getF () & lt; n2.getF ()) {return -1; } Else {// equal return 0; }} Where getF returns a double, though after inserting several nodes in the priority queue, I print them out using: while open .size ()> 0) {node t = (node) (open.remove ()); Println (t.getF ()); } Which results in: 6,830951894845301 6,830951894845301 6,0 6,0 5,242640687119285 74031242374328485 74031242374328485 8 , 071067811865476 Why is any idea why? Is my comparator wrong? Thank you. Mike How are you printing those values? I do not think that the Iterator PriorityQueue from provides the same order assurance composite class, that is so potential if ...

How to morphing of two images in iphone programming -

कैसे आईफोन प्रोग्रामिंग में दो छवियों को मोर्फ़िंग करना है। आपका सवाल आईफोन से संबंधित नहीं है .. आप जिस एल्गोरिथम की तलाश कर रहे हैं वह भाषा-अज्ञेयवादी है क्योंकि यह सिर्फ छवियों के साथ काम करता है। जिस तरह से यह दो छवियों के लिए काफी जटिल है, आमतौर पर आपको दो छवियों पर अंक की एक ग्रिड एम्बेड करना चाहिए जो विशेषताओं को जोड़ते हैं जिन्हें morphed होना चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए यदि आपके पास दो चेहरे हैं, तो आप एक ग्रिड का उपयोग करेंगे जो आँखें, मुंह, कान, नाक, चेहरे के किनारे और इतने पर जोड़ता है: ये दो ग्रिड morpher को बताता है कि एक बिन्दु को दूसरे समय में "अनुवाद" कैसे करें दो छवियों को सम्मिलित करना पिछले चरण स्वचालित रूप से (विशिष्ट सॉफ़्टवेयर के साथ) या हाथ से किया जा सकता है। अधिक बेहतर अंक आपके परिणाम होंगे फिर आप असली मोर्फ़िंग अनुक्रम कर सकते हैं: मूल रूप से आप दो छवियों के बीच एक प्रक्षेपण करते हैं (जिसमें आपके द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाला पैरामीटर अंतिम होगा मोर्फ़िंग स्थिति के अनुसार हमेशा पैरामीट्रिक फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करते हुए आपको वास्तव में एक विश्व...

php - Extended Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract does not return values -

I am quite new to the Zend and its database class. I am having trouble in mapping a Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract in my rows The problem is that whenever I try to map it to a class, which is zand_d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Extends the abstract class, then database data is no longer accessible. I have not found any errors, trying to get data just turns out zero. Even my code is: Jobs: Expanding class jobs Zend_Db_Table_Abstract {protected $ _name = 'jobs'; Protected $ _rowsetClass = "Job"; Public function getActiveJobs () $ $ Select = $ this- & gt; Select () - & gt; Where ('jobs.jobDateOpen & lt; UNIX_TIMESTAMP ()') - & gt; Border (15,0); $ Rows = $ this- & gt; Get All (select $); Return $ rows; }} Job: Class job is expanded Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract {public function getCompanyName () {// Company name for this line (Other table ), Just for example}} Controller: $ oJobs = new jobs (); $ AActiveJobs = $ oJo...

Jquery click function does not load ajax tabs -

I have some tabs that load AJAX content. When I click on the tab, it loads the AJAX content completely, no problem is completely cured, as it is in the Jquery DEMO. But when I try to use the tab using an onclick function, the tab opens but Ajax does it be a known issue? Does the AJAX tab depend on the user clicking to load on the URL. This code is: $ ("# signuptabs"). Tab (); & Lt; Div id = "signuptabs" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "type.php" & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; Type & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "umber.php" & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; CNMF & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "vices.php" & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; S & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt...

c# - Access denied when using RunWithElevatedPrivileges? -

I think that a regular user can use the MySite Root Site "User Information List". I'm still using the "RunWithElevatedPrivileges" method still denied entry error. For example, my root site collection for mysite is "". Users want to rate this user's information. How can he reach? Spisakwayrikrnvibhinn Elivetejh (representatives using {(SPS ite site = new SPS ite (SPContext.Current.Web.Site.ID)) {ServerContext sc = ServerContext.Current; UserProfileManager Upm = new UserProfileManager (sc); UserProfile up = null; // the current user receives the profile (visitors) if (upm.UserExists (SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName)) {up = upm.GetUserProfile (SPContext.Current. Web.CurrentUser.LoginName); SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web; SPList userInformationList = web.Lists [ "user information list"]; SPContext.Curr ent Rnveitileted Praivlsjh elevated runs out of context. See blog post for more information.

Saving full page content using Selenium -

I was wondering what is the best way to save all files by going to a site called Selenium. In other words, when Selenium visits I want to save the contents of HTML, Javascript (including scripts referred to in SRT tags), pictures, and possibly in iframes. How can this be done? I know the HTML source () will return the HTML content to the body of the main frame, but it can be extended to download the full set of files needed to render that page again. thank you in advanced! Selenium is not designed for it, either: Use getHtmlSource and parse the resulting HTML for references to external files, which you can download and store outside of Selenium. Use something other than selenium to download and store the offline version of a website - I'm sure there are so many tools that can do this if you do a search for example , WGet can download recursive () Is there a reason you want to use selenium? Is this part of your test strategy or do you want to find tools that wil...

sql server - SqlCE DB occasionally freezes on one handheld, not another -

I have two types of custom handhelds that are similar, but slightly different, running each WinForm application and a WinCE database Type 1: Vinay 4.2, 400 MHz, 93244 KB Type 2: Win CE 5.0, 520 MHz, 84208 KB Type 1 will happily move forward through a large batch DB operation, Crawling will start continuously (for multiple cycles) around 200 cycle mark by type 2 at this point at several points Will start walking and will crawl again. Many DB sessions in the AP (inserts, updates and selects, no one deleted). To make my situation easier, I has created a small test app that essentially does this: command_. Common text = "Choose DVR from VR where weed = 2211250"; Command_u.CommandText = "Setup Update PVR LocationID = 81 where position = 'OK' and '= 27861;'; while (going) {command_s.ExecuteScalar (); command_u.ExecuteNonQuery ();} and shut it down with two units. Needed, the slower (400 MHz) unit is faster than the (520 MHz) unit (it's about...