Rate My Script: Finding Flash Files Embedded in Office Files -
Can anyone improve on this? Sysinternals Strings are Required
Date / T & gt; N: \ output.txt net use z: / remove net usage: \\ svr-002 \ rmstudentwork @ cd / d "z: \" "n: \ scripts and reggae frags \ search embedded flash file \ strings.x" -s * .xls | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagues \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .ppt | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Frags \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .doc | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Frags \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .xlsx | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagues \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .pptx | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagues \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .docx | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" date / t> & Gt; N: \ Output .txt Net Usage: z: / Delete / Yes & gt; & Gt; N: \ output.txt net usage z: \\ svr-003 \ rmstudentwork "n: \ scripts and reggae frags \ search embedded flash file \ strings.ax" -s * .xls | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagues \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .ppt | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Frags \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .doc | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Frags \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .xlsx | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagues \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .pptx | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" "N: \ Scripts and Reg Fraagues \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" -s * .docx | Searchst \ .swf & gt; & Gt; "N: \ output.txt" net usage z: / delete / yes
Basically it mountes a share as a network drive and then swf files inside office documents Runs through stock in search. I'm not a batch file expert, but I think you can:
Store the duplicated path in the variable: Set
STRINGS = "N: \ Scripts and regga frogs \ FindEmbededFlashFiles \ strings.exe" OUTFILE = N: \ output.txt
and For/ rz: \ %% f (* .xls * in) .ppt * .doc * .xlsx * .pptx * .docx) Do (% STRINGS% -q " (Note that this loop can also be defined as
@ cd / d: z: \ "%% f" | searchst .. SWF & gt; & gt;% OUTFILE%)
-s returns the parameters of the strings.)
Disclaimer: I'm writing from, therefore the suggested code can not work or may require additional fine-tuning. Anyways, I hope you get this idea from this.
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