ruby on rails - Cucumber could not find table; but it's there. What is going on? -

I am working with cucumber and I am running into difficulties when I run "features of cucumber" I got the error, the cucumber is unable to find my request table, what is the obvious mistake I am doing?


  Justin-Zollers-Mac-Pro: conversion justinz $ cucumber usage of default profile ... / Users / Ostmins / GM / RBI / 1.8 / GEMS / RIS-2.3.3 / LIB / Arial / GM_translation. RBI 19: WARNING: Ratna :: Dependency #Version_equities should be removed on August 2010 or after it has been disliked. #requirement Use F-- (: :) Failed Stages (: :) Could not get table 'request' (ActiveRecord :: StatementInvalid) ./features/article_steps.rb:3 ./features/ Article_steps.rb: 2: In 'each' ./features/article_steps.rbazines: in`/ ^ I have a request (. +) $ / 'Features / manage_articles.feature: 7: has been given in' Foo, Bar 'Failure scenario: Cucumber characteristics / Management_which Feature: 6 # Scenario: Conversion 1 scenario (1 unsuccessful) 3 steps (1 failed, 2 dropped) 0m0.154 s justin-zollarss-mac-pro: conversion justinz $  

< Strong> management_write Feature:

  Convenience: Manage Articles In order to sell, I want to convert as a customer. Scenario: In the conversion, I have made a request named Fu, times when I go to the list of customers then I am given a new customer " 


  Name is requested (. +) $ / Do | firsts | Firsts.split (',') .each Do | First | Make a request! (#: First => First) Pending Repeat the regexp with the code above # that you want you end up in the end. Then / ^ give me a new "([^"] *) "$ / do | Arg1 | Pending # above regexp ends with the code you want  

DB schema:

  ActiveRecord :: Schema defined Do: (version => 20100528011731) Create_tables "request",: force = & gt; Do true T | T.string "organization" t.string "type" t.string "user" t .string "first" t.string "last" t.string "Jobtitle" t.string "phone" t .string "email" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "update_at" and end  


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