Django model timerange filtering method -
I saw the next two methods in an old question but it is not clear to me that what is the difference between:
{'date_time_field__range': (datetime.datetime.combine (date, datetime.time.min), datetime.datetime.combine (date, datetime.time.max))}
< / Ex>and
< / Div>YourModel.objects.filter (datetime_published__year = '2008', datetime_published__month = '03 ', datetime_published__day =' 27 ')
It was confused about myself, but I think I have done this: -DI is very much used I found.
When you do:
YourModel.objects.filter (datetime_published__year = '2008', datetime_published__month = '03 ', datetime_published__day =' 27 ')
The SQL will look like this:
SELECT ... Where extract ('year' from Pub_date) = '2008' and extract ('pub_date' from 'month') = '03' and extract ('day' to pub_date) = '27';
While this part of the generic date-based visuals of Django:
{date_time_field_range}: (datetime.datetime.combine (date, datetime.time. Min), Datetime.datetime.combine (date, datetime.time.max))}
Something happens:
yourModel.objects. Filter (datetime_published__range = (Datetime.datetime.combine ('2008-03-27', datetime.time.min), datetime.datetime.combine ('2008-03-27', datetime.time.max))
which generates SQL with lines:
SELECT ... WHERE between datetime_published '2008-03-27 00:00:00' and ' 2008-03-27 23: 59: 59 ';
(Timestom in last SQL example The form format is clearly wrong, but you get this idea)
Hope you answer your question :)
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